diff --git a/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/StrippingBu2LLK.py b/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/StrippingBu2LLK.py
index 440c1bd144ab46f93b114e3fe7ef31cf2140cf82..f1bba4c182e42a60f3ff3e2f09c4447c40905dc6 100644
--- a/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/StrippingBu2LLK.py
+++ b/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/StrippingBu2LLK.py
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
 # granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
 # or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
-__author__  = 'Patrick Koppenburg, Alex Shires, Thomas Blake, Luca Pescatore, Simone Bifani, Yasmine Amhis, Paula Alvarez Cartelle, Harry Cliff, Rafael Silva Coutinho, Guido Andreassi, Mick Mulder, Maarten van Veghel, John Smeaton, Vitalii Lisovskyi, Biplab Dey'
-__date__    = '14/03/2021'
-__version__ = '$Revision: 6 $'
+__author__  = 'Patrick Koppenburg, Alex Shires, Thomas Blake, Luca Pescatore, Simone Bifani, Yasmine Amhis, Paula Alvarez Cartelle, Harry Cliff, Rafael Silva Coutinho, Guido Andreassi, Mick Mulder, Maarten van Veghel, John Smeaton, Vitalii Lisovskyi, Biplab Dey, Dan Thompson'
+__date__    = '20/06/2023'
+__version__ = '$Revision: 7 $'
 __all__ = ( 'Bu2LLKConf', 'default_config' )
@@ -906,6 +906,8 @@ class Bu2LLKConf(LineBuilder) :
         Sel_ee_Loose       = self._make_ee_Loose("Sel_ee_Loose_For" + self._name, params = config )
         Sel_mm_Loose       = self._make_mm_Loose("Sel_mm_Loose_For" + self._name, params = config )
+        Sel_me_Loose       = self._make_me_Loose("Sel_me_Loose_For" + self._name, params = config )
+        Sel_meSS_Loose       = self._make_me_Loose("Sel_meSS_Loose_For" + self._name, params = config , samesign=True)
         SelL1520forpKll    = self._makeL1520forpkll("SelL1520For"  + self._name,params = config )
@@ -914,6 +916,15 @@ class Bu2LLKConf(LineBuilder) :
                                             dimuons  = Sel_mm_Loose, 
                                             params   = config )
+        SelLb2pkmeLoose    = self._makeLb2pkme(meXLine_name + "_pkmeLoose",
+                                            l1520    = SelL1520forpKll,
+                                            mue  = Sel_me_Loose, 
+                                            params   = config )
+        SelLb2pkmeSSLoose    = self._makeLb2pkme(meXSSLine_name + "_pkmeSSLoose",
+                                            l1520    = SelL1520forpKll,
+                                            mue  = Sel_meSS_Loose, 
+                                            params   = config )
         SelLb2pkeeLoose    = self._makeLb2pkee(eeXLine_name + "_pkeeLoose",
                                             l1520    = SelL1520forpKll,
                                             dilepton = Sel_ee_Loose,
@@ -1115,6 +1126,20 @@ class Bu2LLKConf(LineBuilder) :
                                                   MDSTFlag          = False,
                                                   MaxCandidates = 4000)
+        self.Lb2pkmeLooseLine    = StrippingLine( meXLine_name + "_Lb2pkmeLoose" + "Line",
+                                                  selection         = SelLb2pkmeLoose,
+                                                  RelatedInfoTools  = config['RelatedInfoTools'] + RelInfoTrackIsolationBDT2_Lb2pKll,
+                                                  FILTER            = SPDFilter_loose, # SPD < 600
+                                                  MDSTFlag          = False,
+                                                  MaxCandidates = 4000)
+        self.Lb2pkmeSSLooseLine    = StrippingLine( meXSSLine_name + "_Lb2pkmeSSLoose" + "Line",
+                                                  selection         = SelLb2pkmeSSLoose,
+                                                  RelatedInfoTools  = config['RelatedInfoTools'] + RelInfoTrackIsolationBDT2_Lb2pKll,
+                                                  FILTER            = SPDFilter_loose, # SPD < 600
+                                                  MDSTFlag          = False,
+                                                  MaxCandidates = 4000)
         self.Lb2pkeeLooseLine    = StrippingLine( eeXLine_name + "_Lb2pkeeLoose" + "Line",
                                                   selection         = SelLb2pkeeLoose,
                                                   RelatedInfoTools  = config['RelatedInfoTools'] + RelInfoTrackIsolationBDT2_Lb2pKll,
