- Nov 27, 2015
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging LArRecUtils-00-14-28-06. * Merge from trunk: LArRecUtils-00-14-40. * Cabling tools moved from LArTools to LArCabling.
Semen Turchikhin authored
* passL2 option for MultiMu Tau chains (Olga Igonkina) * (for #ATR-12754) * TrigBphysHypo-00-04-46 2015-11-23 James Walder <jwalder@cern.ch> * obo Olga Igonkina, tau -> 3mu updated implementation * applied to Multi-mu fexes 2015-11-11 Semen Turchikhin <Semen.Turchikhin@cern.ch> * TrigEFBMuMuHypo.py: variants with tight chi2 and Lxy cuts * TrigBphysHypo-00-04-45
Emmanuel Le Guirriec authored
* Tagging JetTagTools-01-00-81 2015-11-23 Yulia Rodina * src/SVForIPTool.cxx: fixed bad tracks rejection
John Baines authored
* src/FTK_DataProviderSvc.cxx: fix for z0 correction for training beamspot * tag as FTK_DataProviderSvc-00-00-26-01 2015-11-19 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * src/FTK_DataProviderSvc.cxx: fix for bug causing no VxContainer to be returned 2015-11-18 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * src/FTK_DataProviderSvc.cxx (ConvertTrack): correct z0 for training beamspot
Peter Kluit authored
* fix the hole count in MuonDressingTool.cxx * JIRA 2643 * Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-09 2015-11-19 Will Leight * No longer passing CaloCellCollection to getDeposits for new extrapolation * Fixed bug in calo tagging isolation * Tagging as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-08 2015-11-17 Jochen Meyer * do not use tracklets in CaloTagTool * Tagged as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-07 2015-11-17 Will Leight * Adding protection for retrieving the track isolation tool in MuonCaloTagTool (as suggested by Joe Ennis) * Tagged as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-06 2015-11-11 Edward.Moyse@cern.ch * InDetCandidateTool - flag siAssoc default false by default * Tagged as MuonCombinedBaseTools-01-05-05 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Emma Torro Pastor authored
Updating Physics_pp, MC_pp xmls after adding L1 di-electron item L1_EM20VH_2EM7 (ATR-12825) (TriggerMenuXML-04-01-29) * Updating Physics_pp, MC_pp xmls after adding L1 di-electron item "L1_EM20VH_2EM7" (ATR-12825) * TriggerMenuXML-04-01-29 2015-11-13 Emma Torro * Updating Physics_HI xml after updates in TM (ATR-12739 and ATR-12817) * TriggerMenuXML-04-01-28 2015-11-11 Viviana Cavaliere * Updating also MC_pp_v5 menu (ATR-12732) * TriggerMenuXML-04-01-27 2015-11-11 Viviana Cavaliere * Included L1_ZDC_A_C trigger and streamer (ATR-12732) * TriggerMenuXML-04-01-26 2015-11-04 Nils Ruthmann * update of L1 TOB thresholds for HIV3, and pp (ATR-12705) * TriggerMenuXML-04-01-25 2015-11-04 Iwona Grabowska-Bold * update of L1 for HIV3 (ATR-12705) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Emma Torro Pastor authored
* Adding di-electron chain e24_lhmedium_e9_lhmedium to Physics_pp (ATR-12825) * TriggerMenu-00-14-65 2015-11-23 Nils Ruthmann * Adding L1Calo overflow monitoring chain (ATR-12818) * Needs TrigSteering-03-08-02 * TriggerMenu-00-14-64 2015-11-23 Nils Ruthmann * Adjusting mdeltar cut for razor triggers (ATR-12890) * TriggerMenu-00-14-63 2015-11-23 Nils Ruthmann * Adding test jet chains using cleaning functionality * Needs TrigJetHypo-03-00-44 * TriggerMenu-00-14-62 2015-11-23 Nils Ruthmann * removing trigger towoer test chain due to timeouts (ATR-12884) * TriggerMenu-00-14-61 2015-11-21 Viviana Cavaliere * fixing deta jet chains (ATR-11975) * TriggerMenu-00-14-60 2015-11-20 Ryan White <ryan.white@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging AthenaServices-01-59-06-03. * Retagging to fix typo in tag number. * Tagging AthenaServices-01-56-06-03. * Retagging to fix typo in tag number. 2015-11-15 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging AthenaServices-00-56-06-03. * Merge from trunk: 2015-11-11 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging AthenaServices-01-59-42. * cmt/requirements: cmt fixes. * Tagging AthenaServices-01-59-41. * Extend AthTPCnvSvc to add optional arguments to the converter retrieval functions to specify which type is wanted. Add unit test. 2015-06-04 Attila Krasznahorkay <Attila.Krasznahorkay@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Jochen Meyer authored
