From 5de38957a3d4e0cc65d75ae840471ad5e18a1712 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xingyu Tong <>
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2023 17:13:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Move StrippingB2ppbargamma and
 StrippingB2LambdapbargammaLines to RD WG

 .../        | 467 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../StrippingRD/      | 215 ++++++++
 2 files changed, 682 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/
 create mode 100644 Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/

diff --git a/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/ b/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34a1309aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+# (c) Copyright 2023 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
+#                                                                             #
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
+# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
+#                                                                             #
+# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
+# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+Module for construction of B- ->Lambda0 p~- gamma stripping Selections and StrippingLines.
+Provides functions to build Lambda0->DD, Lambda0->LL, and Lambda0->LD selections.
+Provides class B2LambdapbargammaLinesConf, which constructs the Selections and StrippingLines
+given a configuration dictionary.
+Exported symbols (use python help!):
+   - B2LambdapbargammaLinesConf
+__author__ = ["Xingyu Tong"]
+__date__ = '10/07/2023'
+__version__ = '$Revision: 1.0 $'
+__all__ = 'StrippingB2LambdapbargammaLinesConf'
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
+from GaudiConfUtils.ConfigurableGenerators import FilterDesktop, CombineParticles
+from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import Selection, DataOnDemand
+from StrippingConf.StrippingLine import StrippingLine
+from StrippingUtils.Utils import LineBuilder
+from StandardParticles import StdLooseProtons as Protons
+from StandardParticles import StdLooseAllPhotons as Photons
+StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 20000, Good event 20000
+ |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
+ |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.3700|        74|       |   5.630|
+ |_StrippingSequenceStreamBhadron_                             |  0.3700|        74|       |   5.620|
+ |!StrippingB2LambdapbargammaDDLine                            |  0.0950|        19|  2.842|   3.515|
+ |!StrippingB2LambdapbargammaLLLine                            |  0.2300|        46|  3.609|   0.785|
+ |!StrippingB2LambdapbargammaLDLine                            |  0.0550|        11|  2.545|   0.611|
+ |!StrippingB2LambdapbargammaDDLine_TIMING                     |  0.0950|        19|  2.842|   0.045|
+ |!StrippingB2LambdapbargammaLLLine_TIMING                     |  0.2300|        46|  3.609|   0.049|
+ |!StrippingB2LambdapbargammaLDLine_TIMING                     |  0.0550|        11|  2.545|   0.033|
+StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 20000, Good event 20000
+ |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
+ |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.4750|        95|       |   6.796|
+ |_StrippingSequenceStreamBhadron_                             |  0.4750|        95|       |   6.787|
+ |!StrippingB2LambdapbargammaDDLine                            |  0.1700|        34|  2.971|   4.221|
+ |!StrippingB2LambdapbargammaLLLine                            |  0.2500|        50|  3.380|   1.016|
+ |!StrippingB2LambdapbargammaLDLine                            |  0.0600|        12|  2.833|   0.756|
+ |!StrippingB2LambdapbargammaDDLine_TIMING                     |  0.1700|        34|  2.971|   0.058|
+ |!StrippingB2LambdapbargammaLLLine_TIMING                     |  0.2500|        50|  3.380|   0.052|
+ |!StrippingB2LambdapbargammaLDLine_TIMING                     |  0.0600|        12|  2.833|   0.035|
+StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 20000, Good event 20000
+ |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
+ |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.5200|       104|       |   7.167|
