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Commit 9fb8e38c authored by Dirk Duschinger's avatar Dirk Duschinger
Browse files

removed cmt files

Former-commit-id: 47fc155f03b3eb814d5cb78855ce6b4b0731bfff
parent 8a76cdd1
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# this makefile also gets parsed by shell scripts
# therefore it does not support full make syntax and features
# edit with care
# for full documentation check:
# the name of the package:
PACKAGE = tauRecTools
# the libraries to link with this one:
# additional compilation flags to pass (not propagated to dependent packages):
# additional compilation flags to pass (propagated to dependent packages):
# additional linker flags to pass (for compiling the library):
# additional linker flags to pass (for compiling binaries):
# additional linker flags to pass (propagated to client libraries):
# the list of packages we depend on:
PACKAGE_DEP = AsgTools xAODTau PathResolver xAODEventInfo FourMomUtils xAODTracking xAODPrimitives ElectronPhotonSelectorTools PATCore PATInterfaces xAODEgamma Asg_FastJet MVAUtils MCTruthClassifier
# the list of packages we use if present, but that we can work without :
# list pattern of scripts to link directly into binary path:
# whether to use pedantic compilation:
# whether to turn *off* optimization (set to dict to do it only for
# dictionaries):
# whether to build no library (needs to be set if no source files are
# present):
# whether we build a reflex dictionary:
# the list of all unit tests that should be called in recursive testing,
# i.e. in unit tests that call other unit tests
# for that unit tests need to pass on all machines, and run very fast
include $(ROOTCOREDIR)/Makefile-common
package tauRecTools
author S. Rajagopalan <>
author J. Griffiths <>
use AtlasPolicy AtlasPolicy-*
use AsgTools AsgTools-* Control/AthToolSupport
use xAODTau xAODTau-* Event/xAOD
use xAODEgamma xAODEgamma-* Event/xAOD
use AtlasBoost AtlasBoost-* External
use AtlasROOT AtlasROOT-* External
use xAODTracking xAODTracking-* Event/xAOD
use AthLinks AthLinks-* Control
use_ifndef pplist="XAOD_ANALYSIS" pkg="Calorimeter/CaloUtils"
use CxxUtils CxxUtils-* Control
use xAODEventInfo xAODEventInfo-* Event/xAOD
use MVAUtils MVAUtils-* Reconstruction
#use xAODTruth xAODTruth-* Event/xAOD
use xAODCaloEvent xAODCaloEvent-* Event/xAOD
use xAODPFlow xAODPFlow-* Event/xAOD
use MCTruthClassifier MCTruthClassifier-* PhysicsAnalysis
use xAODJet xAODJet-* Event/xAOD
use_ifndef pplist="XAOD_ANALYSIS" pkg="Control/AthContainers"
use PathResolver PathResolver-* Tools
use GaudiInterface GaudiInterface-* External
use FourMomUtils FourMomUtils-* Event
use_ifndef pplist="XAOD_ANALYSIS" pkg="Reconstruction/RecoTools/ITrackToVertex"
use_ifndef pplist="XAOD_ANALYSIS" pkg="Calorimeter/CaloInterface"
use_ifndef pplist="XAOD_ANALYSIS" pkg="InnerDetector/InDetRecTools/InDetRecToolInterfaces"
use_ifndef pplist="XAOD_ANALYSIS" pkg="Reconstruction/Jet/JetEDM"
use_ifndef pplist="XAOD_ANALYSIS" pkg="Event/NavFourMom"
use_ifndef pplist="XAOD_ANALYSIS" pkg="Reconstruction/Particle"
use_ifndef pplist="XAOD_ANALYSIS" pkg="Reconstruction/RecoTools/RecoToolInterfaces"
use_ifndef pplist="XAOD_ANALYSIS" pkg="Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkLinks"
use_ifndef pplist="XAOD_ANALYSIS" pkg="Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkParametersIdentificationHelpers"
use_ifndef pplist="XAOD_ANALYSIS" pkg="Tracking/TrkTools/TrkToolInterfaces"
use_ifndef pplist="XAOD_ANALYSIS" pkg="Tracking/TrkEvent/TrkTrackSummary"
use_ifndef pplist="XAOD_ANALYSIS" pkg="Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitterInterfaces"
use_ifndef pplist="XAOD_ANALYSIS" pkg="Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVertexFitters"
use_ifndef pplist="XAOD_ANALYSIS" pkg="Tracking/TrkVertexFitter/TrkVxEdmCnv"
use_ifndef pplist="XAOD_ANALYSIS" pkg="Tracking/TrkEvent/VxVertex"
use_ifndef pplist="XAOD_ANALYSIS" pkg="InnerDetector/InDetRecTools/InDetTrackSelectionTool"
use AtlasFastJet AtlasFastJet-* External
# Specify the required ROOT components for cmake (transparent to CMT)
apply_pattern cmake_add_command command="find_package(ROOT COMPONENTS)"
#macro_append tauRec_shlibflags "-L$(ROOTSYS)/lib -lCore -lCint -lHist -lGraf -lGraf3d -lGpad -lTree -lRint -lPostscript -lMatrix -lPhysics -lm -ldl -lpthread -rdynamic"
apply_pattern dual_use_library files="*.cxx *.c ../Root/*.cxx"
apply_pattern declare_joboptions files="*.txt *.py"
apply_pattern declare_runtime files="*.root *.dat *.xml"
apply_pattern declare_python_modules files="*.py"
apply_pattern declare_calib files="../share/00-00-00/* ../share/*"
apply_tag ROOTTMVALibs
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