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  1. Nov 27, 2015
  2. Nov 13, 2015
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
      'CMakeLists.txt' (LArCalibProcessing-00-04-61) · b8421bc8
      Atlas-Software Librarian authored
      	* UPD1 -> RUN2-UPD1
      	* tag LArCalibProcessing-00-04-61
    • Walter Lampl's avatar
      PyCintex -> cppyy (LArConditionsCommon-00-02-73) · d270f562
      Walter Lampl authored
      	* PyCintex -> cppyy
      	* tag LArConditionsCommon-00-02-73
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      Fix test miscompare. (LArRecUtils-00-14-28-05) · 1deffd02
      Scott Snyder authored
      	* Tagging LArRecUtils-00-14-28-05.
      	* Merge from trunk: LArRecUtils-00-14-34.
      	* cmt/requirements: More patterns to ignore.
      2015-10-22 Walter Lampl <>
      	* Change output level to reduce log-length
      	* branch tag  LArRecUtils-00-14-28-04
    • Walter Lampl's avatar
      change output level (LArCondUtils-00-03-30) · 381d09bc
      Walter Lampl authored
      	* Change output level to reduce log-length
      	* Tag  LArCondUtils-00-03-30
      2015-09-24  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging LArCondUtils-00-03-29.
      	* src/LArFEBTempTool.cxx: Fix clang warning.
      	* LArCondUtils/LArFEBTempTool.h,
      	LArCondUtils/LArFecLvTempDcsTool.h: Don't have using namespace in
      2015-06-22  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging LArCondUtils-00-03-28.
      	* Avoid redundant divisions.
      2015-02-17  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging LArCondUtils-00-03-27.
      	* src/LArHVToolMC.cxx (InitHV): Coverity warning fix: check return
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      Fix use of ToolHandle. (LArCalibUtils-00-16-16) · 8cc53f7c
      Scott Snyder authored
      	* Tagging LArCalibUtils-00-16-16.
      	* Fix use of ToolHandle.
      26-03-2015 Pavol Strizenec <pavol @>
      	* Adding a proper reading of DSP config from COOL
      	* tag LArCalibUtils-00-16-15
      2015-03-19  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging LArCalibUtils-00-16-14.
      	* Fix clang warnings.
      2015-03-16  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging LArCalibUtils-00-16-13.
      	* src/LArRTMParamExtractor.cxx: Fix coverity warnings
      	(uninitialized variables).
      2015-03-11  scott snyder  <>
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
  3. Oct 10, 2015
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
      'CMakeLists.txt' (LArG4ShowerLibSvc-01-00-08) · 6db0e611
      Atlas-Software Librarian authored
      	* add python modules for CfgGetter configuration.
      	* Tag LArG4ShowerLibSvc-01-00-08
      2014-02-03 George Sedov <>
              * Support for ATHENA RNG service
              * Tag LArG4ShowerLibSvc-01-00-07
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
      'CMakeLists.txt' (LArClusterRec-02-06-08) · b169387f
      Atlas-Software Librarian authored
      	* add jobO for LArClusterCollisionTime alg
      	* tag LArClusterRec-02-06-08
      2015-08-20 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@>
      	* add algo for cluster-based collision-time monitoring
      	* tag LArClusterRec-02-06-07
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
      'CMakeLists.txt' (LArRegionSelector-00-03-29) · 342ee204
      Atlas-Software Librarian authored
      2015-09-08 Denis Oliveira Damazio <>
      	* fixing tables for FCAL region selector.
      	* See JIRA-11946.
      2015-02-13  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging LArRegionSelector-00-03-28.
      	* Fix clang warnings.