+ |_StrippingSequenceStreamBhadron_                             |  0.5200|       104|       |   7.157|
+ |!StrippingB2LambdapbargammaDDLine                            |  0.1600|        32|  3.000|   4.449|
+ |!StrippingB2LambdapbargammaLLLine                            |  0.2950|        59|  3.085|   1.109|
+ |!StrippingB2LambdapbargammaLDLine                            |  0.0750|        15|  1.600|   0.774|
+ |!StrippingB2LambdapbargammaDDLine_TIMING                     |  0.1600|        32|  3.000|   0.061|
+ |!StrippingB2LambdapbargammaLLLine_TIMING                     |  0.2950|        59|  3.085|   0.057|
+ |!StrippingB2LambdapbargammaLDLine_TIMING                     |  0.0750|        15|  1.600|   0.045|
+default_config = {
+    'NAME': 'B2Lambdapbargamma',
+    'WGs': ['BnoC'],
+    'BUILDERTYPE': 'B2LambdapbargammaLinesConf',
+    'CONFIG': {'Trk_Chi2': 4.0,
+               'Trk_GhostProb': 0.4,
+               'gamma_PT_MIN': 400.0,
+               'gamma_CL_MIN': 0.25,
+               'gamma_ISNOTE_MIN': -999.0,
+               'ProtonP': 15000.,  # MeV
+               'ProtonPT': 1000.,  # MeV
+               'ProtonPIDp': 0.,
+               'ProtonDLLpK': 0.,
+               'Lambda_DD_MassWindow': 20.0,
+               'Lambda_DD_VtxChi2': 9.0,
+               'Lambda_DD_FDChi2': 50.0,
+               'Lambda_DD_Pmin': 5000.0,
+               'Lambda_LL_MassWindow': 20.0,
+               'Lambda_LL_VtxChi2': 9.0,
+               'Lambda_LD_MassWindow': 25.0,
+               'Lambda_LD_VtxChi2': 16.0,
+               'Lambda_LD_FDChi2': 50.0,
+               'Lambda_LD_Pmin': 5000.0,
+               'B0_Mlow': 779.0,
+               'B0_Mhigh': 1921.0,
+               'B0_APTmin': 1900.0,
+               'B0_PTmin': 2000.0,
+               'B0Daug_DD_maxDocaChi2': 5.0,
+               'B0Daug_LL_maxDocaChi2': 5.0,
+               'B0Daug_LD_maxDocaChi2': 5.0,
+               'B0Daug_DD_PTsum': 4000.0,
+               'B0Daug_LL_PTsum': 4000.0,
+               'B0Daug_LD_PTsum': 4000.0,
+               'B0_VtxChi2': 16.0,
+               'B0_Dira': 0.9990,
+               'B0_DD_IPCHI2wrtPV': 16.0,
+               'B0_LL_IPCHI2wrtPV': 16.0,
+               'B0_LD_IPCHI2wrtPV': 16.0,
+               'B0_FDwrtPV': 0.8,
+               'B0_DD_FDChi2': 25,
+               'B0_LL_FDChi2': 25,
+               'B0_LD_FDChi2': 25,
+               'GEC_MaxTracks': 250,
+               'Prescale': 1.0,
+               'Postscale': 1.0,
+               'RelatedInfoTools': [{"Type": "RelInfoConeVariables",
+                                     "ConeAngle": 1.7,
+                                     "Variables": ['CONEANGLE', 'CONEMULT', 'CONEPTASYM'],
+                                     "Location": 'ConeVar17'
+                                     },
+                                    {"Type": "RelInfoConeVariables",
+                                     "ConeAngle": 1.5,
+                                     "Variables": ['CONEANGLE', 'CONEMULT', 'CONEPTASYM'],
+                                     "Location": 'ConeVar15'
+                                     },
+                                    {"Type": "RelInfoConeVariables",
+                                     "ConeAngle": 1.0,
+                                     "Variables": ['CONEANGLE', 'CONEMULT', 'CONEPTASYM'],
+                                     "Location": 'ConeVar10'
+                                     },
+                                    {"Type": "RelInfoConeVariables",
+                                     "ConeAngle": 0.8,
+                                     "Variables": ['CONEANGLE', 'CONEMULT', 'CONEPTASYM'],
+                                     "Location": 'ConeVar08'
+                                     },
+                                    {"Type": "RelInfoVertexIsolation",
+                                     "Location": "VtxIsolationVar"
+                                     }
+                                    ]
+               },
+    'STREAMS': ['Bhadron']
+class B2LambdapbargammaLinesConf(LineBuilder):
+    __configuration_keys__ = default_config['CONFIG'].keys()
+    def __init__(self, name, config):
+        LineBuilder.__init__(self, name, config)
+        GECCode = {'Code': "(recSummaryTrack(LHCb.RecSummary.nLongTracks, TrLONG) < %s)" % config['GEC_MaxTracks'],
