  Copyright (C) 2002-2017 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration

#include "LArRecUtils/LArAutoCorrTotalTool.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/ToolFactory.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/MsgStream.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/IIncidentSvc.h"
#include "LArElecCalib/LArConditionsException.h"
#include "StoreGate/StoreGateSvc.h"
#include "LArIdentifier/LArOnlineID.h"
#include "LArIdentifier/LArOnline_SuperCellID.h"
#include "LArCabling/LArCablingService.h"
#include "LArCabling/LArSuperCellCablingTool.h"
#include <cmath>


LArAutoCorrTotalTool::LArAutoCorrTotalTool(const std::string& type, 
					   const std::string& name, 
					   const IInterface* parent) 
  : AthAlgTool(type, name, parent),
    m_keyShape("LArShape"), m_keyAutoCorr("LArAutoCorr"),
    m_keyNoise("LArNoise"), m_keyfSampl("LArfSampl"),
    m_keyMinBias("LArMinBias"), m_keyPedestal("LArPedestal"),

  declareProperty("deltaBunch",m_deltaBunch,"Delta between filled bunches in 25 ns units");
  declareProperty("NSamples",m_nsamples,"Max number of samples to use");
  declareProperty("firstSample",m_firstSample,"First sample to use for in-time event on the full pulse shape");


StatusCode LArAutoCorrTotalTool::initialize()
  MsgStream log( msgSvc(), name() );

  log << MSG::DEBUG << "LArAutoCorrTotalTool initialize() begin" << endreq;

  if ( !m_isSC ) {

    const LArOnlineID* laron;
    StatusCode sc  = detStore()->retrieve(laron,"LArOnlineID");
    if (sc.isFailure()) {
      log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to retrieve  LArOnlineID from DetectorStore" << endreq;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
    } else m_lar_on_id = (LArOnlineID_Base*) laron;

    ToolHandle<LArCablingService> larcab("LArCablingService");
      log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to get CablingService" << endreq;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
    } else m_cablingService = (LArCablingBase*) &(*larcab);

  } else {

    const LArOnline_SuperCellID* laron;
    StatusCode sc = detStore()->retrieve(laron,"LArOnline_SuperCellID");
    if (sc.isFailure()) {
      log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to retrieve  LArOnlineID from DetectorStore" << endreq;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
    } else m_lar_on_id = (LArOnlineID_Base*) laron;

    ToolHandle<LArSuperCellCablingTool> larcab("LArSuperCellCablingTool");
      log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to get CablingService" << endreq;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
    } else m_cablingService = (LArCablingBase*) &(*larcab);

  //retrieves helpers for LArCalorimeter
  m_calo_id_man  = CaloIdManager::instance();
  if ( m_isSC ) {
    m_lar_em_id   = m_calo_id_man->getEM_SuperCell_ID();
    m_lar_hec_id  = m_calo_id_man->getHEC_SuperCell_ID();
    m_lar_fcal_id = m_calo_id_man->getFCAL_SuperCell_ID();
  }  else  {
    m_lar_em_id   = m_calo_id_man->getEM_ID();
    m_lar_hec_id  = m_calo_id_man->getHEC_ID();
    m_lar_fcal_id = m_calo_id_man->getFCAL_ID();

