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  1. Jun 14, 2016
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      'Fix coverity warnings 108495-108498 (uninitialized members).' (LArRecUtils-00-14-46) · e24ebe94
      Scott Snyder authored
      	* Tagging LArRecUtils-00-14-46.
      	* Fix coverity warnings 108495-108498 (uninitialized members).
      Former-commit-id: 66612eb2e5e8c8b4fa8b2e2247652a2193dca72e
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      'Fix coverity warning 108547 (uninitialized member).' (LArROD-02-17-56) · 127857e9
      Scott Snyder authored
      	* Tagging LArROD-02-17-56.
      	* Fix coverity warning 108547 (uninitialized member).
      Former-commit-id: cc6bc59b1e046bde0e5eb376cd1db0888bb3d45a
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      'Fix coverity warning 29286 (uninitialized member).' (GeneratorObjects-01-06-05) · c54f3cac
      Scott Snyder authored
      	* Tagging GeneratorObjects-01-06-05.
      	* Fix coverity warning 29286 (uninitialized member).
      Former-commit-id: 9fcab5cf
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      'Fix coverity warnings 108528, 108527, 108525, 108557, 108523 (uninitialized... · e22ab1d1
      Scott Snyder authored
      'Fix coverity warnings 108528, 108527, 108525, 108557, 108523 (uninitialized members).' (CaloUtils-01-00-59)
              * Tagging CaloUtils-01-00-59.
      	* Fix coverity warnings 108528, 108527, 108525, 108557, 108523
      	(uninitialized members).
      Former-commit-id: 2a76b34e13fbd1db80cb1d81fbc74b24fb743dd4
    • Dirk Uwe Duschinger's avatar
      see ChangeLog (TauAnalysisTools-00-01-40) · 0037efb4
      Dirk Uwe Duschinger authored
      - CommonEfficiencyTool: fix for coverity issue
      - TauOverlappingElectronLLHDecorator: fix for TauJet_v3
      - TauSelectionTool: fix for TauJet_v3
      - TauSmearingTool: fix for coverity issue
      - TauTruthMatchingTool: fix for coverity issue
      Former-commit-id: f75d619a1eefcc6f51404affe61a2aad75a9555d
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      'Fix coverity warnings 108536-108539, 106238, 108530, 108542 (uninitialized... · 051371aa
      Scott Snyder authored
      'Fix coverity warnings 108536-108539, 106238, 108530, 108542 (uninitialized members).' (CaloTools-00-09-70)
      	* Tagging CaloTools-00-09-70
      	* Fix coverity warnings 108536-108539, 106238, 108530, 108542
      	(uninitialized members).
      Former-commit-id: 887cf40868ee0e4d6787898462c33cde3a4ccdbe
    • Justin Griffiths's avatar
      make tau r21 updates flexible (ThinningUtils-00-00-17) · 3bfae37a
      Justin Griffiths authored
        * ThinTrackParticlesTool: make compatible with xAOD::TauJet_v2 and _v3 (r20 and r21)
        * tag ThinningUtils-00-00-17
      2016-04-26 Justin Griffiths <>
        * ThinTrackParticlesTool: make compatible with xAOD::TauJet_v3 (r21)
        * tag ThinningUtils-00-00-16
      2015-10-14  Karsten Koeneke  <>
        * ThinTrackParticles: Add flag to only take the first n TrackParticles for each electron
        * tag ThinningUtils-00-00-15
      2015-08-20 Will Buttinger <>
        * src/ThinIParticlesTool : extended to allow taking a mask from the storegate instead of using an expression
        * Tagging ThinningUtils-00-00-14
      Former-commit-id: 9a232faacd914f7a0c412b3d96ae3f0fd99cdeb7
    • Daniele Zanzi's avatar
      new tau EDM for r21 (TrigParticle-00-02-42) · 6800d828
      Daniele Zanzi authored
      	* new tau EDM for r21
      	* TrigParticle-00-02-42
      Former-commit-id: 072e30b6bda112a081afbea96d612cc319da57a8
    • Justin Griffiths's avatar
      fix buggy tag 02-00-10 (TauDiscriminant-02-00-11) · 1eb9f867
      Justin Griffiths authored
      	* 02-00-11
      	* fix garbage tag 02-00-10
      2016-05-17 Justin Griffiths <>
      	* 02-00-10 adapt TauEleOLRDecorator to new EDM
      	* keeping backwards compatible for now, but starting to get ugly
      Former-commit-id: c8776559
    • Justin Griffiths's avatar