* tagging MuonGeoModel-01-09-08 * updating as-built code OBO PF Giraud
Jochen Meyer authored
* tagging MuonGMdbObjects-00-01-09 * update for Xtomo data (OBO PF Giraud)
Iain Bertram authored
Detailed changes see Changelog. Updated to use a script instead of an alias to set which reference file to use. DigitizationTests-01-01-53 (DigitizationTests-01-01-53) * test/DigitizationTests_TestConfiguration.xml * cmt/requirements * added scripts/DigitizationCheckReferenceLocation.sh * The alias command did not work. Have replaced with script (as above) which is sourced to set the environment variables. * Tagging DigitizationTests-01-01-53 2015-11-18 Iain Bertram <iain.bertram@cern.ch> * test/DigitizationTests_TestConfiguration.xml * cmt/requirements * Making modifications to allow use of different comparison files based on the release. Created an alias in the requirements file DigitizationTestsCheckLocation which checks if version 20.7 or not (this is expandable in future). Each of the tests in DigitizationTests_TestConfiguration has been updated to copy the correct reference file to DiffPool_Comp.pool.root and compare with this. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Jiri Masik authored
* python/InDetTrigConfigRecPostProcessing.py (InDetTrigTrackingxAODCnv_EF): separate config of ParticleCreationTool for FTF. enable LocalOccupancy and track summaries with electronProbability, tagged as InDetTrigRecExample-00-11-62 2015-11-18 Jiri Masik <jiri.masik@manchester.ac.uk> * python/InDetTrigConfigRecLoadTools.py: ToT calibration folders, tagged as InDetTrigRecExample-00-11-61
Sasha Mazurov authored
TrigT1CaloMonitoring_forRecExCommission_Run2.py: Add PedestalCorrection stability monitoring plots for CosmicCalo stream. (TrigT1CaloMonitoring-00-14-57) * TrigT1CaloMonitoring_forRecExCommission_Run2.py: Add PedestalCorrection stability monitoring plots for CosmicCalo stream. * Tag as TrigT1CaloMonitoring-00-14-57
Denis Oliveira Damazio authored
Nuno Miguel Goncalves Dos Anjos authored
* tagging TrigJetHypo-03-00-44 * correction of bugs in previous tag 2015-11-20 Nuno Anjos <Nuno.Anjos@cern.ch> * tagging TrigJetHypo-03-00-43 * add new jet cleaning classes: LooseCleaner, TightCleaner, LlpCleaner and respective anti-cleaning classes. * modified cleanerFactory to supprot new cleaning classes * included new cleaning thresholds in TrigHLTJetHypo 2015-11-18 Peter Sherwood <sherwood@lxplus0077.cern.ch> * tagging TrigJetHypo-03-00-42 * Removed JetTrigHypo unit tests to appease coverity ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Masahiro Tanaka authored
* Tagged as 00-03-09 * Just fixed the bug of 00-03-08 2015-11-20 Masahiro Tanaka<mtanaka@hep.phys.titech.ac.jp> * Tagged as 00-03-08 * LUT of endcap region is updated 2015-11-20 Ye Chen <cheny@stu.kobe-u.ac.jp> * tagging 00-03-07 * modification of Xline function and chi cut 2015-11-04 Yu Nishihara<nishihara@hep.phys.titech.ac.jp> * tagging 00-03-06 * added beta calculation from RPC hits. 2015-10-31 Masahiro Tanaka<mtanaka@hep.phys.titech.ac.jp> * Tagged as 00-03-05 * BEE and BME chamber hits are collected
Lukas Alexander Heinrich authored
