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Commit 8a2f1f91 authored by Thomas Michael Carter's avatar Thomas Michael Carter
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parent 1dffd11d
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......@@ -102,6 +102,9 @@ def getFastCaloSimSvcV2(name="ISF_FastCaloSimSvcV2", **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault("CaloCellMakerTools_release" , [ 'ISF_CaloCellContainerFCSFinalizerTool',
'ISF_FastHitConvertTool' ])
kwargs.setdefault("FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation" , 'FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation')
kwargs.setdefault("PunchThroughTool" , 'ISF_PunchThroughTool' )
kwargs.setdefault("DoPunchThroughSimulation" , True )
kwargs.setdefault("ParticleBroker" , 'ISF_ParticleBrokerSvc' )
kwargs.setdefault("ParamSvc", "ISF_FastCaloSimV2ParamSvc")
# register the FastCaloSim random number streams
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@
// StoreGate
#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
#include "StoreGate/StoreGate.h"
#include "ISF_Interfaces/IParticleBroker.h"
#include "CaloEvent/CaloCellContainer.h"
#include "CaloDetDescr/CaloDetDescrElement.h"
......@@ -35,6 +37,7 @@
#include "PathResolver/PathResolver.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include <fstream>
......@@ -46,14 +49,21 @@ ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::FastCaloSimSvcV2(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* sv
: BaseSimulationSvc(name, svc)
, m_paramSvc("ISF_FastCaloSimV2ParamSvc", name)
, m_rndGenSvc("AtRndmGenSvc", name)
, m_doPunchThrough(false)
, m_punchThroughTool("")
, m_particleBroker ("ISF_ParticleBroker",name)
declareProperty("ParamSvc" , m_paramSvc);
declareProperty("CaloCellsOutputName" , m_caloCellsOutputName) ;
declareProperty("CaloCellMakerTools_setup" , m_caloCellMakerToolsSetup) ;
declareProperty("CaloCellMakerTools_release" , m_caloCellMakerToolsRelease) ;
declareProperty("PunchThroughTool" , m_punchThroughTool);
declareProperty("DoPunchThroughSimulation" , m_doPunchThrough) ;
declareProperty("RandomSvc" , m_rndGenSvc );
declareProperty("RandomStream" , m_randomEngineName );
declareProperty("FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation" , m_FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation );
declareProperty("ParticleBroker" , m_particleBroker, "ISF ParticleBroker Svc" );
/** framework methods */
......@@ -63,11 +73,18 @@ StatusCode ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::initialize()
m_randomEngine = m_rndGenSvc->GetEngine( m_randomEngineName);
if (!m_randomEngine) {
ATH_MSG_ERROR("Could not get random number engine from RandomNumberService. Abort.");
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
if (m_doPunchThrough && m_punchThroughTool.retrieve().isFailure() )
ATH_MSG_ERROR (m_punchThroughTool.propertyName() << ": Failed to retrieve tool " << m_punchThroughTool.type());
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
// Get FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation
......@@ -148,6 +165,18 @@ StatusCode ISF::FastCaloSimSvcV2::simulate(const ISF::ISFParticle& isfp)
Amg::Vector3D particle_position = isfp.position();
Amg::Vector3D particle_direction(isfp.momentum().x(),isfp.momentum().y(),isfp.momentum().z());
if (m_doPunchThrough) {
// call punch-through simulation
const ISF::ISFParticleContainer* isfpVec = m_punchThroughTool->computePunchThroughParticles(isfp);
if (isfpVec) {
ISF::ISFParticleContainer::const_iterator partIt = isfpVec->begin();
ISF::ISFParticleContainer::const_iterator partItEnd = isfpVec->end();
for ( ; partIt!=partItEnd; ++partIt) {
m_particleBroker->push( *partIt, &isfp);
//int barcode=isfp.barcode(); // isfp barcode, eta and phi: in case we need them
// float eta_isfp = particle_position.eta();
// float phi_isfp = particle_position.phi();
......@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
// ISF includes
#include "ISF_Interfaces/BaseSimulationSvc.h"
// Framework includes
#include "GaudiKernel/ServiceHandle.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolHandle.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IChronoStatSvc.h"
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthService.h"
// FastCaloSim includes
#include "IFastCaloSimParamSvc.h"
#include "ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization/IFastCaloSimCaloExtrapolation.h"
......@@ -23,6 +29,9 @@
#include "CaloIdentifier/LArFCAL_ID.h"
#include "CaloIdentifier/TileID.h"
#include "ISF_FastCaloSimInterfaces/IPunchThroughTool.h"
namespace CLHEP
class HepRandomEngine;
......@@ -34,6 +43,10 @@ class TFCSParametrizationBase;
namespace ISF {
class IParticleBroker;
class IPunchThroughTool;
/** @class FastCaloSimSvcV2
@author Elmar.Ritsch -at-, Geraldine.Conti -at-, Flavia.Dias -at-
......@@ -75,6 +88,11 @@ namespace ISF {
std::string m_randomEngineName;
std::string m_caloCellsOutputName;
bool m_doPunchThrough;
ToolHandle< IPunchThroughTool > m_punchThroughTool;
ServiceHandle<ISF::IParticleBroker> m_particleBroker;
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ double ISF::PDFcreator::getRand(std::vector<double> inputParameters, bool discre
// we have to choose which bin we use for the current energy & eta regime.