      r21 tag (PanTauAlgs-01-00-03) · 269ffadc
      Justin Griffiths authored
      	* Tagging 01-00-03
      	* Adapted to TauJet_v3
      	* changed name of PanTauSeed/TauConstituent/TauFeature --> ""2 in order to protect against duplicat class conflicts with PanTauEvent
      2016 April 27 Lara Schildgen <schildgen -at->
      	* re-structured PanTau packages (merged packages PanTauEvent, PanTauInterfaces and
      	PanTauAnalysis into PanTauAlgs and removed PanTau packages PanTauExample and PanTauUtils)
      	* re-organization of PanTau tools (removed FourMomentumCalculator)
      	* tools rewritten to be dual-use
      	* replaced CLHEP by TLorentzVector
      	* tools rewritten to use 2D instead of 3D impact parameter
      	* merged interface classes in ITool_DetailsArranger.h, ITool_DecayModeDeterminator.h and
      	ITool_FeatureExtractor.h into one file ITool_PanTauTools.h
      Former-commit-id: cedf26e7
    • Justin Griffiths's avatar
      new tag (tauRec-05-00-06) · e3f7b80c
      Justin Griffiths authored
      	* merge tauRec-05-00-03-branch with current trunk
      	* 20.7 and lower release updates should branch off tauRec-05-00-04
      Former-commit-id: 099cc5d7
    • Justin Griffiths's avatar
      new tag (xAODTau-00-02-02) · fb924ec1
      Justin Griffiths authored
      	* Tagging 00-02-02
      	* Add enums
      	* revert TauJet_v2 to r20.7 like state
      	* add TauDefs
      	* add setDetail/detail methods for TauTracks and IParticle associations
      2016-04-14 Justin Griffiths <justin.adam.griffiths @cern.h>
      	* introducing TauJet_v3, to use with r21+
      	* branch off of xAODTau-00-01-15 for r20.7 releases
      Former-commit-id: 2971e9a4
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      'Coverity warnings 108540, 108529, 108552, 108544, 108524, 108522, 108521:... · edab4a32
      Scott Snyder authored
      'Coverity warnings 108540, 108529, 108552, 108544, 108524, 108522, 108521: uninitialized members.  LArTools -> LArCabling.' (CaloJiveXML-00-01-56)
              * Tagging CaloJiveXML-00-01-56.
      	* Coverity warnings 108540, 108529, 108552, 108544, 108524,
      	108522, 108521: uninitialized members.
      	* LArTools -> LArCabling.
      Former-commit-id: 06a30c34
    • Daniele Zanzi's avatar
      new tau EDM for r21 (TrigStorageDefinitions-00-00-45) · b479bb6f
      Daniele Zanzi authored
      	* new tau EDM for r21
      	* TrigStorageDefinitions-00-00-45
      Former-commit-id: 45fb313abcdfe20230543201b0da7b90b36a2c44
    • Daniele Zanzi's avatar
      new tau EDM for r21 (TrigValAlgs-00-01-37) · 04383884
      Daniele Zanzi authored
      	* new tau EDM for r21
      	* TrigValAlgs-00-01-37
      Former-commit-id: 65cebbe9
    • Daniele Zanzi's avatar
      new tau EDM for r21 (TrigEDMConfig-00-02-80) · 9443ca49
      Daniele Zanzi authored
      	* new tau EDM for r21
      	* TrigEDMConfig-00-02-80
      Former-commit-id: f3fe4d75
    • Kate Whalen's avatar
      Updated ET cut for Calo monitoring (TrigT1Monitoring-00-05-16) · 53185c86
      Kate Whalen authored
      2016-05-17 Kate Whalen <>
              * CalorimeterL1CaloMon.cxx:
      	  - Adjusting ET cut to remove low-ET noise
      	  - Disabling histograms requiring ET == 0
      	* Tag as TrigT1Monitoring-00-05-16
      2016-01-28 Kate Whalen <>
      Former-commit-id: f690d812
    • Goetz Gaycken's avatar
      Improved reliability to detect when to enable trigger aware monitoring (obo... · 80587b2f
      Goetz Gaycken authored
      Improved reliability to detect when to enable trigger aware monitoring (obo Peter Onyisi) (InDetDiMuonMonitoring-00-03-09)
      Former-commit-id: 81c082d925c46ee3cadce8568909125483132d28
    • Andrzej Olszewski's avatar
      FlowAfterburner-00-03-03 (FlowAfterburner-00-03-03) · 8d4ac297
      Andrzej Olszewski authored
              * Soumya Smohapatra added code for event-by-event fluctuations
              * tagging as FlowAfterburner-00-03-03
