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Modify left mass sideband cut for KS0 -> mu+ mu- and SB prescale

Miguel Ramos Pernas requested to merge mramospe_RareNStrange into master

I just have changed the left mass sideband cut by 5 MeV, which removes a large a mount of doubly-misidentified KS0 -> pi+ pi- events. For comparison, I'm displaying here the rates of the lines before and after the modification:


StrippingK0s2MuMuLine | 0.0557| 167| 1.000| 5.514|

StrippingK0s2MuMuSBLine | 0.0497| 149| 1.007| 0.063|


StrippingK0s2MuMuLine | 0.0110| 33| 1.000| 5.487|

StrippingK0s2MuMuSBLine | 0.0540| 162| 1.006| 0.067|

Due to the higher rate of StrippingK0s2MuMuSBLine, I modified as well its prescale from 0.1 to 0.09.

Edited by Miguel Ramos Pernas

Merge request reports
