- Mar 22, 2017
Graeme Stewart authored
Merge 21.0.X-VAL,rel_3 into 21.0 See merge request !508 Former-commit-id: 6c6ff41051f652eecedf5094fb443b26ad4e56a5
Graeme Stewart authored
This is for HLT to build the next AthenaP1 release for M13 The TrigConfMuctpi tag was downgraded to TrigConfMuctpi-00-01-00 at the request of Stewart Former-commit-id: 7f0c9f360b6b6bb813d8a071700cc984404d9b29
John Derek Chapman authored
python/DigiAlgConfig.py: add missing getStandardInTimeOnlyGeantinoTruthPileUpToolsList method. ATLASSIM-3193. Tagging Digitization-02-00-14-04 (Digitization-02-00-14-04) * python/DigiAlgConfig.py: add missing getStandardInTimeOnlyGeantinoTruthPileUpToolsList method. ATLASSIM-3193 * Tagging Digitization-02-00-14-04 Former-commit-id: 4d3c90ce546b69d04fdf48d69b6175a08f8c482f
Xiaohu Sun authored
* fix xml grammar issue * tag as FullChainTests-00-01-74 Former-commit-id: d6c327a9112e907106bd2878e3fe979a9c27f9cc
Riccardo Maria Bianchi authored
removing the old BTaggers. Details: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASRECTS-3984 (VP1AODSystems-00-04-15) * Don't stop extrapolation at boundries. * VP1AODSystems-00-04-02 2017-02-14 Riccardo Maria Bianchi <rbianchi@cern.ch> * Fix crash when btagging is not available for a xOAD Jet collection. Details: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-332 * new tag: VP1AODSystems-00-04-14 2016-11-24 Riccardo Maria Bianchi <rbianchi@cern.ch> * new cut on xAOD::Vertex::y(), to filter the outlier vertices out. Details: https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLASVPONE-331 * new tag: VP1AODSystems-00-04-13 2016-09-09 Shaun Roe * Fix coverity defect 31214 (missed some variables last time) * VP1AODSystems-00-04-12 2016-08-31 Shaun Roe * Fix coverity defects: 30865 14/06/2015 (High) Uninitialized scalar variable :/graphics/VP1/VP1Systems/VP1AODSystems/src/IParticleCollHandle_Jet.cxx in function "rerandomise" ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 441ece7d
Heather Russell authored
* adding jet/smc_string_conversions.py required for ATR-15708 * fixes TM-00-21-67 * TriggerMenu-00-21-69 2017-03-20 Heather Russell <hrussell@cern.ch> * Removing unused bphys chains (ATR-16015) * Affects MC_pp_v6 and MC_pp_v7 * TriggerMenu-00-21-68 2017-03-20 Mario Campanelli * Algorithms for jet mass added (ATR-15708) * requires TrigHLTJetHypo-00-00-25 * TriggerMenu-00-21-67 2017-03-20 Arantxa Ruiz Martinez <aranzazu.ruiz.martinez@cern.ch> * e28 test chains added (ATR-15857) * TriggerMenu-00-21-66 2017-03-20 Lidija Zivkovic <Lidija.Zivkovic@cern.ch> * Add test b-jet triggers with MV2c10 tagger (ATR-15932) ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 6b039d08
Jack Cranshaw authored
* Fix bug in RecExPers-00-03-22-07 * Tagging as RecExPers-00-03-22-08 2017-03-13 Jack Cranshaw <cranshaw@anl.gov> * Add TruthMetaDataContainer to RecoOutputMetadataList_jobOptions.py * Tagging as RecExPers-00-03-22-07 Former-commit-id: a9f742e7
Julie Kirk authored
* python/InDetTrigConfigRecPostProcessing.py: use InDetTrigParticleCreatorToolFTF for FTK tarcks too (with correct "if" in python this time * InDetTrigRecExample-00-12-06 2017-03-15 Julie Hart Kirk <hartj@lxplus086.cern.ch> * python/InDetTrigConfigRecPostProcessing.py: use InDetTrigParticleCreatorToolFTF for FTK tarcks too * InDetTrigRecExample-00-12-05 Former-commit-id: e56f268d7729ece53c47506bfc8a073796d5573c
Frank Winklmeier authored
* python/hltOksUtils.py: Automatically define correct binary tags * share/make_hlt_rep.py: Changes for git release * HLTUtils-01-04-02 Former-commit-id: 504c040e716ca2ad59c1014b6e9dee2c362f0e0d
James Frost authored
