Initializing Gaudi ApplicationMgr using job opts ../share/StoreGateSvcClient_test.txt
JobOptionsSvc INFO # =======> /home/sss/atlas/rootaccess/build/joboptions/ControlTest/StoreGateTestCommon.txt
JobOptionsSvc INFO # (5,1): ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += ["StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore", "StoreGateSvc/HistoryStore", "StoreGateSvc/ConditionsStore"]
JobOptionsSvc INFO # (6,1): AuditorSvc.Auditors += ["AlgContextAuditor"]
JobOptionsSvc INFO # (7,1): StoreGateSvc.OutputLevel = 1
JobOptionsSvc INFO # (8,1): StoreGateSvc.ActivateHistory = 0
JobOptionsSvc INFO # (9,1): CLIDSvc.OutputLevel = 2
JobOptionsSvc INFO # (10,1): MessageSvc.useColors = 1
JobOptionsSvc INFO Job options successfully read in from ../share/StoreGateSvcClient_test.txt
ApplicationMgr SUCCESS
Welcome to ApplicationMgr (GaudiCoreSvc v27r1p99)
running on karma on Mon Jun 20 11:32:32 2016
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Configured successfully[m
ClassIDSvc INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDComps-00-00-00[m
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 1007 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL[m
ProxyProviderSvc INFO Initializing ProxyProviderSvc - package version SGComps-00-00-00[m
[93;1mEventLoopMgr WARNING Unable to locate service "EventSelector" [m
[93;1mEventLoopMgr WARNING No events will be processed from external input.[m
[93;1mHistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required.[m
ApplicationMgr INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully[m
ApplicationMgr Ready
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Property update for OutputLevel : new value = 1[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Service base class initialized successfully[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service EventPersistencySvc[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE ServiceLocatorHelper::service: found service ClassIDSvc[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test record BEGINS ***
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xc8a740 with key pFoo1 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xcabaa0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key pFoo1 and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0xf63000 found in Store for key pFoo1 with clid 8101[m
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 343 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0xcab400
recorded with key pFoo1 of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0xca3d60[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: failed for key=pFoo2, type Foo (CLID 8101)
object @0xc8a740 already in store with key=pFoo1. Will not record a duplicate! [m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf57d10 with key pFoo2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf70a90
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xcaac20 with key cpFoo of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xca0c20
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf70ae0 with key silly of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf63fa0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key silly and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0xff0770 found in Store for key silly with clid 8101[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0xfcd4e0
recorded with key silly of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0xfcd450[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key silly and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0xff0770 found in Store for key silly with clid 8101[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0xcab020
recorded with key silly of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0xf5d370[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key silly and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0xff0770 found in Store for key silly with clid 8101[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0xf6f6c0
recorded with key silly of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0xf5d3c0[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xca8d70 with key UnLocked of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xfcfd70
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xca8950 with key Locked of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf752e0
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xca27d0 with key LockedReset of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf60b80
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf70680 with key UnLockedReset of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf705d0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf64810 with key LockedDelete of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf64760
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xcb13b0 with key UnLockedDelete of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf648b0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf5cb30 with key Const of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf5b700
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xca5f20 with key Const2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xca5e70
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key Const and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0xf60380 found in Store for key Const with clid 8101[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0xf5d8f0
recorded with key Const of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0xf5d820[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf757b0 with key ow of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf5d910
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0xca4360 with key ow of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xca4430
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0xca4480 with key ow of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf5d910
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xca4340 with key ow2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xca4430
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0xf64010 with key ow2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf63760
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0xf63ff0 with key ow2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xca4430
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test records OK ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test contains BEGINS ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test contains OK ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test retrieve BEGINS ***
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING retrieve(default): No valid proxy for default object
of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING retrieve(default): No valid proxy for default object
of type NotThere(CLID 8103)[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING retrieve(default): No valid proxy for default object of type Foo(CLID 8101)
Try to use a const DataHandle [m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING retrieve(default): No valid proxy for default object
of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved const handle to object UnLocked of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved const handle to object UnLocked of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING retrieve(const): No valid proxy for object UnLockedxxx of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc DEBUG retrieve(range): no object found of type NotThere(CLID 8103)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG retrieve(range): Can't set DataHandle for object range of type NotThere(CLID 8103)[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test retrieve OK ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test tryRetrieve BEGINS ***