// It's very unlikely to exactly hit a bin's center, therefore we randomly
// choose either the lower next or the upper next bin.
int numInputPar = inputParameters.size();
TAxis **axis = new TAxis*[numInputPar];
Int_t *chosenBin = new Int_t[numInputPar];
......@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ double ISF::PDFcreator::getRand(std::vector<double> inputParameters, bool discre
// get the axis from the first (could be any other too, but the first one
// always exists) histogram (which holds the function's first fit parameter)
axis[0] = m_par[0]->GetXaxis();
axis[1] = m_par[0]->GetYaxis();
axis[0] = m_par[0]->GetXaxis(); //Energy
axis[1] = m_par[0]->GetYaxis(); //Eta
// loop over all input inputParameters (e.g. eta & energy)
for (int inputPar=0; inputPar<numInputPar; inputPar++) {
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ double ISF::PDFcreator::getRand(std::vector<double> inputParameters, bool discre
// get the id of the bin corresponding to the current value
// (use FindFixBin to avoid the axis from being rebinned)
Int_t bin = curaxis->FindFixBin(curvalue);
// get the center of the closest bin to the input inputParameter
double closestCenter = curaxis->GetBinCenter(bin);
// get the bins edge closest to the current value
......@@ -78,10 +79,11 @@ double ISF::PDFcreator::getRand(std::vector<double> inputParameters, bool discre
// of them)
Int_t bin = 0;
if (numInputPar == 1) bin = m_par[0]->GetBin( chosenBin[0] );
else if (numInputPar ==2 ) bin = m_par[0]->GetBin( chosenBin[0], chosenBin[1] );
else if (numInputPar == 3) bin = m_par[0]->GetBin( chosenBin[0], chosenBin[1], chosenBin[2] );
else if (numInputPar ==2 ) bin = m_par[0]->GetBin( chosenBin[0], chosenBin[1], 1 );
else if (numInputPar == 3) bin = m_par[0]->GetBin( chosenBin[0], chosenBin[1], chosenBin[2] ); //Select Z bin as 1 to choose pions for now
// TODO: implement case of >3 input parameters
// free some memory
delete [] axis;
......@@ -400,6 +400,8 @@ const ISF::ISFParticleContainer* ISF::PunchThroughTool::computePunchThroughParti
// -> the azimutal angle phi
m_initPhi = m_initPs->position().phi();
m_initPdg = m_initPs->pdgCode();
// this is the place where the magic is done:
// test for each registered punch-through pdg if a punch-through
// occures and create these particles
......@@ -487,6 +489,7 @@ int ISF::PunchThroughTool::getAllParticles(int pdg, int numParticles) const
std::vector<double> parameters;
parameters.push_back( m_initEnergy );
parameters.push_back( fabs(m_initEta) );
// the maximum number of particles which should be produced
// if no maximum number is given, this is -1
int maxParticles = p->getMaxNumParticles();
......@@ -634,6 +637,7 @@ ISF::ISFParticle *ISF::PunchThroughTool::getOneParticle(int pdg, double maxEnerg
std::vector<double> parInitEnergyEta;
parInitEnergyEta.push_back( m_initEnergy );
parInitEnergyEta.push_back( fabs(m_initEta) );
//parInitEnergyEta.push_back( fabs(m_initEta) ); ADD initial pdgid here
// (2.1) get the energy
double energy = p->getExitEnergyPDF()->getRand(
......@@ -905,7 +909,7 @@ ISF::PDFcreator *ISF::PunchThroughTool::readLookuptablePDF(int pdg, std::string
name << folderName << pdg<< "/parameter" << par;
// get the histogram from the file
// get the histogram from the filenan
TH1 *hist = (TH1*)m_fileLookupTable->Get(name.str().c_str());
// if histogram does not exist -> error!
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
// Athena Base
#include "AthenaBaseComps/AthAlgTool.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IAlgTool.h"
#include "BarcodeEvent/Barcode.h"
#include "BarcodeEvent/PhysicsProcessCode.h"
......@@ -115,6 +116,7 @@ namespace ISF {
mutable double m_initEta{0.}; //!< the incoming particle's eta
mutable double m_initTheta{0.}; //!< the incoming particle's theta
mutable double m_initPhi{0.}; //!< the incoming particle's phi
mutable int m_initPdg{0}; //!< the incoming particle's pdg
/** calo-MS borders */
double m_R1{0.};
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