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atlas / athena
137760 commits behind, 14538 commits ahead of the upstream repository.
Michael Duehrssen-Debling authoredMichael Duehrssen-Debling authored
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#include "CLHEP/Random/RandFlat.h"
#include "CLHEP/Random/RandGauss.h"
#include "ISF_FastCaloSimEvent/TFCSHistoLateralShapeGausLogWeightHitAndMiss.h"
#include "ISF_FastCaloSimEvent/TFCSSimulationState.h"
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TVector2.h"
#include "TMath.h"
//======= TFCSHistoLateralShapeGausLogWeightHitAndMiss =========
TFCSHistoLateralShapeGausLogWeightHitAndMiss::TFCSHistoLateralShapeGausLogWeightHitAndMiss(const char* name, const char* title):TFCSHistoLateralShapeWeight(name,title)
FCSReturnCode TFCSHistoLateralShapeGausLogWeightHitAndMiss::simulate_hit(Hit& hit,TFCSSimulationState& simulstate,const TFCSTruthState* /*truth*/, const TFCSExtrapolationState* /*extrapol*/)
if (!simulstate.randomEngine()) {
return FCSFatal;
const double center_eta = hit.center_eta();
const double center_phi = hit.center_phi();
const double center_r = hit.center_r();
const double center_z = hit.center_z();
const float dist000 = TMath::Sqrt(center_r * center_r + center_z * center_z);
const float eta_jakobi = TMath::Abs(2.0 * TMath::Exp(-center_eta) / (1.0 + TMath::Exp(-2 * center_eta)));
const float delta_eta = hit.eta()-center_eta;
const float delta_phi = hit.phi()-center_phi;
const float delta_eta_mm = delta_eta * eta_jakobi * dist000;
const float delta_phi_mm = delta_phi * center_r;
const float delta_r_mm = TMath::Sqrt(delta_eta_mm*delta_eta_mm+delta_phi_mm*delta_phi_mm);
//TODO: delta_r_mm should perhaps be cached in hit
Int_t bin=m_hist->FindBin(delta_r_mm);
if(bin<1) bin=1;
if(bin>m_hist->GetNbinsX()) bin=m_hist->GetNbinsX();
float meanweight=m_hist->GetBinContent(bin);
float weight=meanweight;
float RMS =m_hist->GetBinError(bin);
if(RMS>0) {
float logweight=CLHEP::RandGauss::shoot(simulstate.randomEngine(), -0.5*RMS*RMS, RMS);
if(meanweight<=1) {
//if meanweight<=1, give lower energy to hit.
//TFCSLateralShapeParametrizationHitChain needs to be able to generate more hits in this case
} else {
//if meanweight>1, accept only 1/meanweight events, but give them a higher energy increased by weight.
//This leads to larger fluctuations, while keeping the shape unchanged.
float prob=1.0/meanweight;
float rnd=CLHEP::RandFlat::shoot(simulstate.randomEngine());
if(rnd<prob) hit.E()*=weight;
else hit.E()=0;
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("HIT: E="<<hit.E()<<" dR_mm="<<delta_r_mm<<" meanweight="<<meanweight<<" weight="<<weight);
return FCSSuccess;