we should see no WARNING message for failed retrieves
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved const handle to object UnLocked of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved const handle to object UnLocked of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test tryRetrieve OK ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test symlinks BEGINS ***
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING retrieve(default): No valid proxy for default object
of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING addSymLink: no target DataProxy found. Sorry, can't link to a non-existing data object[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING addSymLink: no target DataProxy found. Sorry, can't link to a non-existing data object[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object UnLocked of type Base(CLID 8100)[m
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING addSymLink: no target DataProxy found. Sorry, can't link to a non-existing data object[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc DEBUG retrieve(default): Retrieved const handle to default object
of type Base(CLID 8100)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved const handle to object UnLocked of type Base(CLID 8100)[m
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING retrieve(const): No valid proxy for object modSully of type Base(CLID 8100)[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test symlinks OK ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test readPrivateCopy BEGINS ***
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved const handle to object silly of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING SGImplSvc::typeless_readPrivateCopy: did not find object of type Foo with key silly[m
[93;1mSG::fromStorable WARNING null input pointer [m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved const handle to object silly of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test readPrivateCopy OK ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test retrievePrivateCopy BEGINS ***
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved const handle to object silly of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved const handle to object silly of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING retrieve(const): No valid proxy for object silly of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test retrievePrivateCopy OK ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test remove BEGINS ***
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING retrieve(default): No valid proxy for default object of type Foo(CLID 8101)
Try to use a const DataHandle [m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING retrieve(non-const): No valid proxy for object of type Foo(CLID 8101)
Try to use a const DataHandle[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf63910 with key pFooKey of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf63fa0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
Now we expect to see an error for invalid proxy >>>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING retrieve(non-const): No valid proxy for object pFooKey of type Foo(CLID 8101)
Try to use a const DataHandle[m
end of error >>>>>>>>>>>>>
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xca4340 with key pFooKey of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf63fa0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xca4340 with key pFooKey of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf63fa0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test removes OK ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test testCreate BEGINS ***
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xca4340 with key pCreateFooDefault of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf63fa0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf645a0 with key pCreateFoo1 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf72cb0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key pCreateFoo1 and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0xf6fb40 found in Store for key pCreateFoo1 with clid 8101[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0xf72d00
recorded with key pCreateFoo1 of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0xf72f00[m
[97;101;1mStoreGateSvc ERROR create: problem recording created object @0xf72d00 using key pCreateFoo1[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object pCreateFoo1 of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test testCreate OK ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test bind BEGINS ***
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xca9160 with key fooKey of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf79970
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Bound handle 0x7fff1094f1e0 to proxy 0xf79b40[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test bind OK ***
Testing dump:
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Data Store Dump >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Found 1 proxy for ClassID 8100 (Base):
flags: ( valid, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0xfcfd70 --- key: UnLocked
Found 17 proxies for ClassID 8101 (Foo):
flags: ( valid, locked, reset) --- data: 0xf5b700 --- key: Const
flags: ( valid, locked, reset) --- data: 0xca5e70 --- key: Const2
flags: ( valid, locked, reset) --- data: 0xf752e0 --- key: Locked
flags: ( valid, locked, DELETE) --- data: 0xf64760 --- key: LockedDelete
flags: ( valid, locked, reset) --- data: 0xf60b80 --- key: LockedReset
flags: ( valid, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0xfcfd70 --- key: UnLocked
flags: ( valid, UNLOCKED, DELETE) --- data: 0xf648b0 --- key: UnLockedDelete
flags: ( valid, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0xf705d0 --- key: UnLockedReset
flags: ( valid, locked, reset) --- data: 0xca0c20 --- key: cpFoo
flags: ( valid, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0xf79970 --- key: fooKey
flags: ( valid, UNLOCKED, DELETE) --- data: 0xf5d910 --- key: ow
flags: ( valid, locked, DELETE) --- data: 0xca4430 --- key: ow2
flags: ( valid, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0xf72cb0 --- key: pCreateFoo1
flags: ( valid, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0xf63fa0 --- key: pCreateFooDefault
flags: ( valid, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0xcabaa0 --- key: pFoo1
flags: ( valid, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0xf70a90 --- key: pFoo2
flags: (INVALID, UNLOCKED, reset) --- data: 0 --- key: silly
