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New Stripping Lines for New Exotica DiE HLT lines

Constantin Niko Weisser requested to merge weisser_DisplDiE into 2018-patches

Added stripping lines for the following new HLT lines:

Hlt2ExoticaDisplDiELowMass Hlt2ExoticaPi0ToDiEGamma Hlt2ExoticaEtaToDiEGamma

There are two new stripping lines for each HLT line. One should go to the FULL stream (e.g. StrippingExoticaDisplDiELowMassFullLine), while the other should go to MicroDST (e.g. StrippingExoticaDisplDiELowMassMicroLine).

These lines were confirmed to capture signal by running over TestFileDB's RDWG_MC2015_Bd2Kstee_MagUp_L0Processed.

Merge request reports