* share/configLumi_run284500_mc16a_21019.py temporarily preserve the buggy mc16a profile from release 21.0.19 * share/configLumi_run284500_mc16a.py insert correct mc16a profile * tagging RunDependentSimData-00-00-68 2017-03-17 James Frost <james.frost AT cern.ch> * share/configLumi_run284500_v5.py reinstate pileup profile with tails missing * tagging RunDependentSimData-00-00-67 Former-commit-id: 16357fe943aa68da8852ee2d5a4c89503ac89631
Denis Oliveira Damazio authored
Former-commit-id: 5c016a0bc8c56e6ff11d0a4953916b190b11011d
Teng Jian Khoo authored
* Correct one of the null pointer checks that was inverted * ATLPHYSVAL-510 * Tagging as ParticleJetTools-00-03-54-03 2017-03-06 Teng Jian Khoo <khoo@cern.ch> * Added protections against null pointers and invalid ElementLinks caused by thinning truth content in AOD reduction * Added some debug messages in the process * ATLPHYSVAL-510 * Tagging as ParticleJetTools-00-03-54-02 Former-commit-id: 80c9fe4f
John Baines authored
* share/WriteFTK_ESD.py: add "DetailedTrackTruthCollection#FTK_Tracks_DetailedTruthCollection","DetailedTrackTruthCollection#FTK_RefitTracks_DetailedTruthCollection"] * share/FTKRec_jobOptions.py (FTK_RefitTracksTruth): Fix track collection names * tag as FTK_RecExample-00-00-16 2017-03-09 Tyler Burch <tburch@niu.edu> * share/FTKRec_jobOptions.py: changed barrel and endcap offsets to floats from integers Former-commit-id: 66bf29ad
John Baines authored
* python/TrigFTK_DataProviderSvc_Config.py: update collection names * tag as TrigFTK_RecExample-00-00-12 Former-commit-id: 8f0fcb53
Marcus Matthias Morgenstern authored
* Update config for CPU reduction in MS-ID fit * TrigMuonEF-00-04-88 Former-commit-id: e0909015
Hass Abouzeid authored
* Making DQ AMI tag upload script work with new Tier0 setup * Tagging DataQualityCOnfigurations-00-09-02 Former-commit-id: 57222aee771bd9c601a80671d83a800bbd070ed1
John Derek Chapman authored
share/specialConfig/preInclude.GMSB.py - patch to configuration for ATLASSIM-3250. Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-07-24 (SimulationJobOptions-00-07-24) * Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-07-24 * share/specialConfig/preInclude.GMSB.py - patch to configuration for ATLASSIM-3250. 2017-03-08 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-07-23 * share/specialConfig/preInclude.Monopole.py - force simFlags.TightMuonStepping to be false for Monopole jobs. ATLASSIM-3251 * share/specialConfig/preInclude.Qball.py - use standard magnetic field stepper and equation of motion. ATLASSIM-3251 2017-03-07 John Chapman <John.Chapman@cern.ch> * Tagging: SimulationJobOptions-00-07-22 * share/specialConfig/preInclude.Qball.py - patch to fix config issues seen in ATLASSIM-3251. ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 5bf95e82625a633b961207237d4ab01e00a244da
John Alison authored
2017-03-15 John Alison <John.Alison@uchicago.edu> * Fix for TrigGSCFex to prevent big GSC correction when few tracks * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-03-01 2017-03-15 John Alison <John.Alison@uchicago.edu> * Fix for TrigGSCFex et calculation * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-03-00 2017-02-16 Lidija Zivkovic <Lidija.Zivkovic@cern.ch> * Adding Mv2c10 and 2017 configuration * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-02-13 2017-02-16 Katharine Leney * Adding configurables to TrigJetSplitterAllTE for CPU optimissation studies * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-02-11 2017-02-16 Katharine Leney * Adding configurables to TrigSuperRoiBuilderAllTE for CPU optimissation studies * Tagging as TrigBjetHypo-02-02-10 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 94dd9bbf32f299c3b39a6ce6a3a739d77df252a9
Arantxa Ruiz Martinez authored
