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Commit a9983ba4 authored by Noemi Calace's avatar Noemi Calace Committed by Graeme Stewart
Browse files

Fix BCL (InDetTrackingGeometryXML-00-00-51-02)

parent ee5cc17a
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2017-01-26 Noemi Calace <>
* Same as InDetTrackingGeometryXML-00-00-51-02
* Only needed for
* Tag as InDetTrackingGeometryXML-00-00-51-01
2017-01-18 Noemi Calace <>
* Adding lines to add BCL identifiers in the dictionary
* Only needed for
* Tag as InDetTrackingGeometryXML-00-00-51-01
2016-10-27 Thorsten Kuhl <>
* cleaning up log file output (first iteration)
* Tag as InDetTrackingGeometryXML-00-00-51
......@@ -156,7 +156,22 @@ void InDet::GMXReaderSvc::writeGMXDictionary(std::ofstream& file) {
file << std::endl;
bool m_addBCL = true;
if (m_addBCL) {
file << " <region group=\"sct\" >" << std::endl;
file << " <range field=\"part\" value=\"SCT\" />" << std::endl;
file << " <range field=\"barrel_endcap\" value=\"barrel\" />" << std::endl;
file << " <range field=\"layer\" value=\"4\" />" << std::endl;
file << " <range field=\"phi_module\" minvalue=\"0\" maxvalue=\"59\" wraparound=\"TRUE\" />" << std::endl;
file << " <range field=\"eta_module\" values=\"-14 -13 13 14\" />" << std::endl;
file << " <range field=\"side\" minvalue=\"0\" maxvalue=\"1\" />" << std::endl;
file << " <range field=\"rows\" minvalue=\"0\" maxvalue=\"1\" />" << std::endl;
file << " <range field=\"strip\" minvalue=\"0\" maxvalue=\"1279\" />" << std::endl;
file << " </region>" << std::endl;
file << std::endl;
for ( auto& end : m_tmp_EndcapDiscs) {
for ( unsigned int row = 0; row< end->sensor.rows; row++) {
file << " <region group=\"sct\" >" << std::endl;
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