#!/bin/sh # # art-description: Run simulation using ISF with the FullG4 simulator, reading ttbar events, writing HITS, using 2015 geometry and conditions # art-include: 21.0/Athena # art-include: 21.3/Athena # art-include: 21.9/Athena # art-include: master/Athena # art-type: grid # art-output: test.HITS.pool.root # art-output: truth.root Sim_tf.py \ --conditionsTag 'default:OFLCOND-RUN12-SDR-19' \ --physicsList 'FTFP_BERT' \ --truthStrategy 'MC15aPlus' \ --simulator 'FullG4' \ --postInclude 'default:PyJobTransforms/UseFrontier.py,G4AtlasTests/postInclude.DCubeTest.py' \ --preInclude 'EVNTtoHITS:SimulationJobOptions/preInclude.BeamPipeKill.py' \ --DataRunNumber '222525' \ --geometryVersion 'default:ATLAS-R2-2015-03-01-00' \ --inputEVNTFile '/cvmfs/atlas-nightlies.cern.ch/repo/data/data-art/ISF_Validation/mc12_valid.110401.PowhegPythia_P2012_ttbar_nonallhad.evgen.EVNT.e3099.01517252._000001.pool.root.1' \ --outputHITSFile 'test.HITS.pool.root' \ --maxEvents '4' \ --imf False echo "art-result: $? simulation" ArtPackage=$1 ArtJobName=$2 # TODO This is a regression test I think. We would also need to compare these files to fixed references art.py compare grid --entries 4 ${ArtPackage} ${ArtJobName} --mode=semi-detailed echo "art-result: $? regression"