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=1[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xfe8810, recorded with key=UnLocked, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xfcfd70 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf60380, recorded with key=Const, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf5b700 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca38c0, recorded with key=Const2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xca5e70 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf60ab0, recorded with key=Locked, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf752e0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca4ad0, recorded with key=LockedDelete, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf64760 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xfef5b0, recorded with key=LockedReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf60b80 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xfe8810, recorded with key=UnLocked, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xfcfd70 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf5b610, recorded with key=UnLockedDelete, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf648b0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf64670, recorded with key=UnLockedReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf705d0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xfe3b80, recorded with key=cpFoo, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xca0c20 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf79b40, recorded with key=fooKey, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf79970 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca41f0, recorded with key=ow, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf5d910 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca42c0, recorded with key=ow2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xca4430 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf6fb40, recorded with key=pCreateFoo1, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf72cb0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca43b0, recorded with key=pCreateFooDefault, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf63fa0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf63000, recorded with key=pFoo1, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xcabaa0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xc9ff20, recorded with key=pFoo2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf70a90 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xff0770, recorded with key=silly, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xfee4a0 with key d1 of type D1(CLID 8112)
in DataObject @0xff2600
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object d1 of type B1(CLID 8111)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object d1Alias of type D1(CLID 8112)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object d1AnotherAlias of type D1(CLID 8112)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xc8ecc0 with key d2 of type D1(CLID 8112)
in DataObject @0xff7550
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object d2 of type D1(CLID 8112)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object d1Alias of type D1(CLID 8112)[m
Found key = d1Alias for object D1 in StoreGate
Found key = d2 for object D1 in StoreGate
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object dd of type D1(CLID 8112)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object dd of type B1(CLID 8111)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf79940, recorded with key=d2, CLID=8112, containing data object @0xff7550 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca0c20, recorded with key=dd, CLID=8112, containing data object @0xff8280 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf79940, recorded with key=d2, CLID=8112, containing data object @0xff7550 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf79940, recorded with key=d2, CLID=8112, containing data object @0xff7550 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xc9ff20, recorded with key=dd, CLID=8112, containing data object @0xf70a90 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object dd of type D1(CLID 8112)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object dd of type B1(CLID 8111)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=1[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test transientSwap BEGINS ***
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf645a0 with key pSwapFoo1 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf5d9b0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf72f90 with key pSwapFoo2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf6fc10
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object pSwapFoo1 of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object pSwapFoo2 of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test transientSwap OK ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test VersionedKey BEGINS ***
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xca0580 with key aVersObj of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf78df0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object aVersObj of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xca9b00 with key ;77;aVersObj of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf5bc40
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object ;77;aVersObj of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object aVersObj of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object ;00;aVersObj of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xcaac20 with key ;88;aVersObj of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xcab300
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object ;88;aVersObj of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key ;88;aVersObj and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0xca3910 found in Store for key ;88;aVersObj with clid 8101[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0xf77d60
recorded with key ;88;aVersObj of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0xf5d3c0[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xca4c60 with key ;66;aVersObj of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf5d410
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object aVersObj of type Foo(CLID 8101)[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test VersionedKey OK ***
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=1[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf79940, recorded with key=aVersObj, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf78df0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf5d820, recorded with key=;66;aVersObj, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf5d410 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf63000, recorded with key=;77;aVersObj, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf5bc40 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca3910, recorded with key=;88;aVersObj, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xcab300 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf5d820, recorded with key=;66;aVersObj, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf5d410 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca0c20, recorded with key=pSwapFoo1, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf6fc10 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xc9ff20, recorded with key=pSwapFoo2, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf5d9b0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf70560 with key contd of type CV(CLID 82734625)
in DataObject @0xc9ff20
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object contd of type DataVector<C>(CLID 82734623)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object contd of type DataVector<B>(CLID 82734621)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object contd of type DataVector<A>(CLID 82734619)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object contd of type DataVector<A>(CLID 82734619)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xfc13b0 with key contd of type CL(CLID 82734626)
in DataObject @0xf5d820
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object contd of type DataList<C>(CLID 82734624)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object contd of type DataList<B>(CLID 82734622)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object contd of type DataList<A>(CLID 82734620)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object contd of type DataList<A>(CLID 82734620)[m