      Former-commit-id: 2c3646ac2d8c1c3ec513afaf1ed131b4065cb1ea
    • Bertrand Laforge's avatar
      Changed Energy cut to Pt cut for eta-phi distributions of electrons and... · 84f42a9a
      Bertrand Laforge authored
      Changed Energy cut to Pt cut for eta-phi distributions of electrons and photons (egammaPerformance-00-03-32)
      Former-commit-id: 42d455ba
    • James Frost's avatar
      update for central TDT use (JetMonitoring-01-00-41) · f749c2b8
      James Frost authored
      	* python/ : use central TDT instance
      	* tag as JetMonitoring-01-00-41
      2016-04-21 James Frost <james.frost AT>
      	* CMakeLists.txt added
      	* tagged as JetMonitoring-01-00-40
      Former-commit-id: 2a710970
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      'Set the store pointer in the link, if needed. Remove #define private.'... · 5dbce9f5
      Scott Snyder authored
      'Set the store pointer in the link, if needed.  Remove #define private.' (GeneratorObjectsTPCnv-00-06-11)
      	* Tagging GeneratorObjectsTPCnv-00-06-11
      	* src/HepMcParticleLinkCnv_p1.cxx: Set the store pointer in the
      	link, if needed.
      	* GeneratorObjectsTPCnv/McEventCollectionCnv_p1.h: Remove #define
      Former-commit-id: beaacc7c
    • Mark Sutton's avatar
      Tier0 vtx analysis (TrigInDetAnalysis-01-01-45) · f30b80a4
      Mark Sutton authored
      	* TrigInDetAnalysis-01-01-45
      	* Tier0 vtx analysis
      Former-commit-id: 4ddd1c97
    • Mark Sutton's avatar
      STUPID CMAKE SVN COMMIT BLOCK (HanConfigGenerator-00-00-18) · 49288048
      Mark Sutton authored
      Former-commit-id: 3ce16e3339d38105ab1c2b1b49b38898a5ad6fed
    • Daniele Zanzi's avatar
      bug fix for singlepion chains (ATR-13841) (TrigTauHypo-00-06-84) · dca6604e
      Daniele Zanzi authored
      	* bug fix for singlepion chains
      	* TrigTauHypo-00-06-84
      2016-05-07 Daniele Zanzi
      	* move to r21 tau EDM
      	* TrigTauHypo-00-06-83
      2016-05-06 Daniele Zanzi
      	* kaon-kaon, kaon-pion and pion-pion inv mass calculations (ATR-13841)
      	* TrigTauHypo-00-06-82
      Former-commit-id: 22854e72
    • Daiki Yamaguchi's avatar
      Removed memory leakage reported from valgrind (PixelMonitoring-00-06-14) · 14db3676
      Daiki Yamaguchi authored
      	* Track.cxx: Added hit efficiency vs LB plots
      2016-05-09 Daiki Yamaguchi <>
      	* Errors.cxx: Debug the double counting error flags in Error_per_lumi
      2016-05-06 Daiki Yamaguchi <>
      	* PixelMainMon.h: Removed unsued pointers
      	* Track.cxx: Added the phi information of tracks
      2016-05-03 Daiki Yamaguchi <>
      	* PixelMainMon.h: small change
      2016-04-29 Daiki Yamaguchi <>
      	* Cluster.cxx: removed unused pointers
      	* Errors.cxx: removed unused pointers
      2016-04-22 Daiki Yamaguchi <>
      	* Track.cxx: removed unused histograms
      Former-commit-id: cdc75d90
    • Ryan Mackenzie White's avatar
      e2X triggers for TP (TrigEgammaMonitoring-00-01-69) · 2d233c08
      Ryan Mackenzie White authored
      	* Move e2X triggers to TP
      	* TrigEgammaMonitoring-00-01-69
      2016-04-29 Ryan White <>
      	* Add LHLoose + isolation for ElectronAnalysis (non-TP)
      	* TrigEgammaMonitoring-00-01-68
      Former-commit-id: 1d5e405b
    • Paul James Laycock's avatar
      Bugfix for DAOD_IDNCB (PrimaryDPDMaker-00-06-10) · 975f3283
      Paul James Laycock authored
      	* Bugfix DAOD_IDNCB, will need to remove line 165 if DerivationFrameworkInDet-00-00-56 or greater is used
      	* Tagging as PrimaryDPDMaker-00-06-10
      2016-05-11 Paul Laycock <>
      	* Added Tau jet selection to DESDM_CALJET for Quentin Buat
      	* Tagging as PrimaryDPDMaker-00-06-09
      2016-05-10 Paul Laycock <>
      	* Bugfix DAOD_IDNCB
      	* Tagging as PrimaryDPDMaker-00-06-08
      Former-commit-id: 2cf5aefd
    • Scott Snyder's avatar
      'Fix tests for cmake build.' (LArSimEventTPCnv-00-00-05) · 73cc0ba8
      Scott Snyder authored
      	* Tagging LArSimEventTPCnv-00-00-05.