* Fix run2Config for Egamma (ATR-15967) * Needs TriggerMenu-00-21-45-01 or TriggerMenu-00-21-57 * TriggerJobOpts-00-05-35 2017-03-07 Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh@cern.ch> * Remove unnecessary imports in TriggerFlags (that caused some confusion) * -33 caused a T0-tests failure * TriggerJobOpts-00-05-34 Former-commit-id: 1f6f7fbc7116603acb5474adb7967f755148f0d7
Alex Christopher Martynwood authored
Former-commit-id: 3c859944
Antonia Strubig authored
*re-naming AFP thresholds for v7 (ATR-15881) *Adding L1 AFP items *Affect LVL1 pp v7 *Associated with TriggerMenu-00-21-55 *TriggerMenuXML-04-02-92 Former-commit-id: bfc87cccd7baa3a487a3a03cc6585af0431052ce
Mikael Martensson authored
Former-commit-id: 21824e74
Mikael Martensson authored
Former-commit-id: ccd10a70
Ryan Mackenzie White authored
* Reorder algo to apply et cut first * Only run showerBuilder when needed * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-90 2017-02-24 Ryan White * Add new track iso WPs for electrons * Add Heg dielectron configuration for rare Higgs * ATR-15259 * TrigEgammaHypo-01-01-89 Former-commit-id: 6c390d5a53e5f2ee7d1182e9c988e19cea1cdcc7
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
* 2016 configuration for v6 tests, bugfix (ATR-15987) * TriggerTest-00-07-68 2017-03-13 Julie Hart Kirk <hartj@lxplus086.cern.ch> * test/TriggerTest_TestConfiguration.xml: update menu used for minbias RTT test (ATR-15937) * TriggerTest-00-07-67 Former-commit-id: 59fa6691
Yohei Noguchi authored
* Tagged as 00-03-60 * Enable to switch on/off CSC pT in python. 2017-03-10 Yohei Noguchi <yohei.noguchi@cern.ch> * Tagged as 00-03-59 * Corrected the expression for printing messages. 2017-03-09 Yohei Noguchi <yohei.noguchi@cern.ch> * Tagged as 00-03-58 * Modified to use CSC pT for trigger. 2017-03-04 Yukitaka Yazawa <yyazawa@hep.phys.titech.ac.jp> * Tagged as 00-03-57 * Prepare to use MdtPrepDataTool as 00-03-54 branch 2017-03-03 Yukitaka Yazawa <yyazawa@hep.phys.titech.ac.jp> * Tagged as 00-03-56 * Fixed 00-03-55 to skip BMG Chamber 2017-02-18 Masaki Ishitsuka <ishitsuka@hep.phys.titech.ac.jp> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: 16103ba1
Siarhei Harkusha authored
* src/TileRawChannelOF1Corrector.cxx: fixed determination of online reconstruction method * Tagging TileRecUtils-00-09-80-01 2016-11-16 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging TileRecUtils-00-09-80. * src/TileRawChannelMaker.cxx: Const fixes. Former-commit-id: 4f35c576
Xanthe Hoad authored
* First tag with MaM on by default (see HLTMonFlags.py/HLTMonitoring_topOptions.py) * Moved MaM to runMaM.py from addMonTools.py * Cosmetic improvements & minor bug fixes * MaM v1.4.7 * tagging TrigHLTMonitoring-00-07-39 Former-commit-id: 00d8b2929083be21aa29d033124026f3d83079af
Scott Snyder authored
'Make sure any new dynamic variables added as a result of insertMove get entered into the id list.' (xAODCore-00-01-27-02) * Tagging xAODCore-00-01-27-02. * Root/AuxContainerBase.cxx (insertMove): Make sure any new dynamic variables added as a result of this get entered into m_auxids. * test/ut_xaodcore_auxcontainerbase_test.cxx: Test the change. 2017-02-14 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging xAODCore-00-01-27-01. * test/ut_xaodcore_auxcontainerbase_test.cxx: Fix to work in r21. 2017-01-24 scott snyder <snyder@bnl.gov> * Tagging xAODCore-00-01-27. * Root/AuxContainerBase.cxx: Avoid potential vector overrun in AuxContainerBase::insertMove. * Tagging xAODCore-00-01-26. * xAODCore/tools/AuxPersVector.h: Rework to use ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: d863969eb6fe60d262f3e4b816e559c84e4b5761
Tim Martin authored
* Tweak a test for CPU consumption * TrigP1Test-00-07-71 2017-03-07 Tim Martin <tamartin@cern.ch> * Add a test for CPU consumption * TrigP1Test-00-07-70 2017-01-10 Stewart Martin-Haugh <smh@cern.ch> * Add extra pre-condition to UploadMenuKeys_rerunLVL1 * TrigP1Test-00-07-69 Former-commit-id: 1ad90594e522394c01981065010681db2c84576f