+                   'Preambulo': ["from LoKiTracks.decorators import *"]}
+        self.protons = Protons
+        self.photons = Photons
+        self.makeLambda2DD('Lambda0DD', config)
+        self.makeLambda2LL('Lambda0LL', config)
+        self.makeLambda2LD('Lambda0LD', config)
+        namesSelections = [(name + 'DD', self.makeB2LambdapbargammaDD(name + 'DD', config)),
+                           (name + 'LL', self.makeB2LambdapbargammaLL(name + 'LL', config)),
+                           (name + 'LD', self.makeB2LambdapbargammaLD(name + 'LD', config)),
+                           ]
+        # make lines
+        for selName, sel in namesSelections:
+            extra = {}
+            line = StrippingLine(selName + 'Line',
+                                 selection=sel,
+                                 prescale=config['Prescale'],
+                                 postscale=config['Postscale'],
+                                 RelatedInfoTools=config['RelatedInfoTools'],
+                                 FILTER=GECCode,
+                                 **extra)
+            self.registerLine(line)
+    def makeLambda2DD(self, name, config):
+        # define all the cuts
+        _massCut = "(ADMASS('Lambda0')<%s*MeV)" % config['Lambda_DD_MassWindow']
+        _vtxCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2)<%s)   " % config['Lambda_DD_VtxChi2']
+        _fdChi2Cut = "(BPVVDCHI2>%s)" % config['Lambda_DD_FDChi2']
+        _momCut = "(P>%s*MeV)" % config['Lambda_DD_Pmin']
+        _allCuts = _momCut
+        _allCuts += '&'+_massCut
+        _allCuts += '&'+_vtxCut
+        _allCuts += '&'+_fdChi2Cut
+        # get the Lambda0's to filter
+        _stdLambdaDD = DataOnDemand(Location="Phys/StdLooseLambdaDD/Particles")
+        # make the filter
+        _filterLambdaDD = FilterDesktop(Code=_allCuts)
+        # make and store the Selection object
+        self.selLambda2DD = Selection(
+            name, Algorithm=_filterLambdaDD, RequiredSelections=[_stdLambdaDD])
+        return self.selLambda2DD
+    def makeLambda2LL(self, name, config):
+        # define all the cuts
+        _massCut = "(ADMASS('Lambda0')<%s*MeV)" % config['Lambda_LL_MassWindow']
+        _vtxCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2)<%s)" % config['Lambda_LL_VtxChi2']
+        _trkChi2Cut1 = "(CHILDCUT((TRCHI2DOF<%s),1))" % config['Trk_Chi2']
+        _trkChi2Cut2 = "(CHILDCUT((TRCHI2DOF<%s),2))" % config['Trk_Chi2']
+        _trkGhostProbCut1 = "(CHILDCUT((TRGHOSTPROB<%s),1))" % config['Trk_GhostProb']
+        _trkGhostProbCut2 = "(CHILDCUT((TRGHOSTPROB<%s),2))" % config['Trk_GhostProb']
+        _allCuts = _massCut
+        _allCuts += '&'+_trkChi2Cut1
+        _allCuts += '&'+_trkChi2Cut2
+        _allCuts += '&'+_vtxCut
+        _allCuts += '&'+_trkGhostProbCut1
+        _allCuts += '&'+_trkGhostProbCut2
+        # get the Lambda's to filter
+        _stdLambdaLL = DataOnDemand(
+            Location="Phys/StdVeryLooseLambdaLL/Particles")
+        # make the filter
+        _filterLambdaLL = FilterDesktop(Code=_allCuts)
+        # make and store the Selection object
+        self.selLambda2LL = Selection(
+            name, Algorithm=_filterLambdaLL, RequiredSelections=[_stdLambdaLL])
+        return self.selLambda2LL
+    def makeLambda2LD(self, name, config):
+        # define all the cuts
+        _massCut = "(ADMASS('Lambda0')<%s*MeV)" % config['Lambda_LD_MassWindow']
+        _vtxCut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2)<%s)   " % config['Lambda_LD_VtxChi2']
+        _fdChi2Cut = "(BPVVDCHI2>%s)" % config['Lambda_LD_FDChi2']
+        _momCut = "(P>%s*MeV)" % config['Lambda_LD_Pmin']
+        _allCuts = _momCut
+        _allCuts += '&'+_massCut
+        _allCuts += '&'+_vtxCut
+        _allCuts += '&'+_fdChi2Cut
+        # get the Lambda0's to filter
+        _stdLambdaLD = DataOnDemand(Location="Phys/StdLooseLambdaLD/Particles")
+        # make the filter
+        _filterLambdaLD = FilterDesktop(Code=_allCuts)
+        # make and store the Selection object
+        self.selLambda2LD = Selection(
+            name, Algorithm=_filterLambdaLD, RequiredSelections=[_stdLambdaLD])
+        return self.selLambda2LD
+    def makeB2LambdapbargammaDD(self, name, config):
+        """
+        Create and store a B- ->Lambda0(DD) p~- gamma Selection object.
