Modify the etac mass window in StrippingBandQ/
We would like to modify the mass window cut of etac in the stripping lines of for the 2018 restripping.
The current mass window of etac is (2.8, 3.2)GeV, and will lead to a tight restriction when determining the fit region of m(etac) with a Lambda_b0 mass constrain. We propose to change the mass window to (2.7, 3.3) GeV.
The rate and CPU time have been tested using 50,000 test events. The result is:
- The existing stripping line, with m(etac) in (2.8, 3.2)GeV:
StrippingReport INFO Event 50000, Good event 50000
| *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
|_StrippingGlobal_ | 0.1860| 93| | 10.143|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamBhadron_ | 0.1860| 93| | 10.133|
|!StrippingLb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine | 0.0340| 17| 2.059| 8.362|
|!StrippingLb2EtacKp_PPbarLine | 0.0040| 2| 1.500| 0.047|
|!StrippingLb2EtacKp_4hLine | 0.1620| 81| 4.790| 0.372|
|!StrippingLb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine_TIMING | 0.0340| 17| 2.059| 0.037|
|!StrippingLb2EtacKp_PPbarLine_TIMING | 0.0040| 2| 1.500| 0.026|
|!StrippingLb2EtacKp_4hLine_TIMING | 0.1620| 81| 4.790| 0.051|
(Full log file in lxplus: /afs/
- If change m(etac) cut to be within (2.7, 3.3)GeV:
StrippingReport INFO Event 50000, Good event 50000
| *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
|_StrippingGlobal_ | 0.2360| 118| | 12.036|
|_StrippingSequenceStreamBhadron_ | 0.2360| 118| | 12.023|
|!StrippingLb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine | 0.0480| 24| 2.333| 9.783|
|!StrippingLb2EtacKp_PPbarLine | 0.0100| 5| 1.200| 0.063|
|!StrippingLb2EtacKp_4hLine | 0.2020| 101| 5.683| 0.489|
|!StrippingLb2EtacKp_KsKPiLine_TIMING | 0.0480| 24| 2.333| 0.043|
|!StrippingLb2EtacKp_PPbarLine_TIMING | 0.0100| 5| 1.200| 0.037|
|!StrippingLb2EtacKp_4hLine_TIMING | 0.2020| 101| 5.683| 0.064|
(Full log file in lxplus: /afs/
The increase of rate and CPU time/event is around 25% and 20%, respectively.
Edited by Mengzhen Wang