    • Walter Lampl's avatar
      add cluster-based timing monitoring to jobO (LArMonTools-02-00-36) · afe6359e
      Walter Lampl authored
      	* add cluster-based timing monitoring to jobO
      	* tag LArMonTools-02-00-36
      2015-09-02 Walter Lampl
      	* LArHVCorrectionMonTool:
      	  - More precise Histogram titles (following shifter complain)
      	  - Don't consider channels with online corrections larger than offline correctons "bad"
      	    (Avoid confusing plots if HV is entirely off)
                - tag LArMonTools-02-00-35
      2015-08-20  Marcin Nowak  <>
      	* src\LArRODMonTool.cxx: THist rebinning fix for ROOT6
      	* tag LArMonTools-02-00-34
      2015-08-20 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@>
      	* LArCollisionTimeMonTool: Make hist-path and SG key a property
      	* tag LArMonTools-02-00-33
      2014-08-15  Benjamin Trocme
      	* Tagging LArMonTools-02-00-32
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • John Derek Chapman's avatar
      src/FastShowerConfigStruct.h - missed adding this in last tag. ATLASSIM-2064.... · 5b8f772b
      John Derek Chapman authored
      src/FastShowerConfigStruct.h - missed adding this in last tag. ATLASSIM-2064. Tagging: LArG4FastSimulation-04-00-01 (LArG4FastSimulation-04-00-01)
      	* Tagging: LArG4FastSimulation-04-00-01
      	* src/FastShowerConfigStruct.h - missed adding this in last
      	tag. ATLASSIM-2064
      2015-06-19  John Chapman  <>
      	* Tagging: LArG4FastSimulation-04-00-00
      	* DeadMaterialShower now moved to G4FastSimulation, as it has no
      	explicit LAr dependence. G4FastSimulation-00-03-00 onwards.
      	* remove EMBFastShower, EMECFastShower, FCALFastShower. As we now
      	use a configurable LArFastShower(Tool) instead. ATLASSIM-2064
      	* src/*FastSimDedicatedSD.h/.cxx - now no-longer
      	G4VSensitiveDetectors, these tools are now used purely via the
      	IFastSimDedicatedSD interface. ATLASSIM-2064
      	* src/LArFastShower(Tool).h/.cxx - migrated to the new base
      	classes and made configurable enough to cover the functionality of
      	the old detector-specific classes. ATLASSIM-2064
      	* src/FastShowerConfigStruct.h - struct to hold all the
      	configuration information, which can easily be passed from
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      ICaloSuperCellIDTool.h moved from CaloTriggerTool to CaloDetDescr. Avoid... · dbdbe4d9
      Scott Snyder authored
      ICaloSuperCellIDTool.h moved from CaloTriggerTool to CaloDetDescr.  Avoid redundant divisions (LArConditionsTest-00-01-03)
      	* Tagging LArConditionsTest-00-01-03.
      	* Avoid redundant divisions.
      	* ICaloSuperCellIDTool.h moved from CaloTriggerTool to
      2015-04-03  Vakho Tsulaia  <>
      	* Migrating to xAODEventInfo
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      Avoid redundant divisions. (LArL1Sim-00-10-44) · 74926049
      Scott Snyder authored
      	* Tagging LArL1Sim-00-10-44.
      	* Avoid redundant divisions.
      	* Tagging LArL1Sim-00-10-43.
      	* src/LArSCL1Maker.cxx (printConditions): Fix use of stringstream
      	(fixes gcc5 compilation).
      2015-05-28  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging LArL1Sim-00-10-42.
      	* ICaloSuperCellIDTool.h moved from CaloTriggerTool to
      2015-03-26  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging LArL1Sim-00-10-41.
      	* Should no longer have static DataPool instances.