  if (m_MCSym) {
    if (m_larmcsym.retrieve().isFailure()){
      log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to get LArMCSym Tool " << endreq;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
  if (m_adc2mevTool.retrieve().isFailure()) 
      log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to find tool for LArADC2MeVTool" << endreq;
      return StatusCode::FAILURE;
    log << MSG::DEBUG << " -- ILArADC2MeVTool retrieved" << endreq;
  if (StatusCode::SUCCESS==detStore()->regFcn(&ILArAutoCorrTotalTool::LoadCalibration,
					      dynamic_cast<ILArAutoCorrTotalTool*>(this),m_dd_shape,m_keyShape)) {
    log << MSG::INFO << "Registered callback for key: " <<m_keyShape << endreq;
  } else {
    log << MSG::ERROR << "Cannot register testCallback function for key " << m_keyShape << endreq;
  if (StatusCode::SUCCESS==detStore()->regFcn(&ILArAutoCorrTotalTool::LoadCalibration,
					      dynamic_cast<ILArAutoCorrTotalTool*>(this),m_dd_autocorr,m_keyAutoCorr)) {
    log << MSG::INFO << "Registered callback for key: " << m_keyAutoCorr << endreq;
  } else {
    log << MSG::ERROR << "Cannot register testCallback function for key " << m_keyAutoCorr << endreq;
  if(m_Nminbias<=0) m_NoPile=true;
	if (StatusCode::SUCCESS==detStore()->regFcn(&ILArAutoCorrTotalTool::LoadCalibration,
						    dynamic_cast<ILArAutoCorrTotalTool*>(this),m_dd_noise,m_keyNoise)) {
	  log << MSG::INFO << "Registered callback for key: " << m_keyNoise << endreq;
	} else {
	  log << MSG::ERROR << "Cannot register testCallback function for key " << m_keyNoise << endreq;
	if (StatusCode::SUCCESS==detStore()->regFcn(&ILArAutoCorrTotalTool::LoadCalibration,
						    dynamic_cast<ILArAutoCorrTotalTool*>(this),m_dd_pedestal,m_keyPedestal)) {
	  log << MSG::INFO << "Registered callback for key: " << m_keyPedestal << endreq;
	} else {
	  log << MSG::ERROR << "Cannot register testCallback function for key " << m_keyPedestal << endreq;
      if (StatusCode::SUCCESS==detStore()->regFcn(&ILArAutoCorrTotalTool::LoadCalibration,
						  dynamic_cast<ILArAutoCorrTotalTool*>(this),m_dd_fSampl,m_keyfSampl)) {
	log << MSG::INFO << "Registered callback for key: " << m_keyfSampl << endreq;
      } else {
	log << MSG::ERROR << "Cannot register testCallback function for key " << m_keyfSampl << endreq;
      if (StatusCode::SUCCESS==detStore()->regFcn(&ILArAutoCorrTotalTool::LoadCalibration,
						  dynamic_cast<ILArAutoCorrTotalTool*>(this),m_dd_minbias,m_keyMinBias)) {
	log << MSG::INFO << "Registered callback for key: " << m_keyMinBias << endreq;
      } else {
	log << MSG::ERROR << "Cannot register testCallback function for key " << m_keyMinBias << endreq;
      // force calling first callback function of LArADC2MeV, and then callback of LArAutoCorrTotalTool
      if (StatusCode::SUCCESS==detStore()->regFcn(&ILArADC2MeVTool::LoadCalibration,&(*m_adc2mevTool),
						  &ILArAutoCorrTotalTool::LoadCalibration,dynamic_cast<ILArAutoCorrTotalTool*>(this))) {
	log << MSG::INFO << "Registered callback for LArAutoCorrTool/LArADC2MeVTool" << endreq;
      } else {
	log << MSG::ERROR << "Cannot register testCallback function for LArAutoCorrTotalTool/LArAdc2MeVTool" << endreq;
  if (m_loadAtBegin) {
    log << MSG::DEBUG << "Setting callback function to load calibration at begin of run" << endreq;
    // Incident Service: 
    IIncidentSvc* incSvc;
    StatusCode sc = service("IncidentSvc", incSvc);
    if (sc.isFailure()) {
      log << MSG::ERROR << "Unable to retrieve pointer to IncidentSvc "
	  << endreq;
      return sc;
    //start listening to "BeginRun". The incident should be fired AFTER the IOV callbacks and only once.
    //const long priority=std::numeric_limits<long>::min(); //Very low priority
    // FIXME.. somehow this class can not be a listener.
    // incSvc->addListener(this, "BeginRun", priority ,false,true); //single-shot incident
  log << MSG::DEBUG << "LArAutoCorrTotalTool initialize() end" << endreq;
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;


StatusCode LArAutoCorrTotalTool::finalize()
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;


// *** retrieves needed data from the DB *** 
StatusCode LArAutoCorrTotalTool::LoadCalibration(IOVSVC_CALLBACK_ARGS_K(keys))

  MsgStream log( msgSvc(), name() );
  log << MSG::DEBUG << "in LoadCalibration " << endreq;
  log << MSG::DEBUG << "Callback invoked for " << keys.size() << " keys" << endreq;
  m_cacheValid = false; 