*** test_const_DVL
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xca8f50 with key dvl of type CV(CLID 82734625)
in DataObject @0xf63000
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING retrieve(non-const): No valid proxy for object dvl of type CV(CLID 82734625)
Try to use a const DataHandle[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved const handle to object dvl of type CV(CLID 82734625)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf79a20 with key dvl2 of type CV(CLID 82734625)
in DataObject @0xf64740
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved const handle to object dvl2 of type CV(CLID 82734625)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf5d8f0 with key dvl of type CL(CLID 82734626)
in DataObject @0xca42e0
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING retrieve(non-const): No valid proxy for object dvl of type CL(CLID 82734626)
Try to use a const DataHandle[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved const handle to object dvl of type CL(CLID 82734626)[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf57df0 with key dvl2 of type CL(CLID 82734626)
in DataObject @0xcabc20
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved const handle to object dvl2 of type CL(CLID 82734626)[m
*** test_copy_conversions
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf65610 with key x of type Athena_test::X(CLID 82734627)
in DataObject @0xf5eaa0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object x of type Athena_test::Y(CLID 82734628)[m
[93;1mSG::DataProxy_castWARNING Request for a non-const object via copying conversion; requested CLID = 82734628, proxy primary ID is 82734627[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved const handle to object x of type Athena_test::Y(CLID 82734628)[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING retrieve(const): No valid proxy for object x of type Athena_test::A(CLID 82734609)[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test Keys BEGINS ***
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca0c20, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0xc9ff20 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca3910, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0xf5d820 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca0c20, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf79940, recorded with key=dvl, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0xf63000 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf601d0, recorded with key=dvl2, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0xf64740 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca3910, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf73ec0, recorded with key=dvl, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0xca42e0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xcabde0, recorded with key=dvl2, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0xcabc20 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca0c20, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf79940, recorded with key=dvl, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf601d0, recorded with key=dvl2, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca3910, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf73ec0, recorded with key=dvl, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xcabde0, recorded with key=dvl2, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca0c20, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf79940, recorded with key=dvl, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf601d0, recorded with key=dvl2, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca3910, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf73ec0, recorded with key=dvl, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xcabde0, recorded with key=dvl2, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf65760, recorded with key=x, CLID=82734627, containing data object @0xf5eaa0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf65760, recorded with key=x, CLID=82734627, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xcabbe0 with key LockReset of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf5eaa0
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf5b220 with key UnLockReset of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf5b520
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xcb13b0 with key LockDelete of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf63370
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf65890 with key UnLockDelete of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xca39e0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf64740, recorded with key=LockDelete, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf63370 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xcabc20, recorded with key=LockReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf5eaa0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf63000, recorded with key=UnLockDelete, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xca39e0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca42e0, recorded with key=UnLockReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf5b520 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf63000, recorded with key=UnLockDelete, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xca39e0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca0c20, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca3910, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca0c20, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf79940, recorded with key=dvl, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf601d0, recorded with key=dvl2, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca3910, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf73ec0, recorded with key=dvl, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xcabde0, recorded with key=dvl2, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca0c20, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf79940, recorded with key=dvl, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf601d0, recorded with key=dvl2, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca3910, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf73ec0, recorded with key=dvl, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xcabde0, recorded with key=dvl2, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca0c20, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf79940, recorded with key=dvl, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf601d0, recorded with key=dvl2, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca3910, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf73ec0, recorded with key=dvl, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xcabde0, recorded with key=dvl2, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf65760, recorded with key=x, CLID=82734627, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf65760, recorded with key=x, CLID=82734627, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=1[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xcabc20, recorded with key=LockReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca42e0, recorded with key=UnLockReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca0c20, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca3910, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca0c20, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf79940, recorded with