      2015-03-11  scott snyder  <>
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
    • Sven Menke's avatar
      merging back the LArIdentifier-01-02-06-branch to trunk after successfully... · 72b028f8
      Sven Menke authored
      merging back the LArIdentifier-01-02-06-branch to trunk after successfully testing this in MIG12 (LArIdentifier-01-02-07)
      	* merging back the LArIdentifier-01-02-06-branch to trunk after successfully testing this in MIG12
      	* tag LArIdentifier-01-02-07
      2015-03-15 Sven Menke <>
      	* movinng all inline methods from LArOnlineID_Base.h to non-inlined
      	  version in LArOnlineID_Base.cxx to allow change of conditions data
      	* tag LArIdentifier-01-02-06-02
      2015-03-10 Sven Menke <>
      	* adding endcap FT25-27 for sFCal (is reportes as FCal)
      	* FT6 is also still valid - so the branch supports both FCal and sFCal
      	* tag LArIdentifier-01-02-06-01
  4. Sep 15, 2015
  5. Sep 04, 2015
  6. Aug 05, 2015
  7. May 17, 2015
    • Atlas-Software Librarian's avatar
      'CMakeLists.txt' (LArElecCalib-02-06-14) · d2cca4ef
      Atlas-Software Librarian authored
      	* add new interface class ILArCellHVCorrTool.h
      	* enhance interface of ILArHVCorrTool by method updateOnLastCallback
      	  to tell if the internal cache was updated
      	  -> Goal: Allow automatic rescaling of noise for HV changes
      	* tag LArElecCalib-02-06-14
    • Walter Lampl's avatar
      load HVScaleCorr independent of larCondFlags.LoadElecCalib (LArConditionsCommon-00-02-71) · 8211a1d7
      Walter Lampl authored
      	  - For run 2, always load /LAR/ElecCalibFlat/HVScaleCorr because it's nowadays also needed by
      	    the CaloNoiseToolDB (to rescale the noise automatically)
      	  - This fixed bug ATLASRECTS-2101
      	* tag  LArConditionsCommon-00-02-71
      2015-03-13 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@>
    • Walter Lampl's avatar
      Changes for automatic noise rescaling + jobO fixes for HV cluster moments (LArRecUtils-00-14-28-01) · e250539b
      Walter Lampl authored
      	* Branch LArRecUtils-00-14-28-branch
      	* Merge in changes -30 to -31 which are:
      	   * LArHVCorrTool, LArHVScaleRetriever: Forward info if cache was updated to clients.
      	     (Interface change in LArElecCalib)
      	      Purpose: Allow (efficent) recomputation of noise if HV scale changes
      	* Add Fixes to LArHVScaleRetrieverDefault and LArHVCorrToolDefault
      	* branch tag  LArRecUtils-00-14-28-01
      2015-03-24 Walter Lampl <walter.lampl@>
      	* fix log-message mistakes
      	* tag LArRecUtils-00-14-28
    • Walter Lampl's avatar
      Changes for automatic noise rescaling (LArCellRec-02-12-94-01) · ff6999ce
      Walter Lampl authored
      	* Branch LArCellRec-02-12-94-branch
      	* Merge in changes -95 to 097 whitch are:
      	* LArCellHVCorr
      	  - Implement interface class  ILArCellHVCorr
      	  - New method to get the correction factor applies
      	    Client: CaloNoiseToolDB for automatic noise rescaling
      	* Add new file to consistently configure this tool
      	* branch tag LArCellRec-02-12-94-01
      2015-02-20  scott snyder  <>
      	* Tagging LArCellRec-02-12-94.
      	* LArCellRec/LArCellEmMiscalib.h: Fix clang warning (remove unused
    • Walter Lampl's avatar
      LArDSPThresholdsFlat: bugfix for valgrind error reported as RECTS-2020 +... · bdf3fe2f
      Walter Lampl authored
      LArDSPThresholdsFlat: bugfix for valgrind error reported as RECTS-2020 + bounds checking (LArCOOLConditions-00-00-16)
      	* LArDSPThresholdsFlat: bugfix for valgrind error reported as RECTS-2020 + bounds checking
      	* tag LArCOOLConditions-00-00-16
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      Fix coverity warnings. (LArG4Barrel-00-01-28) · d3cad80a
      Scott Snyder authored
      	* Tagging LArG4Barrel-00-01-28.
      	* src/ Fix coverity warnings.
  8. Mar 20, 2015