update of StrippingElectronRecoEff with HLT sel on MuK, explicit L0 and looser P…
Added missing HLT config in MuK, explicit L0 config and corrected eta cuts and looser P. New rates:
StrippingReport INFO Event 70000, Good event 70000
| *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
|_StrippingGlobal_ | 0.0486| 34| | 14.113|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamBhadronCompleteEvent_ | 0.0486| 34| | 14.104|
|!StrippingDetachedEEKPairLine | 0.0229| 16| 2.312| 11.601|
|!StrippingDetachedMuMuKPairLine | 0.0257| 18| 1.333| 0.976|
|!StrippingDetachedEEKPairLine_TIMING | 0.0229| 16| 2.312| 0.044|
|!StrippingDetachedMuMuKPairLine_TIMING | 0.0257| 18| 1.333| 0.041|
Please remove branch ElectronRecoEff_correction and ElectronRecoEff_correction2, as they were based on the wrong branches/DaVinci Versions/Stripping Campaigns.