+        Arguments:
+        name             : name of the Selection.
+        config           : config dictionary
+        """
+        _gammacut = "(PT > %s*MeV)" % config['gamma_PT_MIN']
+        _gammacut += '&'+"(CL > %f)" % config['gamma_CL_MIN']
+        _gammacut += '&' + \
+            "(PPINFO(LHCb.ProtoParticle.IsNotE,-1) > %s)" % config['gamma_ISNOTE_MIN']
+        _massCutLow = "(AM>(5279-%s)*MeV)" % config['B0_Mlow']
+        _massCutHigh = "(AM<(5279+%s)*MeV)" % config['B0_Mhigh']
+        _aptCut = "(APT>%s*MeV)" % config['B0_APTmin']
+        _maxDocaChi2Cut = "(ACUTDOCACHI2(%s,''))" % config['B0Daug_DD_maxDocaChi2']
+        _daugPtSumCut = "((APT1+APT2+APT3)>%s*MeV)" % config['B0Daug_DD_PTsum']
+        _combCuts = _aptCut
+        _combCuts += '&'+_daugPtSumCut
+        _combCuts += '&'+_massCutLow
+        _combCuts += '&'+_massCutHigh
+        _combCuts += '&'+_maxDocaChi2Cut
+        _ptCut = "(PT>%s*MeV)" % config['B0_PTmin']
+        _vtxChi2Cut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2)<%s)" % config['B0_VtxChi2']
+        _diraCut = "(BPVDIRA>%s)" % config['B0_Dira']
+        _ipChi2Cut = "(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)<%s)" % config['B0_DD_IPCHI2wrtPV']
+        _fdCut = "(VFASPF(VMINVDDV(PRIMARY))>%s)" % config['B0_FDwrtPV']
+        _fdChi2Cut = "(BPVVDCHI2>%s)" % config['B0_DD_FDChi2']
+        _motherCuts = _ptCut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_vtxChi2Cut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_diraCut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_ipChi2Cut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_fdCut  # lookhere
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_fdChi2Cut
+        _B0 = CombineParticles()
+        _B0.DecayDescriptors = ["[B- -> Lambda0 p~- gamma]cc"]
+        _trkGhostProbCut = "(TRGHOSTPROB<%s)" % config['Trk_GhostProb']
+        _trkChi2Cut = "(TRCHI2DOF<%s)" % config['Trk_Chi2']
+        _protonPCut = "(P>%s)" % config["ProtonP"]
+        _protonPTCut = "(PT>%s)" % config["ProtonPT"]
+        _protonPIDpCut = "(PIDp-PIDpi> %s ) " % config["ProtonPIDp"]
+        _protonDLLpKCut = "(PIDp-PIDK> %s ) " % config["ProtonDLLpK"]
+        _daughtersCuts = _trkChi2Cut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&'+_trkGhostProbCut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&' + _protonPCut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&' + _protonPTCut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&' + _protonPIDpCut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&' + _protonDLLpKCut
+        _B0.DaughtersCuts = {"p~-": _daughtersCuts,
+                             "gamma": _gammacut,
+                             }
+        _B0.CombinationCut = _combCuts
+        _B0.MotherCut = _motherCuts
+        _B0.ReFitPVs = True
+        _B0Conf = _B0.configurable(name + '_combined')
+        self.selB2LambdapbargammaDD = Selection(name, Algorithm=_B0Conf, RequiredSelections=[
+                                                self.selLambda2DD, self.protons, self.photons])
+        return self.selB2LambdapbargammaDD
+    def makeB2LambdapbargammaLL(self, name, config):
+        """
+        Create and store a B- ->Lambda0(LL) p~- gamma Selection object.
+        Arguments:
+        name             : name of the Selection.
