Adding StrippingALP2TauTau to be ran ONLY in 2017
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@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from StrippingUtils.Utils import LineBuilder
The physics case is motivated by this paper on a search for a light pseudoscalar (axion-like particle) at LHCb. The lines are present in other campaigns (S34r0p2, S28r2p1), but for some reason they are not for 2017.
The lines have a very tight selection so you do not expect to see many events in a 10k test, except from the \tau(\to{3\pi})\tau(\to{3\pi})
, which is way looser. For the others (semileptonic, purely leptonic) Some will pop with a 100k test and/or during validation.
The multiplicities, slightly higher than 1, are expected since we are dealing with pions in the low-mass region. In any case, timings excluding the opening of the particle containers and other imports are perfectly fine since all are less than 0.1 ms/evt.
StrippingReport INFO Event 10000, Good event 10000
| *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
|_StrippingGlobal_ | 0.0800| 8| | 108.850|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamBhadronCompleteEvent_ | 0.0800| 8| | 108.834|
|!StrippingHTau3HTau3HLine | 0.0300| 3| 1.333| 52.133|
|!StrippingHTau3HTauMuLine | 0.0000| 0| 0.000| 2.176|
|!StrippingHTau3HTauELine | 0.0000| 0| 0.000| 2.751|
|!StrippingHTauMuTauELine | 0.0000| 0| 0.000| 0.075|
|!StrippingHTau3HTau3HDisplacedLine | 0.0500| 5| 1.200| 48.323|
|!StrippingHTau3HTauMuDisplacedLine | 0.0000| 0| 0.000| 1.858|
|!StrippingHTau3HTauEDisplacedLine | 0.0000| 0| 0.000| 0.474|
|!StrippingHTauMuTauEDisplacedLine | 0.0000| 0| 0.000| 0.025|
|!StrippingHTau3HTau3HLine_TIMING | 0.0300| 3| 1.333| 0.028|
|!StrippingHTau3HTauMuLine_TIMING | 0.0000| 0| 0.000| 0.034|
|!StrippingHTau3HTauELine_TIMING | 0.0000| 0| 0.000| 0.032|
|!StrippingHTauMuTauELine_TIMING | 0.0000| 0| 0.000| 0.031|
|!StrippingHTau3HTau3HDisplacedLine_TIMING | 0.0500| 5| 1.200| 0.035|
|!StrippingHTau3HTauMuDisplacedLine_TIMING | 0.0000| 0| 0.000| 0.035|
|!StrippingHTau3HTauEDisplacedLine_TIMING | 0.0000| 0| 0.000| 0.028|
|!StrippingHTauMuTauEDisplacedLine_TIMING | 0.0000| 0| 0.000| 0.029|