      	* CMakeLists.txt: Fix tests for cmake build.
      	* Tagging LArSimEventTPCnv-00-00-04.
      	* Update reference files for changes in CaloIdentifier.
      Former-commit-id: 2ea123d6
    • Will Buttinger's avatar
      'addPropertyToCatalogue method' (AthAnalysisBaseComps-00-00-18) · 6c9b9c82
      Will Buttinger authored
      	* AthAnalysisHelper: methods for creating and setting properties on algorithms
      	* Tagging as AthAnalysisBaseComps-00-00-16
      	* made ToolSvc the default parent for created tools
      	* Tagging as AthAnalysisBaseComps-00-00-17
      	* One more helper method for adding properties to catalogue
      	* Tagging as AthAnalysisBaseComps-00-00-18
      2016-05-08 Will Buttinger <>
            * AthAnalysisHelper: printAuxElement method for printing content of an aux element
            * Tagging as AthAnalysisBaseComps-00-00-15
      2016-05-03 Will Buttinger <>
            * AthAnalysisHelper: Use const references instead of r-value references.
                                 Added specialization of setProperty for toolHandles + arrays
            * Tagging as AthAnalysisBaseComps-00-00-14
      2016-04-07 Will Buttinger <>
              * AthAnalysisHelper: createTool method for simplifying call to gaudi factory,
                                   corresponding setProperty method for bare tools
                                   setProperty method for services too
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
      Former-commit-id: bd4a7eb3
    • Soshi Tsuno's avatar
      added new function to determine readout technology in pixel (InDetReadoutGeometry-02-00-37) · 27b47f14
      Soshi Tsuno authored
        * Added new function to determine readout technology in PixelModuleDesign
      	* Tagged as InDetReadoutGeometry-02-00-37
      2016-05-09 Nick Styles
      	* Added new DetectorType enum for StripStereoAnnulusDesign
      	* Tagged as InDetReadoutGeometry-02-00-35
      	* Also fixed erroneous transform shift
      	* Tagged as InDetReadoutGeometry-02-00-36
      2016-04-29 Nick Styles
      	* Fix to length method of StripBoxDesign
      	* Tagged as  InDetReadoutGeometry-02-00-34
      2016-04-18 Shaun Roe
      	* Coverity fixes 108273, 108274:
      108273 06/04/2016 (Medium) Uninitialized scalar field :/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/InDetReadoutGeometry/src/StripAnnulusDesign.cxx in function "StripAnnulusDesign"
      108274 06/04/2016 (Medium) Uninitialized scalar field :/InnerDetector/InDetDetDescr/InDetReadoutGeometry/src/InDetDetectorManager.cxx in function "InDetDetectorManager"
      	* tag as Tagged as InDetReadoutGeometry-02-00-33
      2016-04-17 Nick Styles
      	* Merge changes from InDetReadoutGeometry-02-00-26-branch
      (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated)
      Former-commit-id: 63f821f3
    • Frank Winklmeier's avatar
      Ignore abort gap by default for RoI monitoring (ATR-12285) (TrigSteerMonitor-01-04-35) · 047b413b
      Frank Winklmeier authored
      	* src/TrigRoIMoni.cxx: Ignore abort gap by default for RoI monitoring (ATR-12285)
      	* TrigSteerMonitor-01-04-35
      Former-commit-id: 16c328b5
    • Frank Winklmeier's avatar
      Ignore events in the abort gap and also check RoIB overflows (ATR-12285) (TrigDetCalib-01-02-16) · 63c3d2b4
      Frank Winklmeier authored
      	* src/TrigL1CaloOverflow.cxx: Ignore events in the abort gap and also check RoIB overflows (ATR-12285)
      	* TrigDetCalib-01-02-16
      Former-commit-id: b8725a14
    • Benjamin William Allen's avatar
      Fix L1CALO3 (DerivationFrameworkL1Calo-00-00-22) · 8fe0288f