+        config           : config dictionary
+        """
+        _gammacut = "(PT > %s*MeV)" % config['gamma_PT_MIN']
+        _gammacut += '&'+"(CL > %f)" % config['gamma_CL_MIN']
+        _gammacut += '&' + \
+            "(PPINFO(LHCb.ProtoParticle.IsNotE,-1) > %s)" % config['gamma_ISNOTE_MIN']
+        _massCutLow = "(AM>(5279-%s)*MeV)" % config['B0_Mlow']
+        _massCutHigh = "(AM<(5279+%s)*MeV)" % config['B0_Mhigh']
+        _aptCut = "(APT>%s*MeV)" % config['B0_APTmin']
+        _maxDocaChi2Cut = "(ACUTDOCACHI2(%s,''))" % config['B0Daug_LL_maxDocaChi2']
+        _daugPtSumCut = "((APT1+APT2+APT3)>%s*MeV)" % config['B0Daug_LL_PTsum']
+        _combCuts = _aptCut
+        _combCuts += '&'+_daugPtSumCut
+        _combCuts += '&'+_massCutLow
+        _combCuts += '&'+_massCutHigh
+        _combCuts += '&'+_maxDocaChi2Cut
+        _ptCut = "(PT>%s*MeV)" % config['B0_PTmin']
+        _vtxChi2Cut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2)<%s)" % config['B0_VtxChi2']
+        _diraCut = "(BPVDIRA>%s)" % config['B0_Dira']
+        _ipChi2Cut = "(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)<%s)" % config['B0_LL_IPCHI2wrtPV']
+        _fdCut = "(VFASPF(VMINVDDV(PRIMARY))>%s)" % config['B0_FDwrtPV']
+        _fdChi2Cut = "(BPVVDCHI2>%s)" % config['B0_LL_FDChi2']
+        _motherCuts = _ptCut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_vtxChi2Cut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_diraCut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_ipChi2Cut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_fdChi2Cut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_fdCut
+        _B0 = CombineParticles()
+        _B0.DecayDescriptors = ["[B- -> Lambda0 p~- gamma]cc"]
+        _trkGhostProbCut = "(TRGHOSTPROB<%s)" % config['Trk_GhostProb']
+        _trkChi2Cut = "(TRCHI2DOF<%s)" % config['Trk_Chi2']
+        _protonPCut = "(P>%s)" % config["ProtonP"]
+        _protonPTCut = "(PT>%s)" % config["ProtonPT"]
+        _protonPIDpCut = "(PIDp-PIDpi> %s ) " % config["ProtonPIDp"]
+        _protonDLLpKCut = "(PIDp-PIDK> %s ) " % config["ProtonDLLpK"]
+        _daughtersCuts = _trkChi2Cut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&'+_trkGhostProbCut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&' + _protonPCut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&' + _protonPTCut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&' + _protonPIDpCut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&' + _protonDLLpKCut
+        _B0.DaughtersCuts = {"p~-": _daughtersCuts,
+                             "gamma": _gammacut,
+                             }
+        _B0.CombinationCut = _combCuts
+        _B0.MotherCut = _motherCuts
+        _B0.ReFitPVs = True
+        _B0Conf = _B0.configurable(name + '_combined')
+        self.selB2LambdapbargammaLL = Selection(
+            name, Algorithm=_B0Conf, RequiredSelections=[self.selLambda2LL, self.protons, self.photons])
+        return self.selB2LambdapbargammaLL
+    def makeB2LambdapbargammaLD(self, name, config):
+        """
+        Create and store a B- ->Lambda0(LD) p~- gamma Selection object.
+        Arguments:
+        name             : name of the Selection.
