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Update of StrippingBs2JpsieePhi to meet retention rates.

Stripping report from sample of 200k events

StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 200000, Good event 176679
 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.6967|      1231|       |  22.892|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamLeptonic_                            |  0.6967|      1231|       |  22.290|
 |!StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiDetachedLine                      |  0.4811|       850|  1.842|  17.701|
 |!StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiFromTracksLine                    |  0.4336|       766|  1.815|   2.167|
 |!StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiLine                              |  0.1613|       285|  2.291|   0.035|
 |!StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiDetachedLine_TIMING               |  0.4811|       850|  1.842|   0.046|
 |!StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiFromTracksLine_TIMING             |  0.4336|       766|  1.815|   0.046|
 |!StrippingBetaSBs2JpsieePhiLine_TIMING                       |  0.1517|       268|  2.164|   0.029|

Merge request reports