Quentin Buat authored
* Turn off tracking curves to fix ATR-15961 * TrigTauMonitoring-00-00-97 2017-02-22 Eleni Myrto Asimakopoulou * fixes for Reducting memory footprint in data (ATR-15827) * - removed some chains, control of L1 histograms that require jet seeds and TProfiles in EF and EFvsOffline directories with flags (doL1JetPlots, doEFTProfiles) * TrigTauMonitoring-00-00-96 Former-commit-id: 401100aa
Olga Igonkina authored
* adding TrigCheckForMuons_peb075 for bJpsi_TrkPEB * TrigDetCalib-01-02-18 2017-03-07 Olya Igonkina * adding missing files * TrigDetCalib-01-02-18 2017-02-28 Olya Igonkina * endreq -> endmsg everywhere * adding TrigCheckForMuons algo to allow PEB data in muon RoIs * TrigDetCalib-01-02-17 Former-commit-id: 9473576d
Justin Griffiths authored
Former-commit-id: b56058ae
Jack Cranshaw authored
* Fix some MORE protections that gave warnings * Tag EventBookkeeperTools-00-00-97 Former-commit-id: 1f6e0b26e6be46846006127149715abe2fdb7217
Steven Schramm authored
* Tagging TrigHLTJetHypo-00-00-25 * Added single jet mass files that were missed to SVN 2017-03-06 Steven Schramm * Tagging TrigHLTJetHypo-00-00-24 * All changes actually made by Gino Marceca * He just doesn't have permissions and SVN admin isn't working right now * Added single jet mass cut hypo 2017-02-19 Peter Sherwood <peter@MacBook-Pro-7.fritz.box> * Tagging TrigHLTJetHypo-00-00-22 * src/TrigHLTJetHypoUtils/IndexedJetsGrouper.cxx (IndexedJetsGrouper): The code that was to sort the TLA indicies was not being run. This has been fixed. There are no consequences for chains where the indicies are given in order (always the case until now?) The RTT test chain counts show no differences after the bug fix. Bug report ATR-15885 ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: d57732db
Teng Jian Khoo authored
* Fix checks for EventShape containers and improve overall checking for presence of containers * Tagging as JetRec-03-01-08 Former-commit-id: d25860390ee8024ca57c0da20f472a317ca66d5e
Olga Igonkina authored
* Adding Config for L2 MultiTrk * TrigBphysHypo-00-05-24 2017-02-28 Olya Igonkina * Preparing configuration for L2 MultiTrk cuts * TrigBphysHypo-00-05-23 Former-commit-id: 5c326f92e132eba9e76df5f5c6892f02e5877b6e
Joao Victor Da Fonseca Pinto authored
* Update to threshodls v5 and tuning config v3_v4_merge * TrigMultiVarHypo-07-00-23 2016-11-25 Joao Victor Pinto <jodafons@cern.ch> * Roolback tuning to mc14_201603XX in version 2.2b with loose cuts * TrigMultiVarHypo-07-00-21 Former-commit-id: 339372ec
Jahred Adelman authored
2017-2-22 Jahred Adelman * Fix recovery fit counter in TrackFitter711.cxx * Tag as TrigFTKSim-00-12-06 2017-2-13 Jahred Adelman * Add new FTKSetup options * Tag as TrigFTKSim-00-12-05 2017-2-6 Jahred Adelman * Small coverity fixes to FTKPatternBySector.cxx 2017-1-25 Jahred Adelman * Option to save offline tracks and clusters in output * Tag TrigFTKSim-00-12-04 2017-1-16 Jahred Adelman * Fix bad module maps * Add Clustering and ReadCluster options to transforms * Tag TrigFTKSim-00-12-02 2016-12-20 John Baines <john.baines@stfc.ac.uk> ... (Long ChangeLog diff - truncated) Former-commit-id: d61cb555
Joao Victor Da Fonseca Pinto authored
* Clean the code and update all pid versions 2016-12-21 Joao Victor Pinto <jodafons@cern.ch> * Add decorations in monitoring. Now its possible to retrieve some variables * from the emulation using the getDecorations method. * The method executeHypoTool was removed. 2016-11-28 Joao Victor Pinto <jodafons@cern.ch> * Add expert method to retrieve the decision give an step of trigger. * E.g isGoos = emulation->executeHypoTool("L2Calo",te,trigName,passed) Former-commit-id: 528deb275a773d6431ad2f6e95dcff4d8bb26b79