+        config           : config dictionary
+        """
+        _gammacut = "(PT > %s*MeV)" % config['gamma_PT_MIN']
+        _gammacut += '&'+"(CL > %f)" % config['gamma_CL_MIN']
+        _gammacut += '&' + \
+            "(PPINFO(LHCb.ProtoParticle.IsNotE,-1) > %s)" % config['gamma_ISNOTE_MIN']
+        _massCutLow = "(AM>(5279-%s)*MeV)" % config['B0_Mlow']
+        _massCutHigh = "(AM<(5279+%s)*MeV)" % config['B0_Mhigh']
+        _aptCut = "(APT>%s*MeV)" % config['B0_APTmin']
+        _maxDocaChi2Cut = "(ACUTDOCACHI2(%s,''))" % config['B0Daug_LD_maxDocaChi2']
+        _daugPtSumCut = "((APT1+APT2+APT3)>%s*MeV)" % config['B0Daug_LD_PTsum']
+        _combCuts = _aptCut
+        _combCuts += '&'+_daugPtSumCut
+        _combCuts += '&'+_massCutLow
+        _combCuts += '&'+_massCutHigh
+        _combCuts += '&'+_maxDocaChi2Cut
+        _ptCut = "(PT>%s*MeV)" % config['B0_PTmin']
+        _vtxChi2Cut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2)<%s)" % config['B0_VtxChi2']
+        _diraCut = "(BPVDIRA>%s)" % config['B0_Dira']
+        _ipChi2Cut = "(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)<%s)" % config['B0_LD_IPCHI2wrtPV']
+        _fdCut = "(VFASPF(VMINVDDV(PRIMARY))>%s)" % config['B0_FDwrtPV']
+        _fdChi2Cut = "(BPVVDCHI2>%s)" % config['B0_LD_FDChi2']
+        _motherCuts = _ptCut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_vtxChi2Cut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_diraCut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_ipChi2Cut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_fdChi2Cut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_fdCut
+        _B0 = CombineParticles()
+        _B0.DecayDescriptors = ["[B- -> Lambda0 p~- gamma]cc"]
+        _trkGhostProbCut = "(TRGHOSTPROB<%s)" % config['Trk_GhostProb']
+        _trkChi2Cut = "(TRCHI2DOF<%s)" % config['Trk_Chi2']
+        _protonPCut = "(P>%s)" % config["ProtonP"]
+        _protonPTCut = "(PT>%s)" % config["ProtonPT"]
+        _protonPIDpCut = "(PIDp-PIDpi> %s ) " % config["ProtonPIDp"]
+        _protonDLLpKCut = "(PIDp-PIDK> %s ) " % config["ProtonDLLpK"]
+        _daughtersCuts = _trkChi2Cut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&'+_trkGhostProbCut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&' + _protonPCut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&' + _protonPTCut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&' + _protonPIDpCut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&' + _protonDLLpKCut
+        _B0.DaughtersCuts = {"p~-": _daughtersCuts,
+                             "gamma": _gammacut,
+                             }
+        _B0.CombinationCut = _combCuts
+        _B0.MotherCut = _motherCuts
+        _B0.ReFitPVs = True
+        _B0Conf = _B0.configurable(name + '_combined')
+        self.selB2LambdapbargammaLD = Selection(name, Algorithm=_B0Conf, RequiredSelections=[
+                                                self.selLambda2LD, self.protons, self.photons])
+        return self.selB2LambdapbargammaLD
diff --git a/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/ b/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fda02dc42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+# (c) Copyright 2023 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
+#                                                                             #
+# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
+# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
+#                                                                             #
+# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
+# granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization  #
+# or submit itself to any jurisdiction.                                       #
+Module for construction of B0 ->p p~ gamma stripping Selections and StrippingLines.
+Provides class B2ppbargammaConf, which constructs the Selections and StrippingLines
+given a configuration dictionary.
+Exported symbols (use python help!):
+   - B2ppbargammaConf
+__author__ = ["Xingyu Tong"]
+__date__ = '10/07/2023'
+__version__ = '$Revision: 1.0 $'
+__all__ = 'StrippingB2ppbargammaConf'
+from Gaudi.Configuration import *
+from GaudiConfUtils.ConfigurableGenerators import FilterDesktop, CombineParticles
+from PhysSelPython.Wrappers import Selection, DataOnDemand
+from StrippingConf.StrippingLine import StrippingLine
+from StrippingUtils.Utils import LineBuilder
+from StandardParticles import StdLooseProtons as Protons
+from StandardParticles import StdLooseAllPhotons as Photons
+StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 20000, Good event 20000
+ |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
+ |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.1850|        37|       |   5.614|
+ |_StrippingSequenceStreamBhadron_                             |  0.1850|        37|       |   5.599|
+ |!StrippingB2ppbargammaLine                                   |  0.1850|        37|  6.919|   4.574|
