- Nov 27, 2015
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging LArRecUtils-00-14-28-06. * Merge from trunk: LArRecUtils-00-14-40. * Cabling tools moved from LArTools to LArCabling.
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging LArDetDescr-03-19-48. * Cabling tools moved from LArTools to LArCabling. 2015-06-19 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArDetDescr-03-19-47. * Avoid more redundant divisions. 2015-06-16 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArDetDescr-03-19-46. * Avoid redundant divisions. 2015-02-17 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArDetDescr-03-19-45. * src/LArRecoMaterialTool.cxx (ScanCRYO): Fix typo in previous change.
- Nov 13, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* UPD1 -> RUN2-UPD1 * tag LArCalibProcessing-00-04-61
Walter Lampl authored
* PyCintex -> cppyy * tag LArConditionsCommon-00-02-73
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging LArRecUtils-00-14-28-05. * Merge from trunk: LArRecUtils-00-14-34. * cmt/requirements: More patterns to ignore. 2015-10-22 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@cern.ch> * Change output level to reduce log-length * branch tag LArRecUtils-00-14-28-04
Walter Lampl authored
* Change output level to reduce log-length * Tag LArCondUtils-00-03-30 2015-09-24 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArCondUtils-00-03-29. * src/LArFEBTempTool.cxx: Fix clang warning. * LArCondUtils/LArFEBTempTool.h, LArCondUtils/LArFecLvTempDcsTool.h: Don't have using namespace in headers. 2015-06-22 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArCondUtils-00-03-28. * Avoid redundant divisions. 2015-02-17 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArCondUtils-00-03-27. * src/LArHVToolMC.cxx (InitHV): Coverity warning fix: check return ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging LArCalibUtils-00-16-16. * Fix use of ToolHandle. 26-03-2015 Pavol Strizenec <pavol @ mail.cern.ch> * Adding a proper reading of DSP config from COOL * tag LArCalibUtils-00-16-15 2015-03-19 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArCalibUtils-00-16-14. * Fix clang warnings. 2015-03-16 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArCalibUtils-00-16-13. * src/LArRTMParamExtractor.cxx: Fix coverity warnings (uninitialized variables). 2015-03-11 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
- Oct 10, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* add python modules for CfgGetter configuration. * Tag LArG4ShowerLibSvc-01-00-08 2014-02-03 George Sedov <george.sedov@desy.de> * Support for ATHENA RNG service * Tag LArG4ShowerLibSvc-01-00-07
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* add jobO for LArClusterCollisionTime alg * tag LArClusterRec-02-06-08 2015-08-20 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@ cern.ch> * add algo for cluster-based collision-time monitoring * tag LArClusterRec-02-06-07
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
2015-09-08 Denis Oliveira Damazio <Denis.Oliveira.Damazio@cern.ch> * fixing tables for FCAL region selector. * See JIRA-11946. 2015-02-13 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArRegionSelector-00-03-28. * Fix clang warnings.
Walter Lampl authored
* add cluster-based timing monitoring to jobO * tag LArMonTools-02-00-36 2015-09-02 Walter Lampl * LArHVCorrectionMonTool: - More precise Histogram titles (following shifter complain) - Don't consider channels with online corrections larger than offline correctons "bad" (Avoid confusing plots if HV is entirely off) - tag LArMonTools-02-00-35 2015-08-20 Marcin Nowak <Marcin.Nowak@cern.ch> * src\LArRODMonTool.cxx: THist rebinning fix for ROOT6 * tag LArMonTools-02-00-34 2015-08-20 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@ cern.ch> * LArCollisionTimeMonTool: Make hist-path and SG key a property * tag LArMonTools-02-00-33 2014-08-15 Benjamin Trocme * Tagging LArMonTools-02-00-32 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
John Derek Chapman authored
