diff --git a/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/StrippingB2K1MuMu.py b/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/StrippingB2K1MuMu.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bdbde4d03c84de6f771a3bec5aa816996eec4bea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/StrippingB2K1MuMu.py
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+# (c) Copyright 2000-2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration      #
+#                                                                             #
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
+# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
+#                                                                             #
+# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
+# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+Stripping options for "B0 -> ( Jpsi -> mu+ mu- ) ( K1(1270) -> ( K*(892) -> K+ pi- ) pi0 )CC" - reconstructed as Bd -> Jpsi K* for efficiency reasons
+Also contains the SS muons line: "B0 -> ( Jpsi -> mu+ mu+ ) ( K1(1270) -> ( K*(892) -> K+ pi- ) pi0 )CC"
+Author: James Brown
+__author__ = ['James Brown']
+__date__ = '23/06/2023'
+__version__ = '$ 1.1 $'
+__all__ = ('Bd2K1MuMuLine',
+           'makeBdK1Jpsi',
+           'makeJpsis',
+           'makeKstars',
+           'default_config')
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
+from GaudiConfUtils.ConfigurableGenerators import CombineParticles
+from StandardParticles                     import StdLooseMuons, StdAllLooseKaons, StdAllLoosePions
+from PhysSelPython.Wrappers      import Selection
+from StrippingConf.StrippingLine import StrippingLine
+from StrippingUtils.Utils        import LineBuilder, checkConfig
+default_config = {
+    'NAME'        : 'Bd2K1MuMu',
+    'WGs'         : ['RD'],
+    'BUILDERTYPE' : 'Bd2K1MuMuLine',
+    'CONFIG'      : {'PrescaleBd2K1MuMuLine'  : 1,
+                    'PrescaleBd2K1MuMuSSLine' : 1,
+                    ### B0
+                     'BMassWindow'      : 2500,
+                     'BDIRA'            : 0.9995, 
+                     'BIPCHI2'          : 100,
+                     'BVertexCHI2'      : 9,
+                     'BVDCHI2'          : 100,
+                    ### Intermediates - Jpsi/Kst
+                     "InterMIPCHI2DV"   : 0,
+                     "InterVertexCHI2"  : 9,
+                     "JpsiUpperM"       : 9000,
+                     "JpsiLowerM"       : 1000,
+                     "KstUpperM"        : 1100,
+                     "KstLowerM"        : 700,
+                     "Kst_PT"           : 800,
+                    ### Final states
+                     "fsPT"             : 300,
+                     "fsMIPCHI2DV"      : 4,
+                     "fsTRCHI2"         : 4,
+                     "fsTRGHOSTPROB"    : 0.4,
+                     "fsPROBNN"         : 0.4,
+                     "muPROBpi"         : 0.95,
+                     "fsM"              : 2600,
+                    },
+    'STREAMS'     : ['Leptonic']
+class Bd2K1MuMuLine( LineBuilder ) :
+    __configuration_keys__ = default_config['CONFIG'].keys()
+    def __init__( self,name,config ) :
+        LineBuilder.__init__(self, name, config)
+        Bd2K1MuMuName = name
+        # Default SPD hits filter
+        SPDFilter = {
+            'Code'      : " ( recSummary(LHCb.RecSummary.nSPDhits,'Raw/Spd/Digits') < 600 )" ,
+            'Preambulo' : [ "from LoKiNumbers.decorators import *", "from LoKiCore.basic import LHCb" ]
+            }
+        # Make parents
+        # Mu+Mu-/Mu-Mu+
+        self.Jpsi = makeJpsis(  "JpsisForBd2K1MuMu",
+                                config['InterMIPCHI2DV'], config['InterVertexCHI2'], config['JpsiLowerM'], config['JpsiUpperM'],
+                                config['fsPT'], config['fsMIPCHI2DV'], config['fsTRCHI2'], config['fsTRGHOSTPROB'], config['fsPROBNN'], config['muPROBpi'], config['fsM'], 
+                                sameSign = False)
+        # Mu+Mu+/Mu-Mu- (SS)
+        self.JpsiSS = makeJpsis(  "SSJpsisForBd2K1MuMu",
+                                config['InterMIPCHI2DV'], config['InterVertexCHI2'], config['JpsiLowerM'], config['JpsiUpperM'],
+                                config['fsPT'], config['fsMIPCHI2DV'], config['fsTRCHI2'], config['fsTRGHOSTPROB'], config['fsPROBNN'], config['muPROBpi'], config['fsM'], 
+                                sameSign = True)
+        # Kstar candidates
+        self.Kst = makeKstars(  "KstForBd2K1MuMu",
+                                config['InterMIPCHI2DV'], config['InterVertexCHI2'], config['KstLowerM'], config['KstUpperM'], config['Kst_PT'],
+                                config['fsPT'], config['fsMIPCHI2DV'], config['fsTRCHI2'], config['fsTRGHOSTPROB'], config['fsPROBNN'], config['fsM'])
+        # Make B0
+        self.BdK1Jpsi = makeBdK1Jpsi( name, self.Jpsi, self.Kst, 
+                                            config['BMassWindow'], config['BVertexCHI2'], config['BIPCHI2'], config['BDIRA'], config['BVDCHI2'])
+        # Make B0 with SS
+        self.BdK1JpsiSS = makeBdK1Jpsi( name+'SS', self.JpsiSS, self.Kst, 