key=dvl, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf601d0, recorded with key=dvl2, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca3910, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf73ec0, recorded with key=dvl, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xcabde0, recorded with key=dvl2, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca0c20, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf79940, recorded with key=dvl, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf601d0, recorded with key=dvl2, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca3910, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf73ec0, recorded with key=dvl, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xcabde0, recorded with key=dvl2, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca0c20, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf79940, recorded with key=dvl, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf601d0, recorded with key=dvl2, CLID=82734625, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca3910, recorded with key=contd, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf73ec0, recorded with key=dvl, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xcabde0, recorded with key=dvl2, CLID=82734626, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf65760, recorded with key=x, CLID=82734627, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf65760, recorded with key=x, CLID=82734627, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf655f0 with key LockReset of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xca53b0
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xfef610 with key UnLockReset of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xcabca0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf5e870 with key LockDelete of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf5da50
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf602a0 with key UnLockDelete of type Foo(CLID 8101)
in DataObject @0xf5d8a0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf73ec0, recorded with key=LockDelete, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf5da50 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf65760, recorded with key=LockReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xca53b0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca3910, recorded with key=UnLockDelete, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf5d8a0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xcabde0, recorded with key=UnLockReset, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xcabca0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=1[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test Keys ENDS ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test retrieveAux BEGINS ***
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xcabdb0 with key BVec of type TestVector<BX>(CLID 82735621)
in DataObject @0xf5b620
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf65900 with key BVecAux. of type TestAuxStore(CLID 125030194)
in DataObject @0xf5d8a0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf5ea50 with key CVec of type TestVector<BX>(CLID 82735621)
in DataObject @0xf647c0
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf9d7a0 with key CVecAux. of type TestAuxStore(CLID 125030194)
in DataObject @0xf74000
object not modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf79c20 with key ErrorVec of type TestVector<BX>(CLID 82735621)
in DataObject @0xca4a30
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xfef5e0 with key BBVec of type TestVector<BBX>(CLID 125040193)
in DataObject @0xf740f0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xfeca80 with key BBVecAux. of type TestAuxStore(CLID 125030194)
in DataObject @0xca4b20
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE called associateAux_impl non const for key BVec[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object BVec of type TestVector<BX>(CLID 82735621)[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE called associateAux_impl non const for key BVec[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object BVec of type TestVector<BX>(CLID 82735621)[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE called associateAux_impl const for key CVec[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved const handle to object CVec of type TestVector<BX>(CLID 82735621)[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE called associateAux_impl const for key ErrorVec[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved const handle to object ErrorVec of type TestVector<BX>(CLID 82735621)[m
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE called associateAux_impl const for key ErrorVec[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved const handle to object ErrorVec of type TestVector<BX>(CLID 82735621)[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE called associateAux_impl const for key ErrorVec[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING associateAux const: Could not associate AuxStore of type SG::IConstAuxStore
to object of type TestVector<BX>(CLID 82735621) with key ErrorVec[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING [m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xff07f0 with key BStand of type BX(CLID 82835621)
in DataObject @0xca8ff0
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xcab020 with key BStandAux. of type TestAuxStore(CLID 125030194)
in DataObject @0xf5b520
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE called associateAux_impl non const for key BStand[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Retrieved non-const handle to object BStand of type BX(CLID 82835621)[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test retrieveAux OK ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test testBoundReset BEGINS ***
StoreGateSvc DEBUG overwrite: Recorded object @0xf5e9c0 with key testBoundReset of type int(CLID 244260744)
in DataObject @0xcabd60
object modifiable when retrieved[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test testBoundReset OK ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test testRecordObject BEGINS ***
>>> test duplicate record1
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key obj101 and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0xf63000 found in Store for key obj101 with clid 8101[m
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0xf5e9a0
recorded with key obj101 of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0xf72a60[m
<<< test duplicate record1
>>> test duplicate record2
[93;1mStoreGateSvc WARNING record_impl: failed for key=obj999, type Foo (CLID 8101)
object @0xf73f40 already in store with key=obj101. Will not record a duplicate! [m
<<< test duplicate record2
