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Move Lb2LcLcn Lines to BhadronCompleteEvent

Ned Francis Howarth requested to merge B2OC_fixLb2LcLcn_2018-patches into 2018-patches

Oversight on my part, we need our lines in DST stream not mDST, I have also altered the cuts a bit so that the rates are at DST line limit.

Lines altered/ moved from Bhadron -> BhadronCompleteEvent: Lb2LcLcnLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine, Lb2LcLcnWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine, B2LcLcKLooseLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine

rates and timing: I have brought the rates down and tested on 200,000 events for the 3 years, 2018 has the highest rates and the Lb2LcLcnLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine is just barely over the threshold. If you want a strict cut off with rates < <0.05% I will apply the relevant changes and bring the rate under.

200,000 events - 2018:
|                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
|!StrippingLb2LcLcnLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                    |  0.0510|       102|  2.059|   0.033|
|!StrippingLb2LcLcnWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                  |  0.0055|        11|  1.091|   0.016|
|!StrippingB2LcLcKLooseLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine                |  0.0420|        84|  6.548|   0.035|
|!StrippingLb2LcLcnLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine_TIMING             |  0.0510|       102|  2.059|   0.025|
|!StrippingLb2LcLcnWSLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine_TIMING           |  0.0055|        11|  2.091|   0.014|
|!StrippingB2LcLcKLooseLc2PKPiBeauty2CharmLine_TIMING         |  0.0420|        84|  6.548|   0.024|

I have only made edits in the stripping selections, presumably the lineconfigs in the settings need to be changed to properly move these lines to BhadronCompleteEvent. I am happy to do this although I assume this is handled by liaisons.

Edited by Ned Francis Howarth

Merge request reports