  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;


// *** compute some terms of the calculation of the autocorr function *** 
StatusCode LArAutoCorrTotalTool::getTerms()

  MsgStream log( msgSvc(), name() );

  log << MSG::DEBUG << "in getAutoCorrTotal" << endreq;
  log << MSG::INFO << "  Bunch spacing (25 ns units ) " << m_deltaBunch << endreq;
  log << MSG::INFO << "  N(MB)/bunch crossing " << m_Nminbias << endreq;

  // get HWIdentifier iterator
  std::vector<HWIdentifier>::const_iterator it   =m_lar_on_id->channel_begin();
  std::vector<HWIdentifier>::const_iterator it_e =m_lar_on_id->channel_end();
  int ngains = (m_isSC ? 1 : 3 );
  // resize vector to #(gain) = 3
  int count = 0;
  int count2 = 0;
  // loop over em Identifiers
  log << MSG::DEBUG << "start loop over cells in getAutoCorrTotal" << endreq;
    count ++;
    const HWIdentifier id  = *it;
    unsigned int id32      = id.get_identifier32().get_compact();

      if(m_MCSym) {
        HWIdentifier id2 = m_larmcsym->symOnline(id);
        if (id2 != id) continue;

      // mixed OFC optimization: force no pileup in EMB and EMEC-OW
      if (m_useMixedOFCOpt) {
	const bool isEMB    = m_lar_on_id->isEMBchannel(id);
	const bool isEMECOW = m_lar_on_id->isEMECOW(id);
	if (isEMB || isEMECOW ) {
	  log << MSG::DEBUG << "No Pileup AutoCorr for ChID 0x" << MSG::hex << id << MSG::dec << endreq;
	  m_NoPile = true;
	} else { 
	  log << MSG::DEBUG << "Using Pileup AutoCorr for ChID 0x" << MSG::hex << id << MSG::dec << endreq;
	  m_NoPile = false;

      static std::vector<float> empty; 
      // the Shape is a function of gain
      for(int igain=0;igain<ngains;igain++)
	ILArShape::ShapeRef_t Shape = m_dd_shape->Shape(id,igain); 
	int nsamples_shape=(int)(Shape.size());
        if (nsamples_shape==0) 
	  m_terms[igain][id32] = empty;       

	ILArAutoCorr::AutoCorrRef_t AC = m_dd_autocorr->autoCorr(id,igain);
	if (AC.size()==0) {
	  m_terms[igain][id32] = empty;       


        if (m_nsamples_AC_OFC > m_nsamples) m_nsamples_AC_OFC=m_nsamples;

        // fix HEC first sample +1 if the firstSample is 0 and nsamples 4
        unsigned int ihecshift=0;
        if(m_lar_on_id->isHECchannel(id) && m_nsamples_AC_OFC == 4 && m_firstSample == 0) {
             //log << MSG::DEBUG << "Using firstSample +1 for HEC ChID 0x" << MSG::hex << id << MSG::dec << endreq;        

	// nsamples_shape    = number of samples of the Shape function (e.g 32)
	// m_nsamples_AC_OFC = size of AC matrix & OFC vector (e.g 5 in Atlas)
        float fSigma2=0.;
	  float SigmaNoise;
	    SigmaNoise = m_dd_noise->noise(id,igain);
	   float RMSpedestal = 
	     SigmaNoise = RMSpedestal;
	     SigmaNoise = 0.;//(we will have the ERROR message below)
	  float fSampl     = m_dd_fSampl->FSAMPL(id);
	  float MinBiasRMS = m_dd_minbias->minBiasRMS(id);
	  if(fSampl!=0) MinBiasRMS/=fSampl;
	  const std::vector<float> *
	    polynom_adc2mev = &(m_adc2mevTool->ADC2MEV(id,igain));
          float Adc2MeV=0.;
          if (polynom_adc2mev->size()>0) {
	  if(SigmaNoise!=0 && Adc2MeV!=0) 
	    fSigma2 = pow(MinBiasRMS/(SigmaNoise*Adc2MeV),2);