+ |!StrippingB2ppbargammaLine_TIMING                            |  0.1850|        37|  6.919|   0.116|
+StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 20000, Good event 20000
+ |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
+ |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.2650|        53|       |   6.750|
+ |_StrippingSequenceStreamBhadron_                             |  0.2650|        53|       |   6.731|
+ |!StrippingB2ppbargammaLine                                   |  0.2650|        53|  7.434|   5.576|
+ |!StrippingB2ppbargammaLine_TIMING                            |  0.2650|        53|  7.434|   0.135|
+StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 20000, Good event 20000
+ |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
+ |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.3900|        78|       |   7.111|
+ |_StrippingSequenceStreamBhadron_                             |  0.3900|        78|       |   7.096|
+ |!StrippingB2ppbargammaLine                                   |  0.3900|        78|  6.308|   5.918|
+ |!StrippingB2ppbargammaLine_TIMING                            |  0.3900|        78|  6.308|   0.133|
+default_config = {
+    'NAME': 'B2ppbargamma',
+    'WGs': ['BnoC'],
+    'BUILDERTYPE': 'B2ppbargammaConf',
+    'CONFIG': {'Trk_Chi2': 4.0,
+               'Trk_GhostProb': 0.4,
+               'gamma_PT_MIN': 400.0,
+               'gamma_CL_MIN': 0.25,
+               'gamma_ISNOTE_MIN': -999.0,
+               'ProtonP': 15000.,  # MeV
+               'ProtonPT': 1000.,  # MeV
+               'ProtonPIDp': 0.,
+               'ProtonDLLpK': 0.,
+               'B0_Mlow': 779.0,
+               'B0_Mhigh': 1921.0,
+               'B0_APTmin': 1900.0,
+               'B0_PTmin': 2000.0,
+               'B0Daug_maxDocaChi2': 5.0,
+               'B0Daug_PTsum': 4000.0,
+               'B0_VtxChi2': 16.0,
+               'B0_Dira': 0.9990,
+               'B0_IPCHI2wrtPV': 25.0,
+               'B0_FDwrtPV': 0.8,
+               'B0_FDChi2': 25,
+               'GEC_MaxTracks': 250,
+               'Prescale': 1.0,
+               'Postscale': 1.0,
+               'RelatedInfoTools': [{"Type": "RelInfoConeVariables",
+                                     "ConeAngle": 1.7,
+                                     "Variables": ['CONEANGLE', 'CONEMULT', 'CONEPTASYM'],
+                                     "Location": 'ConeVar17'
+                                     },
+                                    {"Type": "RelInfoConeVariables",
+                                     "ConeAngle": 1.5,
+                                     "Variables": ['CONEANGLE', 'CONEMULT', 'CONEPTASYM'],
+                                     "Location": 'ConeVar15'
+                                     },
+                                    {"Type": "RelInfoConeVariables",
+                                     "ConeAngle": 1.0,
+                                     "Variables": ['CONEANGLE', 'CONEMULT', 'CONEPTASYM'],
+                                     "Location": 'ConeVar10'
+                                     },
+                                    {"Type": "RelInfoConeVariables",
+                                     "ConeAngle": 0.8,
+                                     "Variables": ['CONEANGLE', 'CONEMULT', 'CONEPTASYM'],
+                                     "Location": 'ConeVar08'
+                                     },
+                                    {"Type": "RelInfoVertexIsolation",
+                                     "Location": "VtxIsolationVar"
+                                     }
+                                    ]
+               },
+    'STREAMS': ['Bhadron']
+class B2ppbargammaConf(LineBuilder):
+    __configuration_keys__ = default_config['CONFIG'].keys()
+    def __init__(self, name, config):
+        LineBuilder.__init__(self, name, config)
+        GECCode = {'Code': "(recSummaryTrack(LHCb.RecSummary.nLongTracks, TrLONG) < %s)" % config['GEC_MaxTracks'],
+                   'Preambulo': ["from LoKiTracks.decorators import *"]}
+        self.protons = Protons
+        self.photons = Photons
+        namesSelections = [(name, self.makeB2ppbargamma(name, config)),
+                           ]
+        # make lines
+        for selName, sel in namesSelections:
+            extra = {}
+            line = StrippingLine(selName + 'Line',
+                                 selection=sel,
+                                 prescale=config['Prescale'],
+                                 postscale=config['Postscale'],
+                                 RelatedInfoTools=config['RelatedInfoTools'],
+                                 FILTER=GECCode,
+                                 **extra)
+            self.registerLine(line)
+    def makeB2ppbargamma(self, name, config):
+        """
+        Create and store a B0 -> p+ p~- gamma Selection object.
+        Arguments:
+        name             : name of the Selection.