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf63000, recorded with key=obj101, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xf63370 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf5d820, recorded with key=obj102, CLID=8101, containing data object @0xca50c0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf63000, recorded with key=obj101, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xcabde0, recorded with key=BVec, CLID=82735621, containing data object @0xf5b620 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf65760, recorded with key=CVec, CLID=82735621, containing data object @0xf647c0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf601d0, recorded with key=ErrorVec, CLID=82735621, containing data object @0xca4a30 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca42e0, recorded with key=BStand, CLID=82835621, containing data object @0xca8ff0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca0c20, recorded with key=BBVecAux., CLID=125030194, containing data object @0xca4b20 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xcabc20, recorded with key=BStandAux., CLID=125030194, containing data object @0xf5b520 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca3910, recorded with key=BVecAux., CLID=125030194, containing data object @0xf5d8a0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf73ec0, recorded with key=CVecAux., CLID=125030194, containing data object @0xf74000 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf79940, recorded with key=BBVec, CLID=125040193, containing data object @0xf740f0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf64740, recorded with key=testBoundReset, CLID=244260744, containing data object @0xcabd60 ... -> DONE[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test testRecordObject OK ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test testWriteAux BEGINS ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test testWriteAux OK ***
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf70ae0 with key lockable1 of type Lockable(CLID 82734636)
in DataObject @0xf74000
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=0[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf63000, recorded with key=obj101, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf5d820, recorded with key=obj102, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf63000, recorded with key=obj101, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf633f0, recorded with key=lockable1, CLID=82734636, containing data object @0xf74000 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xcabde0, recorded with key=BVec, CLID=82735621, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf65760, recorded with key=CVec, CLID=82735621, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf601d0, recorded with key=ErrorVec, CLID=82735621, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca42e0, recorded with key=BStand, CLID=82835621, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf64740, recorded with key=testWriteAux, CLID=82835621, containing data object @0xf63370 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca0c20, recorded with key=BBVecAux., CLID=125030194, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xcabc20, recorded with key=BStandAux., CLID=125030194, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xca3910, recorded with key=BVecAux., CLID=125030194, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf73ec0, recorded with key=CVecAux., CLID=125030194, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xc9ff20, recorded with key=testWriteAuxAux., CLID=125030194, containing data object @0xf70760 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() requesting release of DataProxy @0xf79940, recorded with key=BBVec, CLID=125040193, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Recorded object @0xf5e9a0 with key lockable1 of type Lockable(CLID 82734636)
in DataObject @0xf70760
object modifiable when retrieved[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE Finalizing StoreGateSvc - package version StoreGate-00-00-00[m
StoreGateSvc DEBUG Clearing store with forceRemove=1[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf63000, recorded with key=obj101, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf5d820, recorded with key=obj102, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf63000, recorded with key=obj101, CLID=8101, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf633f0, recorded with key=lockable1, CLID=82734636, containing data object @0xf70760 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xcabde0, recorded with key=BVec, CLID=82735621, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf65760, recorded with key=CVec, CLID=82735621, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf601d0, recorded with key=ErrorVec, CLID=82735621, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca42e0, recorded with key=BStand, CLID=82835621, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf64740, recorded with key=testWriteAux, CLID=82835621, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca0c20, recorded with key=BBVecAux., CLID=125030194, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xcabc20, recorded with key=BStandAux., CLID=125030194, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xca3910, recorded with key=BVecAux., CLID=125030194, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf73ec0, recorded with key=CVecAux., CLID=125030194, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xc9ff20, recorded with key=testWriteAuxAux., CLID=125030194, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
StoreGateSvc VERBOSE DataStore::clearStore() forcing release of DataProxy @0xf79940, recorded with key=BBVec, CLID=125040193, containing data object @0 ... -> DONE[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test record BEGINS ***
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mDetectorStore WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key pFoo1 and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0xf79940 found in Store for key pFoo1 with clid 8101[m
[93;1mDetectorStore WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0xca4480
recorded with key pFoo1 of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0xf72d70[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mDetectorStore WARNING record_impl: failed for key=pFoo2, type Foo (CLID 8101)
object @0xf64700 already in store with key=pFoo1. Will not record a duplicate! [m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mDetectorStore WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key silly and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0xca3910 found in Store for key silly with clid 8101[m
[93;1mDetectorStore WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0xf5e9a0
recorded with key silly of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0xcabaa0[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mDetectorStore WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key silly and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0xca3910 found in Store for key silly with clid 8101[m
[93;1mDetectorStore WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0xf5e870
recorded with key silly of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0xf5da00[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mDetectorStore WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key silly and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0xca3910 found in Store for key silly with clid 8101[m
[93;1mDetectorStore WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0xf5ea10
recorded with key silly of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0xcab370[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
Now we expect to see an error message:
----Error Message Starts--->>
[93;1mDetectorStore WARNING setupProxy:: error setting up proxy for key Const and clid 8101
Pre-existing valid DataProxy @0xcabde0 found in Store for key Const with clid 8101[m
[93;1mDetectorStore WARNING record_impl: Problem setting up the proxy for object @0xf5b5b0
recorded with key Const of type Foo (CLID 8101) in DataObject @0xf5e7d0[m
<<---Error Message Ends-------
IOVSvc INFO No IOVSvcTool associated with store "StoreGateSvc"[m
IOVSvcTool INFO [92;1mIOVRanges will be checked at every [96;1mEvent[m
ClassIDSvc INFO getRegistryEntries: read 246 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL[m
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test records OK ***
*** StoreGateSvcClient_test OK ***