2015-11-20 Lukas Heinrich <lukas.heinrich@cern.ch> * compiler warnings * tagging TrigNavStructure-00-00-17 2015-11-20 Lukas Heinrich <lukas.heinrich@cern.ch> * check against total size vs distance * tagging TrigNavStructure-00-00-16 2015-11-17 Lukas Heinrich <lukas.heinrich@cern.ch> * demote log level on registering pre-existing holder * tagging TrigNavStructure-00-00-15 2015-11-04 Lukas Heinrich <lukas.heinrich@cern.ch> * make getFeatureAccessors virtual since TN needs to override to setup caching scope * tagging TrigNavStructure-00-00-14 2015-11-04 Lukas Heinrich <lukas.heinrich@cern.ch> * small chane for matching tool: create TypedHolder w/ explicit container type name * needed when retrieving as IParticleContainer (which has no clid) * tagging TrigNavStructure-00-00-13 2015-09-01 Lukas Heinrich <lukas.heinrich@cern.ch> * fixes for ATR-12019 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Lukas Alexander Heinrich authored
2015-11-20 Lukas Heinrich * check against total size not distance (i.e. pass size) * tagging TrigNavigation-00-06-10 2015-11-17 Lukas Heinrich * pre-existing holder only WARNING when registering * tagging TrigNavigation-00-06-09 2015-11-10 Lukas Heinrich * moved caching start to begin of recursion * tagging TrigNavigation-00-06-08 2015-11-10 Lukas Heinrich * override getFeatureAccessors (will move RoICaching here) * tagging TrigNavigation-00-06-07 2015-10-22 Frank Winklmeier <fwinkl@cern> * Coverity fixes * tagging TrigNavigation-00-06-06 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* ptvarcone isolation * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-39 2015-11-12 Ryan White <ryan.white@cern.ch> * merge HI developments * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-38
Marcin Nowak authored
* Added streamerinfos from 19.1.4 for: DataVector<xAOD::Vertex_v1> checksum= 0xb2bc1db xAOD::TrigTrackCounts_v1 checksum= 0xc05eb62d xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer_v1 checksum= 0xbad4e157 xAOD::TrigTrackCountsAuxContainer_v1 checksum= 0xbbeb97ee xAOD::AuxContainerBase checksum= 0x3e415e02 xAOD::VertexAuxContainer_v1 checksum= 0x7010f024 DataVector<xAOD::TrackParticle_v1> checksum= 0x29e453b8 DataVector<xAOD::TrigTrackCounts_v1> checksum= 0xcb6b0b5d * Tagging TrigSerializeResult-00-01-53 2015-11-20 Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh@cern.ch> * add xAOD::TrigTrackCountsContainer (ATR-12710) * Tagging TrigSerializeResult-00-01-52
Tim Martin authored
* Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-07-28 * Allow srm://srm-eosatlas.cern.ch/eos/... URLs 2015-11-17 Tim Martin <Tim.Martin@cern.ch> * Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-07-27 * CPS mode works for group rates. Does NOT work for Overlap and Unique rates. To be added. * CPS mode enabled by default with --ratesMode flag * Support for physics only rate, needs 2015-11-16 Tim Martin <Tim.Martin@cern.ch> * Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-07-26 * Rework - unbiased events do not get a lumi extrapolation weight 2015-11-11 Tim Martin <Tim.Martin@cern.ch> * Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-07-24. * Small bug fix to prevent throwing away stats in rates processings where the LB are not processed in increasing order. 2015-11-11 Tim Martin <Tim.Martin@cern.ch> * Tagging TrigCostRootAnalysis-00-07-23. * Really bad 13->5 TeV weighting. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Walter Lampl authored
* Add xAOD::CaloTowerContainer to OutputItemList (not produced by default) * Tag CaloRecEx-00-02-59-03
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging LArDetDescr-03-19-48. * Cabling tools moved from LArTools to LArCabling. 2015-06-19 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArDetDescr-03-19-47. * Avoid more redundant divisions. 2015-06-16 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArDetDescr-03-19-46. * Avoid redundant divisions. 2015-02-17 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArDetDescr-03-19-45. * src/LArRecoMaterialTool.cxx (ScanCRYO): Fix typo in previous change.
