- Feb 20, 2018
Michael Duehrssen-Debling authored
Changes in response to code review for merge request https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/merge_requests/8919 Major change in TFCSParametrizationBase to use the Gaudi MsgService for the logging output in Athena Former-commit-id: 550788d6e466bef501ef3c13554e6eb513619324
- Feb 14, 2018
Michael Duehrssen-Debling authored
Hide #pragma link C++ class XXX+; statements in header files from being seen during athena root dictionary generation Former-commit-id: 314bafff2d5feacb2c6fdbb47073827c0e00c0e5
- Feb 13, 2018
Michael Duehrssen-Debling authored
Former-commit-id: 298af39c54068415e108944a4fb072a754f0d338
Michael Duehrssen-Debling authored
Update for new simulation chain to be used in the internal validation and later also in the athena simulation Former-commit-id: be7642452d1df0f44cf8018f52eb599d4dd14977
Michael Duehrssen-Debling authored
Former-commit-id: 11e1600fb379227057c7c6c453c53225b661f15d
Michael Duehrssen-Debling authored
Former-commit-id: f4d56b1b30cb995c934b6444d5177dad7fc838c2
Michael Duehrssen-Debling authored
Former-commit-id: a0f3efc34a5c0c3bbd5f62ff7247eb584c878cfa
Michael Duehrssen-Debling authored
Former-commit-id: 9f02f518641e604a0ad06cec67b2581bac3bc8d2
- Jan 09, 2018
Petr Jacka authored
Former-commit-id: 733c006c1e654825d22bba422fcfd395fe614e1f
- Jan 08, 2018
Petr Jacka authored
Former-commit-id: d464c04b3a6cdb92946a2c9630112cd5a3d45349
- Dec 20, 2017
Petr Jacka authored
Former-commit-id: a3fc039e1ec20e891ab5ec642c03cc39a3e3d95c
Petr Jacka authored
Former-commit-id: c2f41c61c25c3a274fab6821c9f60061dffc3054
Petr Jacka authored
Former-commit-id: e68fa3e145143ae5a79415d1293d566ce8936c12
- Nov 17, 2017
Jana Schaarschmidt authored
Former-commit-id: e3ffc5bcdc525a18bc13cb9b42758ab1d348fb28
Jana Schaarschmidt authored
Former-commit-id: 500cc4503cc809b5470149b8b9ea9a1b071430d3
- Aug 15, 2017
John Chapman authored
Deleted pointers in `TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization.cxx` and `TFCS1DFunctionHistogram.cxx`. Fixing normalization issue after smart rebinning in `TFCS1DFunctionHistogram`. Former-commit-id: 13178651b20f9120311020ab3d7530c4d042f53b
- Jun 25, 2017
John Chapman authored
Former-commit-id: 7920bf58779b6bb66b48fa51e309f2ff4f807938
John Chapman authored
Do not request root dictionaries from individual header files; otherwise, one can get duplicates if the header is read in multiple packages. Put requests in LinkDef.h files. Based on MR !2712 for master branch. Former-commit-id: a26d402c7dd9a1cb9f3834c065506dbaa67969f3
- May 22, 2017
John Chapman authored
Adding updates in ISF_FastCaloSimEvent-00-03-17, ISF_FastCaloSimServices-00-06-00-28, ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization-00-08-33 Fixing memory leaks in CaloGeometryFromFile, FastCalSimSvcV2, TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization and TFCS1DFunctionHistogram. ATLASSIM-3320 Added wiggles in hit to cell assignment in FastCaloSimSvcV2. Updates to use FastCaloSimCaloExtrapolator tool. Adding related variables to the hit ntuple. Former-commit-id: aae6b15099a43e5c0f00df0ac0ec115f49dd446a
- May 17, 2017
Vincent Pascuzzi authored
Added protection against trying to record the same container in StoreGate. Also removed more output statements. Former-commit-id: 4480c834894c2d6d5cf8897c71f3f209043b47de
Vincent Pascuzzi authored
Former-commit-id: d9d298a2443a3905e8b3e1f43a5fdc937bf90741
Vincent Pascuzzi authored
As part of migrating FastCaloSim into ISF, the latest svn tags are also being merged into release 21. Former-commit-id: 675203605b57f69ee98d5e582f293865c709ea26
- Dec 16, 2016
Jana Schaarschmidt authored
* Modifying TFCS1DFunction to work with new factory class in tmva in root 6.08 * Tagging ISF_FastCaloSimEvent-00-03-00 2016-11-17 Vincent Pascuzzi <Vincent.Pascuzzi@cern.ch> * Coverity fix (ATLASSIM-2824). * Tagging ISF_FastCaloSimEvent-00-02-07 2016-11-10 Vincent Pascuzzi <Vincent.Pascuzzi@cern.ch> * Add file ISF_FastCaloSimEvent/LinkDef.h * Tagging ISF_FastCaloSimEvent-00-02-06 2016-11-02 Vincent Pascuzzi <Vincent.Pascuzzi@cern.ch> * Move pragma links to LinkDef.h * Add LinkDef.h to requirements and CMakeLists.txt * Tagging ISF_FastCaloSimEvent-00-02-05 2016-11-01 Vincent Pascuzzi <Vincent.Pascuzzi@cern.ch> * Add missing header to CMakeLists.txt on which ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization-00-07-07 depends. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: a42c76624f7cf81b2e47e9f303a9d994983e4dc5
- Sep 01, 2016
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* Declaring all the ROOT libraries that the package needs to link against, to make it work with -Wl,--no-undefined with CMake. * Changed DataModel->AthContainers, CLIDSvc->SGTools in both the CMT and CMake dependencies. And the source code. * Got rid of the memory leak in the IntArray class. * Made the GaudiKernel dependency a private one for CMake. As it appears to be a private dependency in the end. * Tagging as ISF_FastCaloSimEvent-00-02-02 Former-commit-id: adba044018d22f117504b5700dec0c99df3f2884
- Aug 19, 2016
John Derek Chapman authored
CMakeLists.txt - fixes so that all required symbols are available to client packages. ATLASSIM-3004. Tagging as ISF_FastCaloSimEvent-00-02-01 (ISF_FastCaloSimEvent-00-02-01) * CMakeLists.txt - fixes so that all required symbols are available to client packages. ATLASSIM-3004 * cmt/requirements - whitespace clean-up. * Tagging as ISF_FastCaloSimEvent-00-02-01 2015-06-01 Elmar Ritsch <Elmar.Ritsch@cern.ch> * Move following classes from ISF_FastCaloSimParametrization package into this package and make them compile-able with cmt (outside of ROOT). ATLASSIM-2882: FastCaloSim_CaloCell_ID IntArray TFCS1DFunction TFCSEnergyParametrization TFCSExtrapolationState TFCSParametrization TFCSParametrizationBase TFCSPCAEnergyParametrization TFCSSimulationState TFCSTruthState ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 0217f1af
- Nov 13, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored