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Loosen B mass cuts on B2XMuMu

Giulio Dujany requested to merge RD_Stripping-s28 into Stripping-s28

Loosen B mass cuts on B2XMuMu as asked by @rekopecn @decianm @dgerick. The rate is still within the limit

StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 10000, Good event 8816
 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.3630|        32|       |  13.749|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamLeptonic_                            |  0.3630|        32|       |  13.151|
 |!StrippingB2XMuMu_Line                                       |  0.3630|        32|  8.000|  11.373|
 |!StrippingB2XMuMu_Line_TIMING                                |  0.3630|        32|  8.000|   0.160|

@gandreas @vibellee

Edited by Giulio Dujany

Merge request reports