	  if(fSampl==0 || SigmaNoise==0 || Adc2MeV==0) 	 
            if (m_isMC) {
	    log << MSG::ERROR
		<< m_lar_em_id
		<< "fSampl ("<<fSampl<<"), SigmaNoise ("
		<<SigmaNoise<<") or Adc2MeV ("<<Adc2MeV<<") null "
		<<"=> AutoCorrTotal = only AutoCorr elect. part " 
		<< endreq;
	  //warning: MinBiasRMS is in MeV (at the scale of the hits)
	  //         SigmaNoise is in ADC counts
	  //  so MinBiasRMS/fScale and SigmaNoise*Adc2MeV are the same scale 
	  //  (MeV at the scale of the cells)
	}//end if m_NoPile

        // get in vTerms all the possible non trivial N(N-1)/2 terms of the autocorrelation matrix
        int nsize_tot = (m_nsamples_AC_OFC-1)*(m_nsamples_AC_OFC)/2;

	std::vector<float> vTerms;   


        for (int j1=0;j1<m_nsamples_AC_OFC-1;j1++) {
          for (int j2=j1+1;j2<m_nsamples_AC_OFC;j2++) {
            int l=abs(j2-j1)-1;
            int index = j1*m_nsamples_AC_OFC- j1*(j1+1)/2 + j2 - (j1+1);
            vTerms[index] = AC[l];

	//2nd terms : 
	for(int j1=0;j1<m_nsamples_AC_OFC-1;++j1) {
          for (int j2=j1+1;j2<m_nsamples_AC_OFC;j2++) {
            int index = j1*m_nsamples_AC_OFC- j1*(j1+1)/2 + j2 - (j1+1);
	    float Rij=0;
	    for(int k=0;k<nsamples_shape;++k)	 {
              if ((j2-j1+k)>=0 && (j2-j1+k)< nsamples_shape) {
                int ibunch=0;
                if ((j1+m_firstSample+ihecshift-k)%m_deltaBunch == 0) ibunch=1;
	        Rij += Shape[k] * Shape[j2-j1+k] *ibunch;
	    vTerms[nsize_tot+index]= fSigma2*Rij;

	//3rd term : RMS of pileup per samples (multiplied by fSigma2)
        for (int j1=0;j1<m_nsamples_AC_OFC;j1++) {
  	   float Rms2i=0;
	   for(int k=0;k<nsamples_shape;++k) {
              int ibunch=0;
              if ((j1+m_firstSample+ihecshift-k)%m_deltaBunch == 0) ibunch=1;
	      Rms2i += pow(Shape[k],2) *ibunch;

	m_terms[igain][id32] = vTerms;
      }//(loop on gains)
      for(unsigned int igain=0;igain<3;igain++) 
        unsigned nsize_tot=(m_nsamples-1)*(m_nsamples)+m_nsamples;
	m_terms[igain][id32] = std::vector<float>(nsize_tot, 0.); 

  log << MSG::INFO   << "LArAutoCorrTotal Ncell " << count << endreq;
  log << MSG::INFO   << "LArAutoCorrTotal Nsymcell " << count2 << endreq;
  log << MSG::DEBUG << "end of loop over cells " << endreq;

  m_cacheValid = true;
  return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

// *** compute AutoCorrTotal (nsamples-1 coeffs) for a given cell ***
const std::vector<double> 
LArAutoCorrTotalTool::computeAutoCorr(const std::vector<float>& terms,
				      float Nminbias) const

              Rij (elec) +  Nminbias*fSigma^2 * sum(k=0->32or800)[G(i-k)G(j-k)]
Rij(total) = ------------------------------------------------------------------
                  1      +  Nminbias*fSigma^2 * sum(k=0->32or800)[G(k)^2]

  with: o fSigma = Sigma(E minimum-bias) / Sigma(electronic noise)
        o G the Shape function
        o Nminbias = number of minimum-bias events per bunch-crossing
	          (= L/Lo)

  if nsamples==5, we need only R01, R02, R03, R04 (for example)  (ROO=1)

