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Daniel Juarez requested to merge LOS-521 into master

I tested it by taking a nomad job definition from the artifacts and running it as in:

docker run -it --rm --entrypoint bash \
-v /mnt/data2/test/repos:/repo \
-v /etc/ \
-e REPOS="dev.repos.d" \
-e REPOSCONF="dev.repos.yaml" \
-e CHECKSUM="sha256" \
-e REPOFILE="bmFtZT1UaGUgQnJvIE5ldHdvcmsgU2VjdXJpdHkgTW9uaXRvciAoQ2VudE9TXzcpCnR5cGU9cnBtLW1kCmJhc2V1cmw9aHR0cDovL2Rvd25sb2FkLm9wZW5zdXNlLm9yZy9yZXBvc2l0b3JpZXMvbmV0d29yazovYnJvL0NlbnRPU183LwplbmFibGVkPTEKZ3BnY2hlY2s9MQpncGdrZXk9ZmlsZTovLy9ldGMvcGtpL3JwbS1ncGcvUlBNLUdQRy1LRVktYnJv" \
-e REPOID="bro-centos-7" \
-e REPOPATH="mirror/" \
-e NOMAD_ADDR="" \

If gpgkey config entry exists on the repo, we sync the used gpgkey on the repo root path.

I had to change two paths that did not exist, I am not 100% sure about them because I could not find any error related to them on Kibana (maybe I just did not know how to filter them...).

Merge request reports