Peter Van Gemmeren authored
* share/SystemRec_config.py: Undo inadvertent change by RecExCommon-00-14-44 (Thanks John). * tagging RecExCommon-00-14-45 2015-11-05 Peter van Gemmeren <gemmeren@anl.gov> * share/RecoUtils.py: More fine tuning to primary xAOD split level, saves ~2kb/event in data (more in MC). * tagging RecExCommon-00-14-44
Walter Lampl authored
* Add flags and jobO for CaloTowerxAOD algorithms. OFF by default. * tag CaloRec-03-00-37-07
John Baines authored
* src/FTK_RDO_CreatorAlgo.cxx: add chi2 to RDO * src/FTK_RDO_ReaderAlgo.cxx: fix memory leak * TrigFTK_RawDataAlgs-01-00-16
William Axel Leight authored
* TrackDepositInCaloTool: Remove unnecessary passing of CaloCellCollection to new getDeposits (and also misleading printout) * tag as CaloTrkMuIdTools-00-15-07 2015-11-17 Will Leight <wleight@physics.carleton.ca> * CaloMuonTag: cleanup of previous fix * tag as CaloTrkMuIdTools-00-15-06 2015-11-17 Will Leight <wleight@physics.carleton.ca> * CaloMuonTag: protection against tag=4 being returned if there are no calo deposits * tag as CaloTrkMuIdTools-00-15-05
Tim Martin authored
* Remove enhanced bias XMLs, these are now supplied from TrigCostRootAnalysis which is now also in AtlasTrigger * Tag TrigCostMonitor-01-20-07 2015-07-14 Tim Martin <Tim.Martin@cern.ch> * Enable export of stream tag info * Tag TrigCostMonitor-01-20-06 2015-07-14 Tim Martin <Tim.Martin@cern.ch> * Alter some EB warnings * Tag TrigCostMonitor-01-20-05 2015-06-16 Tim Martin <Tim.Martin@cern.ch> * Better EB BG * Tag TrigCostMonitor-01-20-04 2015-06-16 Tim Martin <Tim.Martin@cern.ch> * Add EB xmls * Tag TrigCostMonitor-01-20-03
David Martin Bjergaard authored
Joao Victor Da Fonseca Pinto authored
John Baines authored
* python/TrigFastTrackFinder_Config.py: change from FTKrefit to FTKRefit 2015-11-16 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * python/TrigFastTrackFinder_Config.py: Update for TrigFTK_DataProviderSvc_Config moved to TrigFTK_RecExample 2015-10-22 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> * src/TrigFastTrackFinder.cxx: fix to get npix and nsct for TrigInDetTrack from FTK tracks. * tag TrigFastTrackFinder-00-01-51 2015-10-14 Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh -at- cern -dot- ch> * tag TrigFastTrackFinder-00-01-50 * Configuration for disabling TrigInDetTrack
John Baines authored
* python/T2VertexBeamSpotConfig.py: Add FTK configurations * src/T2Track.h: get nPix, nSct from TrackSummary, if available. 2015-10-30 Stewart Martin-Haugh < smh@cern.ch> * Tag as TrigT2BeamSpot-00-10-09 * Final updates to work with Trk::Tracks (ATR-12542) * Re-enable split vertex generation 2015-10-22 Stewart Martin-Haugh < smh@cern.ch> * Tag as TrigT2BeamSpot-00-10-08 * Initial round of updates to work with Trk::Tracks (ATR-12542)
Lukas Alexander Heinrich authored