src/FastShowerConfigStruct.h - missed adding this in last tag. ATLASSIM-2064. Tagging: LArG4FastSimulation-04-00-01 (LArG4FastSimulation-04-00-01) * Tagging: LArG4FastSimulation-04-00-01 * src/FastShowerConfigStruct.h - missed adding this in last tag. ATLASSIM-2064 2015-06-19 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * Tagging: LArG4FastSimulation-04-00-00 * DeadMaterialShower now moved to G4FastSimulation, as it has no explicit LAr dependence. G4FastSimulation-00-03-00 onwards. * remove EMBFastShower, EMECFastShower, FCALFastShower. As we now use a configurable LArFastShower(Tool) instead. ATLASSIM-2064 * src/*FastSimDedicatedSD.h/.cxx - now no-longer G4VSensitiveDetectors, these tools are now used purely via the IFastSimDedicatedSD interface. ATLASSIM-2064 * src/LArFastShower(Tool).h/.cxx - migrated to the new base classes and made configurable enough to cover the functionality of the old detector-specific classes. ATLASSIM-2064 * src/FastShowerConfigStruct.h - struct to hold all the configuration information, which can easily be passed from ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Scott Snyder authored
ICaloSuperCellIDTool.h moved from CaloTriggerTool to CaloDetDescr. Avoid redundant divisions (LArConditionsTest-00-01-03) * Tagging LArConditionsTest-00-01-03. * Avoid redundant divisions. * ICaloSuperCellIDTool.h moved from CaloTriggerTool to CaloDetDescr. 2015-04-03 Vakho Tsulaia <tsulaia@cern.ch> * Migrating to xAODEventInfo
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging LArL1Sim-00-10-44. * Avoid redundant divisions. * Tagging LArL1Sim-00-10-43. * src/LArSCL1Maker.cxx (printConditions): Fix use of stringstream (fixes gcc5 compilation). 2015-05-28 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArL1Sim-00-10-42. * ICaloSuperCellIDTool.h moved from CaloTriggerTool to CaloDetDescr. 2015-03-26 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArL1Sim-00-10-41. * Should no longer have static DataPool instances. 2015-03-11 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Sven Menke authored
merging back the LArIdentifier-01-02-06-branch to trunk after successfully testing this in MIG12 (LArIdentifier-01-02-07) * merging back the LArIdentifier-01-02-06-branch to trunk after successfully testing this in MIG12 * tag LArIdentifier-01-02-07 2015-03-15 Sven Menke <menke@mppmu.mpg.de> * movinng all inline methods from LArOnlineID_Base.h to non-inlined version in LArOnlineID_Base.cxx to allow change of conditions data * tag LArIdentifier-01-02-06-02 2015-03-10 Sven Menke <menke@mppmu.mpg.de> * adding endcap FT25-27 for sFCal (is reportes as FCal) * FT6 is also still valid - so the branch supports both FCal and sFCal * tag LArIdentifier-01-02-06-01
- Sep 15, 2015
John Derek Chapman authored
python/LArDigitizationConfig.py (isOverlay): use DetFlags.overlay if present. ATLASSIM-1924. Tag LArDigitization-03-82-35 (LArDigitization-03-82-35) * python/LArDigitizationConfig.py (isOverlay): use DetFlags.overlay if present. ATLASSIM-1924 * tag LArDigitization-03-82-35 2015-03-02 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArDigitization-03-82-34. * Fix clang warnings: remove unused members.
Hong Ma authored
Hong Ma authored
Hong Ma authored
* tagging LArAthenaPool-00-12-00 move LArHitContainerCnv to LArSimEventAthenaPool (requested by John Chapman)
Hong Ma authored
* tagging LArTPCnv-00-06-00 move LArHit* converters to LArSimEventTPCnv (requested by John Chapman)
John Derek Chapman authored
cmt/requirements, src/CalibrationSensitiveDetector.cc - dropped unnecessary dependence on ISF_Event. Tagging LArG4Code-00-07-07 (LArG4Code-00-07-07) * Tagging LArG4Code-00-07-07 * cmt/requirements, src/CalibrationSensitiveDetector.cc - dropped unnecessary dependence on ISF_Event. 2014-11-23 David Quarrie <David.Quarrie@cern.ch> * cmt/requirements Add the compiler macro definitions for cmake (transparent to CMT) * Tagged as LArG4Code-00-07-06
John Derek Chapman authored
cmt/requirements, src/LArG4CalibSD.cc - dropped unnecessary dependence on ISF_Event. Tagging LArG4SD-00-02-02 (LArG4SD-00-02-02) * Tagging LArG4SD-00-02-02 * cmt/requirements, src/LArG4CalibSD.cc - dropped unnecessary dependence on ISF_Event.