      Benjamin William Allen authored
      Former-commit-id: 9a3dd884
    • Nils Erik Krumnack's avatar
      fixed AnaToolHandle::swap to work in Athena (the problem was that the release... · 24f0302e
      Nils Erik Krumnack authored
      fixed AnaToolHandle::swap to work in Athena (the problem was that the release function had the AnaToolHandle it worked on hard-coded) (AsgTools-00-00-85)
      	* fixed AnaToolHandle::swap to work in Athena (the problem was that
      	  the release function had the AnaToolHandle it worked on hard-
      	* tagging as AsgTools-00-00-85
      2016-05-05 Nils Krumnack <>
      	* added documentation to the MessageCheck.h header file
      	* tagging as AsgTools-00-00-84
      Former-commit-id: 0c28bbef
    • Nils Erik Krumnack's avatar
      added a version of exec_read that provides a return code (RootCoreUtils-00-00-37) · 86e26135
      Nils Erik Krumnack authored
      	* added a version of exec_read that provides a return code
      	* going into RootCoreUtils-00-00-37
      2016-04-18 Nils Krumnack <>
      	* added a [[noreturn]] attribute to RCU_THROW_MSG
      	* going into RootCoreUtils-00-00-36
      Former-commit-id: 91c97b4e0c4d0f1375973506bfc60f721ca97121
    • Elmar Ritsch's avatar
      Change parameter of AtlasHitsVector::Insert(..) from const r-value reference... · 92ce9cc8
      Elmar Ritsch authored
      Change parameter of AtlasHitsVector::Insert(..) from const r-value reference to non-const r-value reference, as there isn't really any good reason for using const r-value references ever. ATLASSIM-2775. Make AtlasHitsVector::getVector(..) a const method, as it does not modify member data. (HitManagement-00-01-25)
      2016-05-10  Elmar Ritsch  <>
      	* Tagging HitManagement-00-01-25
      	* Change parameter of AtlasHitsVector::Insert(..) from const r-value
      	reference to non-const r-value reference, as there isn't really any
      	good reason for using const r-value references ever. ATLASSIM-2775
      	* Make AtlasHitsVector::getVector(..) a const method, as it does not
      	modify member data.
      2016-05-03  Elmar Ritsch  <>
      	* Tagging HitManagement-00-01-24
      	* Add perfect forwarding of universal references in
      	AtlasHitsVector::Insert(..) and AtlasHitsVector::Emplace(..) methods. ATLASSIM-2775
      2016-03-24 Iain Bertram <>
      	* Change to use std::stable_sort
      	* Modified HitManagement/TimedHitCollection.icc and HitManagement/TimedHitPtrCollection.icc
      	* Tagging HitManagement-00-01-23
      Former-commit-id: c6eeb6d5
    • Sascha Mehlhase's avatar
      see ChangeLog (TrackParticleAssociationAlgs-00-00-05) · 0d5a1cdf
      Sascha Mehlhase authored
      	* changing default threshold (50 GeV >> 25 GeV)
      	* tag TrackParticleAssociationAlgs-00-00-05
      Former-commit-id: 7937a7222451c5bdddb72b704bc3c1c344c2c289
    • Kristian Anders Gregersen's avatar
      'See ChangeLog' (JetTagMonitoring-00-04-20) · 79ec1706
      Kristian Anders Gregersen authored
      	* added histograms of integrated MV2c20 above reference OP vs. eta, for OP = 50, 70, 77, 85% and for quality/suspect jets (for monitoring IBL bowing).
      Former-commit-id: 3ecc5f29f223fcbc1f7f8d8e34a1bcdc195bd1e0
    • Tim Martin's avatar
      'update non col background sp hypo threshold' (TrigT2MinBias-00-02-31) · ff4f5a92
      Tim Martin authored
      	* Change hypo config for sp SCT non collision backgrounds trigger to >= 50
      	* tagging as TrigT2MinBias-00-02-31
      2016-05-05 Tim Martin <>
      	* Fix hypo config for sp SCT non collision backgrounds trigger
      	* tagging as TrigT2MinBias-00-02-30
      Former-commit-id: dc85a037