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Remove ds filter in Xib2LcDsK stripping line

Mengzhen Wang requested to merge Remove_DsFilter_Xib2LcDsK into 2018-patches

We would like to remove the Ds Filter (Ds2HHHPIDTIGHT) in the Xib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine, and use the D Filter (D2HHHPIDTIGHT), which covers both D and Ds mesons, as the input of the Xib combination. The name of this line is also modified from StrippingXib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine to StrippingXib2LcDKLc2PKPiD2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine. (Change Ds to D)

After this modification, we would like to use this line for the partially reconstruction of Lambda_b -> Sigmac++ D K, Sigmac++ -> Lambda_c+ pi+, where a pion is missing.

The rate and the CPU time are tested using 50,000 test events, the result is:

  1. The existing stripping line:
StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 50000, Good event 50000
 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.2140|       107|       |  12.103|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamBhadron_                             |  0.2140|       107|       |  12.093|
 |!StrippingXib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine            |  0.1920|        96|  3.854|  10.274|
 |!StrippingXib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine          |  0.0200|        10|  8.500|   0.046|
 |!StrippingXib2LcDsKLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine_TIMING     |  0.1920|        96|  3.854|   0.053|
 |!StrippingXib2LcDsKWSLc2PKPiDs2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine_TIMING   |  0.0220|        11|  1.909|   0.036|

(Full log file: /afs/

  1. The modified stripping line:
StrippingReport                                                INFO Event 50000, Good event 50000
 |                                              *Decision name*|*Rate,%*|*Accepted*| *Mult*|*ms/evt*|
 |_StrippingGlobal_                                            |  0.3200|       160|       |  10.942|
 |_StrippingSequenceStreamBhadron_                             |  0.3200|       160|       |  10.933|
 |!StrippingXib2LcDKLc2PKPiD2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine              |  0.2980|       149|  7.329|   9.365|
 |!StrippingXib2LcDKWSLc2PKPiD2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine            |  0.0340|        17| 15.588|   0.053|
 |!StrippingXib2LcDKLc2PKPiD2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine_TIMING       |  0.2980|       149|  7.329|   0.050|
 |!StrippingXib2LcDKWSLc2PKPiD2KKPiBeauty2CharmLine_TIMING     |  0.0280|        14|  6.143|   0.035|

(Full log file: /afs/

There's a 50% increasing on the rate, which is roughly the same as the ratio of increasing of the D mass window. The CPU time is reduced a bit due to the removal of the Ds Filter.

Edited by Mengzhen Wang

Merge request reports