@@ -1155,6 +1180,8 @@ class Bu2LLKConf(LineBuilder) :
         self.registerLine( self.B2KpipipimmLine )
         self.registerLine( self.B2KpipipieeLine )
         self.registerLine( self.Lb2pkmmLooseLine )
+        self.registerLine( self.Lb2pkmeLooseLine )
+        self.registerLine( self.Lb2pkmeSSLooseLine )
         self.registerLine( self.Lb2pkeeLooseLine )
         self.registerLine( self.Lb2KsppimmLooseLine )
         self.registerLine( self.Lb2KsppieeLooseLine )
@@ -2027,7 +2054,7 @@ class Bu2LLKConf(LineBuilder) :
         Make dimuons for Loose Lb->{pK, Ksppi}ll
         # Form the dimuon (B2XMuMu-like) w/ looser MINIPCHI2 
-        _dauCuts_mu     = "(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > 5) & (TRGHP < 0.6) & (PIDmu> -3.0)" 
+        _dauCuts_mu     = "(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > 5) & (TRGHP < 0.6) & (PIDmu> -3.0)"
         _momCuts_dimu   = "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF) < 12.0) & (BPVDIRA> -0.9) & (BPVVDCHI2 > 9.0)"
         _combCut_dimu   = "(AM < 7100*MeV)"
@@ -2037,6 +2064,24 @@ class Bu2LLKConf(LineBuilder) :
                                        MotherCut       = _momCuts_dimu)
         return Selection("sel_mm_Loose", Algorithm=comb_dimuon, RequiredSelections=[DataOnDemand(Location="Phys/StdAllLooseMuons/Particles")])
+    def _make_me_Loose( self, name, params, samesign = False ) :
+        """
+        Make dimuons for Loose Lb->{pK, Ksppi}ll
+        """
+        # Form the dimuon (B2XMuMu-like) w/ looser MINIPCHI2 
+        _dauCuts_mu     = "(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > 5) & (TRGHP < 0.6) & (PIDmu> -3.0)" 
+        _dauCuts_e     = "(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > 5) & (PT > 300 *MeV) & (ABSID==11) & (PIDe > 0)" #overwrites particle constructor cuts
+        _momCuts_mue   = "(VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF) < 12.0) & (BPVDIRA> -0.9) & (BPVVDCHI2 > 9.0)"
+        _combCut_mue   = "(AM < 7100*MeV)"
+        comb_mue = CombineParticles(DecayDescriptor = "[J/psi(1S) -> mu+ e-]cc" if not samesign else "[J/psi(1S) -> mu+ e+]cc",
+                                       DaughtersCuts   = {"mu+":_dauCuts_mu,"e-":_dauCuts_e},
+                                       CombinationCut  = _combCut_mue,
+                                       MotherCut       = _momCuts_mue)
+        return Selection(name, Algorithm=comb_mue, RequiredSelections=[DataOnDemand(Location="Phys/StdAllLooseMuons/Particles"),
+                                                                                    DataOnDemand(Location="Phys/StdLooseElectrons/Particles")])
     def _makeL1520forpkll( self, name, params ) :
         Make a Lambda(1520)0 -> p K
@@ -2100,6 +2145,26 @@ class Bu2LLKConf(LineBuilder) :
         return Selection("sel_Lb2pKmm", Algorithm = sel_Lb2pKmm_filter, RequiredSelections = [sel_Lb2pKmm_init])
+    def _makeLb2pkme( self, name, l1520, mue, params ) :
+        """
+        Make the Lb -> J/psi(1s) Lambda(1520)0
+        """
+        combB_Lb2pKme  = CombineParticles(DecayDescriptor = "[Lambda_b0 -> J/psi(1S) Lambda(1520)0]cc",
+                                          CombinationCut  = "in_range(4000,AM,7100)",
+                                          MotherCut       = "(in_range(4000,M,7100)) &  (VFASPF(VCHI2PDOF) < 30) & (PT>200*MeV)")
+        sel_Lb2pKme_init = Selection("selection_Lb2pKmeSS_init" if "SS" in name else "selection_Lb2pKme_init",
+                                     Algorithm=combB_Lb2pKme,
+                                     RequiredSelections=[mue,l1520])
+        sel_Lb2pKme_filter = FilterDesktop(Code = "(in_range(5000,mB,6500)) & (dtf_signif > 3.5) & (dtf_prob > 1.0E-6) & (mpK<4*GeV)")
+        sel_Lb2pKme_filter.Preambulo = [
+                                         "dtf_prob   = DTF_PROB(True)", 
+                                         "dtf_signif = DTF_CTAUSIGNIFICANCE(0, True)",
+                                         "mB         = DTF_FUN(M, True)",
+                                         "mpK        = DTF_FUN(CHILD(2, M),  True)"
+                                       ]
+        return Selection("sel_Lb2pKmeSS" if "SS" in name else "sel_Lb2pKme",
+                          Algorithm = sel_Lb2pKme_filter, RequiredSelections = [sel_Lb2pKme_init])
     def _makeLb2pkee( self, name, l1520, dilepton, params ) :