+        config           : config dictionary
+        """
+        _gammacut = "(PT > %s*MeV)" % config['gamma_PT_MIN']
+        _gammacut += '&'+"(CL > %f)" % config['gamma_CL_MIN']
+        _gammacut += '&' + \
+            "(PPINFO(LHCb.ProtoParticle.IsNotE,-1) > %s)" % config['gamma_ISNOTE_MIN']
+        _massCutLow = "(AM>(5279-%s)*MeV)" % config['B0_Mlow']
+        _massCutHigh = "(AM<(5279+%s)*MeV)" % config['B0_Mhigh']
+        _aptCut = "(APT>%s*MeV)" % config['B0_APTmin']
+        _maxDocaChi2Cut = "(ACUTDOCACHI2(%s,''))" % config['B0Daug_maxDocaChi2']
+        _daugPtSumCut = "((APT1+APT2+APT3)>%s*MeV)" % config['B0Daug_PTsum']
+        _combCuts = _aptCut
+        _combCuts += '&'+_daugPtSumCut
+        _combCuts += '&'+_massCutLow
+        _combCuts += '&'+_massCutHigh
+        _combCuts += '&'+_maxDocaChi2Cut
+        _ptCut = "(PT>%s*MeV)" % config['B0_PTmin']
+        _vtxChi2Cut = "(VFASPF(VCHI2)<%s)" % config['B0_VtxChi2']
+        _diraCut = "(BPVDIRA>%s)" % config['B0_Dira']
+        _ipChi2Cut = "(MIPCHI2DV(PRIMARY)<%s)" % config['B0_IPCHI2wrtPV']
+        _fdCut = "(VFASPF(VMINVDDV(PRIMARY))>%s)" % config['B0_FDwrtPV']
+        _fdChi2Cut = "(BPVVDCHI2>%s)" % config['B0_FDChi2']
+        _motherCuts = _ptCut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_vtxChi2Cut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_diraCut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_ipChi2Cut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_fdChi2Cut
+        _motherCuts += '&'+_fdCut
+        _B0 = CombineParticles()
+        _B0.DecayDescriptors = ["[B0 -> p+ p~- gamma]cc"]
+        _trkGhostProbCut = "(TRGHOSTPROB<%s)" % config['Trk_GhostProb']
+        _trkChi2Cut = "(TRCHI2DOF<%s)" % config['Trk_Chi2']
+        _protonPCut = "(P>%s*MeV)" % config["ProtonP"]
+        _protonPTCut = "(PT>%s*MeV)" % config["ProtonPT"]
+        _protonPIDpCut = "(PIDp-PIDpi> %s ) " % config["ProtonPIDp"]
+        _protonDLLpKCut = "(PIDp-PIDK> %s ) " % config["ProtonDLLpK"]
+        _daughtersCuts = _trkChi2Cut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&'+_trkGhostProbCut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&' + _protonPCut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&' + _protonPTCut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&' + _protonPIDpCut
+        _daughtersCuts += '&' + _protonDLLpKCut
+        _B0.DaughtersCuts = {"p+": _daughtersCuts,
+                             "p~-": _daughtersCuts,
+                             "gamma": _gammacut,
+                             }
+        _B0.CombinationCut = _combCuts
+        _B0.MotherCut = _motherCuts
+        _B0.ReFitPVs = True
+        _B0Conf = _B0.configurable(name + '_combined')
+        self.selB2ppbargamma = Selection(
+            name, Algorithm=_B0Conf, RequiredSelections=[self.protons, self.photons])
+        return self.selB2ppbargamma

From 934059278e89654c49db15b66511e37785aaa12e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xingyu Tong <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 07:43:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Update, chang WG from
 BnoC to RD

 .../StrippingRD/              | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/ b/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/
index 34a1309aa..f53960103 100644
--- a/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/
+++ b/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 20000,
 default_config = {
     'NAME': 'B2Lambdapbargamma',
-    'WGs': ['BnoC'],
+    'WGs': ['RD'],
     'BUILDERTYPE': 'B2LambdapbargammaLinesConf',
     'CONFIG': {'Trk_Chi2': 4.0,
                'Trk_GhostProb': 0.4,

From 03bd246ae82826bbf4559939e92d16ac8c47b4ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Xingyu Tong <>
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 07:45:09 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Update, chang the WG from BnoC
 to RD

 .../StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/    | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/ b/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/
index fda02dc42..12cdf6764 100644
--- a/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/
+++ b/Phys/StrippingSelections/python/StrippingSelections/StrippingRD/
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 20000,
 default_config = {
     'NAME': 'B2ppbargamma',
-    'WGs': ['BnoC'],
+    'WGs': ['RD'],
     'BUILDERTYPE': 'B2ppbargammaConf',
     'CONFIG': {'Trk_Chi2': 4.0,
                'Trk_GhostProb': 0.4,