  MsgStream log( msgSvc(), name() );
  if(Nminbias<0) Nminbias=m_Nminbias;// takes the value in the property

  std::vector<double> vResult;
  int tsize = int(sqrt(terms.size()));
  int nsize_tot = (tsize-1)*(tsize)/2;
  for (int i1=0;i1<tsize-1;i1++)  {
   for (int i2=i1+1;i2<tsize;i2++) {

    int index = i1*tsize - i1*(i1+1)/2 + i2 - (i1+1); 

    vResult.push_back(   (terms[index]+Nminbias*terms[nsize_tot+index])
	               / sqrt((1.+Nminbias*terms[2*nsize_tot+i1])*(1.+Nminbias*terms[2*nsize_tot+i2])) );
  return (vResult);


const std::vector<double>
LArAutoCorrTotalTool::computeRMS(const std::vector<float>& terms,
                                 float Nminbias) const

  if (Nminbias<0) Nminbias = m_Nminbias;

  std::vector<double> vResult;
  int tsize = int(sqrt(terms.size()));
  int nsize_tot =  (tsize-1)*(tsize)/2;
  for (int i=0;i<tsize;i++) {
  return (vResult);



// *** retrieve AutoCorrTotal (nsamples*(nsamples-1)/2 coeffs) for a given cell ***
const std::vector<double> 
LArAutoCorrTotalTool::autoCorrTotal(const HWIdentifier& CellID,
				    int gain, float Nminbias) const
  MsgStream log( msgSvc(), name() );
  int thisgain = (m_isSC ? 0 : gain);

    LArAutoCorrTotalTool* this2 = const_cast<LArAutoCorrTotalTool*>(this); 
    StatusCode  sc = this2->getTerms();
    if (sc.isFailure()) 
	log << MSG::ERROR
	    << "getTerms failed "
	    << endreq;
	throw LArConditionsException("Could not compute in LArAutoCorrTotalTool::autoCorrTotal");

  HWIdentifier id;
  if (m_MCSym) 
    id = m_larmcsym->symOnline(CellID);
    id = CellID;
  unsigned int id32 = id.get_identifier32().get_compact();

  MAP::const_iterator it = (m_terms[thisgain]).find(id32) ; 
  if(it == (m_terms[thisgain]).end()){
    log << MSG::DEBUG
	<< "Unable to find ID = " << CellID << " in m_terms" 
	<< endreq;
    static std::vector<double> empty; 
    return empty; 
  return ( this->computeAutoCorr((*it).second,Nminbias) );  


// *** retrieve AutoCorrTotal (4 coeffs) for a given cell ***
const std::vector<double> 
LArAutoCorrTotalTool::autoCorrTotal(const Identifier& CellID,
				    int gain, float Nminbias) const
  HWIdentifier id = m_cablingService->createSignalChannelID(CellID);  
  return this->autoCorrTotal(id, gain, Nminbias);

void LArAutoCorrTotalTool::handle(const Incident&) {
     MsgStream log( msgSvc(), name() );
     log << MSG::DEBUG << "In Incident-handle" << endreq;

       StatusCode  sc = this->getTerms();
       if (sc.isFailure()) 
	   log << MSG::ERROR
	       << "getTerms failed "
	       << endreq;
	   throw LArConditionsException("Could not getTerms in LArAutoCorrTotalTool::handle ");
const std::vector<double>
LArAutoCorrTotalTool::samplRMS(const HWIdentifier& CellID, 
                                int gain, float Nminbias) const
  int thisgain = (m_isSC ? 0 : gain);
  HWIdentifier id;
  if (m_MCSym) 
    id = m_larmcsym->symOnline(CellID);
    id = CellID; 
  unsigned int id32 = id.get_identifier32().get_compact();

  MAP::const_iterator it = (m_terms[thisgain]).find(id32) ;
  if(it == (m_terms[thisgain]).end()){
    MsgStream log( msgSvc(), name() );
    log << MSG::ERROR
        << "Unable to find ID = " << CellID << " in m_terms" 
        << endreq; 
    static std::vector<double> empty;  
    return empty;  
  return ( this->computeRMS((*it).second,Nminbias) );  

const std::vector<double>
LArAutoCorrTotalTool::samplRMS(const Identifier& CellID, 
                                    int gain, float Nminbias) const
  HWIdentifier id = m_cablingService->createSignalChannelID(CellID);  
  return this->samplRMS(id, gain, Nminbias);