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Modify Ks2pipiee TOS line to pick new Hlt2 line

Carla Marin Benito requested to merge cmarinbe-Ks2pipieeTOS into master

Align cuts with new Hlt2RareStrangeKsPiPiEETOS and add a TOS requirement on this line.

Rate is zero since the new Hlt2 line was not present in the 2016 run when the test sample was recorded. However I've tested the line with the same cuts but changing the Hlt2 requirement to:

'TISTOSDict'     : {'L0(Electron|Hadron|Muon)Decision%TOS': 0,
                   'Hlt1((Two)?TrackMVA(Tight)?|TrackMuon|SingleMuonNoIP|DiMuonLowMass)Decision%TOS': 0,

which is required by the Hlt2 line. The Hlt2 selection itself is a bit harder than the cuts applied on the stripping line. So the rate of the line will be lower than the ones obtained with this test. The results with this configuration are:

  • on loose sample:
StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 100000, Good event 88359
 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |!StrippingKshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracks_TOSLine                 |  0.1528|       135|  2.163|   1.065|
 |!StrippingKshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracks_TOSLine_TIMING          |  0.1528|       135|  2.163|   0.044|
  • on tight sample:
StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 100000, Good event 87497
 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |!StrippingKshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracks_TOSLine                 |  0.0983|        86|  2.023|   1.070|
 |!StrippingKshort2eePiPi_eeFromTracks_TOSLine_TIMING          |  0.0983|        86|  2.023|   0.040|

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