- Sep 04, 2015
Benjamin Trocme authored
* LArNoisyROTool: no longer consider HEC SatTight flags * tag LArCellRec-02-12-94-03
Walter Lampl authored
* increase expected numerical precision for DSP E calculation * tag LArMonTools-02-00-26
- Aug 05, 2015
Walter Lampl authored
* LAr HV corrections: Few fixed for run 2 setup * tag LArCalibProcessing-00-04-60 23-05-2015 Pavol Strizenec * updating some splitter jO * not tagged yet 26-03-2015 Pavol Strizenec * adding reading of DSP config to OFCAlgo * not tagged yet 17-03-2015 Pavol Strizenec * some jO update, and forgotten COMP200 migration * not tagged yet 18-02-2015 Pavol Strizenec * update to use HighestGain for Autocorr * switching off to write FEB temp info, DB not available for the moment * not tagged yet
Walter Lampl authored
* LArMinimalSetup: Force CONDBR2 * tag LArConditionsCommon-00-02-72
Pavol Strizenec authored
* changing nominal HV for EMBPS and EMECPS * tag LArAffectedRegion-00-01-02
Walter Lampl authored
* Fix copy-paste error in LArNoisyROFlags.py * tag LArCellRec-02-12-94-02
Hong Ma authored
* Tagging LArMonTools-02-00-25 * initialize variables in struct LArDigitMon::partition. 2014-07-21 Benjamin Trocme * Tagging LArMonTools-02-00-24 * LArFEBMon : adding error type in corrupted tree * All algos : shortening/improving main historgrams title 2015-04-19 Hong Ma <hma@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArMonTools-02-00-23 * deleting temp histograms in LArDigitMon and LArNoisyROMon finalize method. 2014-07-21 Benjamin Trocme * Tagging LArMonTools-02-00-22 * LArNoisyROMon, LArDigitMon, LArFEBMon : removing histograms deletion at the end of run to avoid crashes in case of multi run processing. 2015-04-09 Bruno Lenzi <Bruno.Lenzi@cern.ch> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
Walter Lampl authored
* LArHVCorrTool: Fix uninitialized variable (ATLASRECTS-2126) * tag LArRecUtils-00-14-28-02
Hong Ma authored
* Tagging LArEventTest-00-00-34. * rename LArDigits2Ntuple to LArDigitsToNtuple to avoid conflict with LArDigits2Ntuple in LArCalibTools 2015-02-13 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArEventTest-00-00-33. * Fix clang warnings (remove unused private members).
- May 17, 2015
Atlas-Software Librarian authored
* add new interface class ILArCellHVCorrTool.h * enhance interface of ILArHVCorrTool by method updateOnLastCallback to tell if the internal cache was updated -> Goal: Allow automatic rescaling of noise for HV changes * tag LArElecCalib-02-06-14
Walter Lampl authored
- For run 2, always load /LAR/ElecCalibFlat/HVScaleCorr because it's nowadays also needed by the CaloNoiseToolDB (to rescale the noise automatically) - This fixed bug ATLASRECTS-2101 * tag LArConditionsCommon-00-02-71 2015-03-13 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@ cern.ch>
Walter Lampl authored
* Branch LArRecUtils-00-14-28-branch * Merge in changes -30 to -31 which are: * LArHVCorrTool, LArHVScaleRetriever: Forward info if cache was updated to clients. (Interface change in LArElecCalib) Purpose: Allow (efficent) recomputation of noise if HV scale changes * Add Fixes to LArHVScaleRetrieverDefault and LArHVCorrToolDefault * branch tag LArRecUtils-00-14-28-01 2015-03-24 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@ cern.ch> * fix log-message mistakes * tag LArRecUtils-00-14-28
Walter Lampl authored
* Branch LArCellRec-02-12-94-branch * Merge in changes -95 to 097 whitch are: * LArCellHVCorr - Implement interface class ILArCellHVCorr - New method to get the correction factor applies Client: CaloNoiseToolDB for automatic noise rescaling * Add new file LArCellHVCorrDefault.py to consistently configure this tool * branch tag LArCellRec-02-12-94-01 2015-02-20 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging LArCellRec-02-12-94. * LArCellRec/LArCellEmMiscalib.h: Fix clang warning (remove unused member).
Walter Lampl authored
LArDSPThresholdsFlat: bugfix for valgrind error reported as RECTS-2020 + bounds checking (LArCOOLConditions-00-00-16) * LArDSPThresholdsFlat: bugfix for valgrind error reported as RECTS-2020 + bounds checking * tag LArCOOLConditions-00-00-16
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging LArG4Barrel-00-01-28. * src/LArCoudes.cc: Fix coverity warnings.
- Mar 20, 2015
Walter Lampl authored
* LArRunFormat.py auto-switch btw COMP200 and CONDBR2 * tag LArConditionsCommon-00-02-70 2015-03-13 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@ cern.ch> * LArRunFormat.py COMP200 -> CONDBR2 * tag LArConditionsCommon-00-02-69
Scott Snyder authored
Fix clang warnings: remove unused class members. Fix naming conventions. (LArG4FastSimulation-01-00-11) * Tagging LArG4FastSimulation-01-00-11. * Fix clang warnings: remove unused class members. Fix naming conventions.
Scott Snyder authored
* Tagging LArG4H6SD-00-01-03. * Fix clang warnings: Remove unused class members.