2015-11-14 Lukas Heinrich <lukas.heinrich@cern.ch> * set unpackin state flags in Athena/EventInfo unpacks * tagging TrigDecisionTool-00-03-22 2015-11-14 Lukas Heinrich <lukas.heinrich@cern.ch> * forgot to add EventPtrDef.h * tagging TrigDecisionTool-00-03-21 2015-11-14 Lukas Heinrich <lukas.heinrich@cern.ch> * merged unpacker logic from 02-26-branch * various small cleanups * tagging TrigDecisionTool-00-03-20 2015-11-05 Lukas Heinrich <lukas.heinrich@cern.ch> * yet another tag :-/ * fixing typedGet and Feature.h * TrigDecisionTool-00-03-19 2015-11-05 Lukas Heinrich <lukas.heinrich@cern.ch> * add getIParticle to Combination and FC * TrigDecisionTool-00-03-18 2015-11-05 Lukas Heinrich <lukas.heinrich@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Patrick Karl Czodrowski authored
2015-11-17 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> * fix requirements file - thanks to Will B. for spotting the issue * fix xml <alwaysRunPostProc /> needs to be the LAST tag always * add Olegs <oleg.kuprash@cern.ch> ATN test TrigHLT_Run1BStoxAOD * TrigAnalysisTest-00-04-21 2015-11-12 Javier Montejo <jmontejo@cern.ch> * Dump trigger counts, which are used in post-processing * Move AthenaTestHarness to src in order to hide it from RootCore * TrigAnalysisTest-00-04-20 2015-11-10 Javier Montejo <jmontejo@cern.ch> * Added AthenaTestHarness to steer tests from TestFactory * TrigAnalysisTest-00-04-19 2015-11-09 Gordon Watts <gwatts@tev01.phys.washington.edu> * Added first set of code to make tests dual use. * Now uses simple runner for all RootCore tests 2015-09-30 Patrick Czodrowski <czodrows@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Julie Kirk authored
* TrigInDetValidation_mu_sample6.xml - replace Zmumu sample with mc15 * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-96 2015-11-14 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-95 * fix bjet offline job 2015-11-12 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-94 * fix minbias job, add offline bjet and minbias tests 2015-11-11 sutt < sutt @ cern.ch > * TrigInDetValidation-00-06-93 * add scripts and offline jobs for bjets and minbias
Sven Menke authored
CaloLumiBCIDTool.cxx: use push_back instead of [index] in the initialization of arrays in getListOfCells() to avoid crash with sFCal (or any future LAr Detector with more cells) (CaloTools-00-09-60) * CaloLumiBCIDTool.cxx: use push_back instead of [index] in the initialization of arrays in getListOfCells() to avoid crash with sFCal (or any future LAr Detector with more cells) * tag CaloTools-00-09-60
Attila Krasznahorkay authored
* Fixed the include formalism used in src/tsp/FTKAMSplit.cxx, to be able to compile the package in the CMake nightly. * Tagging as TrigFTKSim-00-11-42 2015-10-15 Thor Taylor * additional RTT fix 2015-10-12 Federico Bertolucci * Update for bank optimization 2015-09-29 Thor Taylor * Fixes for RTT 2015-09-26 Jahred Adelman * Add new event and trigger information to evtinfo 2015-08-27 Stamatios Gkaitatzis * Cleaned function averageCluster at atlClustering.cxx
Fares Djama authored
* Set default value of latency in B layer to 150 * tagged as PixelDigitization-02-00-20
Rolf Seuster authored
* Tagging AthenaAuditors-00-00-13. * adjust to new LCG_80 - namely new Boost 2015-11-12 Rolf Seuster * Tagging AthenaAuditors-00-00-12. * stdcmalloc for AthMemoryAuditor currently depreciated, added support for faster tcmalloc 2015-09-15 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging AthenaAuditors-00-00-11. * Comply with ATLAS naming conventions.
Peter Alan Steinberg authored