std::cout<<" expectedEnergySigma is "<<expectedEnergySigma<<" for track with e, pt and eta of "<<thisEfRecTrack->getTrack()->e()<<", "<<thisEfRecTrack->getTrack()->pt()<<" and "<<thisEfRecTrack->getTrack()->eta()<<" and 1st is "<<j1st<<std::endl;
//We use a 2D cut in the pull_015 and log10 of track pt plane to define a dense environment - if too dense then we disable the charged shower subtraction
thisEfRecTrack->setSubtracted();//this tricks eflowRec into thinking this track was subtracted, and hence no further subtraction will be done
//recalculate the LHED and the ordering and find the new expected E + sigma of expected E (the new LHED can change the latter two values we find in the look up tables)
//If the looked up expected energy deposit was 0.0, then pull_015 is NAN. In that case we should not try to apply the 2D cut described below.
//We use a 2D cut in the pull_015 and log10 of track pt plane to define a dense environment - if too dense then we disable the charged shower subtraction
thisEfRecTrack->setSubtracted();//this tricks eflowRec into thinking this track was subtracted, and hence no further subtraction will be done
//recalculate the LHED and the ordering and find the new expected E + sigma of expected E (the new LHED can change the latter two values we find in the look up tables)