+                                            config['BMassWindow'], config['BVertexCHI2'], config['BIPCHI2'], config['BDIRA'], config['BVDCHI2'])
+        self.lineBd2K1MuMu = StrippingLine( Bd2K1MuMuName+"Line",
+                                                 prescale  = config['PrescaleBd2K1MuMuLine'],
+                                                 selection = self.BdK1Jpsi,
+                                                 FILTER = SPDFilter,
+                                                 EnableFlavourTagging = False,
+                                                 RequiredRawEvents = ["Trigger","Muon","Calo","Rich","Velo","Tracker"])
+        self.lineBd2K1MuMuSS = StrippingLine( Bd2K1MuMuName+"SSLine",
+                                                 prescale  = config['PrescaleBd2K1MuMuSSLine'],
+                                                 selection = self.BdK1JpsiSS,
+                                                 FILTER = SPDFilter,
+                                                 EnableFlavourTagging = False,
+                                                 RequiredRawEvents = ["Trigger","Muon","Calo","Rich","Velo","Tracker"])
+        self.registerLine(self.lineBd2K1MuMu)
+        self.registerLine(self.lineBd2K1MuMuSS)
+############################################################## FUNCTIONS
+def makeBdK1Jpsi( name, Jpsi, K1, 
+                        BMassWindow, BVertexCHI2, BIPCHI2, BDIRA, BVDCHI2) :
+    _combination_cuts = "( ADAMASS('B0') < %(BMassWindow)s * MeV )" %locals()
+    _mother_cuts = "( (VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF) < %(BVertexCHI2)s ) & (BPVIPCHI2() < %(BIPCHI2)s ) & (BPVDIRA > %(BDIRA)s ) & (BPVVDCHI2 > %(BVDCHI2)s ) )" %locals()
+    CombineBdK1Jpsi = CombineParticles( DecayDescriptor = "[B0 -> J/psi(1S) K*(892)0]cc",
+                                               CombinationCut = _combination_cuts,
+                                               MotherCut = _mother_cuts )
+    return Selection( name,
+                      Algorithm = CombineBdK1Jpsi,
+                      RequiredSelections = [ Jpsi, K1 ] )
+def makeJpsis(  name,
+                InterMIPCHI2DV, InterVertexCHI2, JpsiLowerM, JpsiUpperM,
+                fsPT, fsMIPCHI2DV, fsTRCHI2, fsTRGHOSTPROB, fsPROBNN, muPROBpi, fsM,
+                sameSign) :
+    _daughters_cuts = '(HASMUON) & (ISMUON) & ( PT > %(fsPT)s ) & ( MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > %(fsMIPCHI2DV)s ) & ( TRGHOSTPROB < %(fsTRGHOSTPROB)s ) & ( TRCHI2DOF < %(fsTRCHI2)s ) & ( PROBNNpi < %(muPROBpi)s ) & ( PROBNNmu > %(fsPROBNN)s )' %locals()
+    _combination_cuts = "(AM > 100*MeV)"
+    _mother_cuts = "(MM > %(JpsiLowerM)s *MeV) & (MM < %(JpsiUpperM)s *MeV) & (VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)<%(InterVertexCHI2)s) & (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > %(InterMIPCHI2DV)s )" %locals()
+    # identical cuts, just with the muon sign either the same or opposite
+    if sameSign :
+        decDesc = "[J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu+]cc"
+    else:
+        decDesc = "J/psi(1S) -> mu+ mu-"
+    CombineDiMuons = CombineParticles( DecayDescriptor = decDesc,
+                                               DaughtersCuts = { "mu+" : _daughters_cuts, "mu-" : _daughters_cuts},
+                                               CombinationCut = _combination_cuts,
+                                               MotherCut = _mother_cuts )
+    DiMuonConf = CombineDiMuons.configurable("CombineDiMuons")
+    return Selection( name,
+                      Algorithm = CombineDiMuons,
+                      RequiredSelections = [ StdLooseMuons ] )
+def makeKstars( name,
+                InterMIPCHI2DV, InterVertexCHI2, KstLowerM, KstUpperM, Kst_PT,
+                fsPT, fsMIPCHI2DV, fsTRCHI2, fsTRGHOSTPROB, fsPROBNN, fsM) :
+    _daughters_cuts = "(PT > %(fsPT)s) & (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)>%(fsMIPCHI2DV)s) & (TRGHOSTPROB<%(fsTRGHOSTPROB)s) & (TRCHI2DOF<%(fsTRCHI2)s) & (M<%(fsM)s)" %locals()
+    _combination_cuts = "(APT > 500 *MeV) & (ADAMASS('K*(892)0') < 300 *MeV) & (ADOCACHI2CUT(30, ''))"
+    _mother_cuts = "(MM > %(KstLowerM)s *MeV) & (MM < %(KstUpperM)s *MeV) & (VFASPF(VCHI2/VDOF)<%(InterVertexCHI2)s) & (MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY) > %(InterMIPCHI2DV)s ) & (PT>%(Kst_PT)s *MeV)" %locals()
+    CombineKst = CombineParticles( DecayDescriptor = "[K*(892)0 -> K+ pi-]cc",
+                                               DaughtersCuts = {"K+" : _daughters_cuts + " & (PROBNNk>%(fsPROBNN)s)" %locals(), "pi-" : _daughters_cuts + " & (PROBNNpi>%(fsPROBNN)s)" %locals()},
+                                               CombinationCut = _combination_cuts,
+                                               MotherCut = _mother_cuts)
+    KstConf = CombineKst.configurable("CombineKst")
+    return Selection( name,
+                      Algorithm = CombineKst,
+                      RequiredSelections = [ StdAllLooseKaons, StdAllLoosePions ] )
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