1.0.42be4d2836 · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Updates in this tag: - Fixed up the CMake version requirements in the code a bit; - Added a find-module for the C++ Guidelines Support Library; - Fixed the environment setup for matplotlib from LCG_94; - Upgraded KLFitter to version 1.2.1; - Added fixes for building ROOT 6.14/04 on bare-bones Ubuntu systems.
2.0.13675a4438 · ·
Tag to be used ONLY WITH NIGHTLY BUILDS of the master branch of atlas/athena. Updates since 2.0.12: - Switched to build projects in c++17 mode by default, except with GCC <7; - Added the dependencies of matplotlib to make it usable out of pyanalysis in LCG_94.
1.0.414a7c2c3a · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Updates in this tag: - Upgraded to HDF5 version 1.10.3; - Added a the CMake version used for the build to the project's ReleaseData file; - Upgraded to the (currently) latest version of yampl; - Fixed an issue with the build timestamps saved into the ReleaseData file.
2.0.12210978be · ·
Tag to be used ONLY WITH NIGHTLY BUILDS of the master branch of atlas/athena. Updates since 2.0.11: - Revived the "doc" target for Doxygen documentation generation; - Updated all "standalone" externals to versions in sync with LCG_94; - Upgraded to the (currently) latest version of yampl; - Added the build's CMake version to the generated ReleaseData file; - Upgraded to HDF5-1.10.3; - Patched CLHEP to remove build warnings with GCC 8; - Added FindLibXslt.cmake, and made Findtdaq.cmake use it; - Added a fix for the build time inconsistency that we had in ReleaseData.
1.0.403a72823b · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Updates in this tag: - Updated BAT and KLFitter to re-build when switching from 1.0.38 to this tag. (To account for the ROOT version change.)
1.0.39730fd771 · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Updates in this tag: - Updated AtlasLCG to be compatible with LCG_94; - Upgraded all packages used by AnalysisBaseExternals to have the same version as they do in LCG_94; - Upgraded AthAnalysisExternals to build against LCG_94 by default; - Fixed a small issue in HDF5's build, where it wouldn't use ZLIB correctly from the LCG release; - Backported some technical updates from the master branch; - Added the ability to build Doxygen documentation using CMake once again.
2.0.118374db88 · ·
Tag to be used ONLY WITH NIGHTLY BUILDS of the master branch of atlas/athena. Updates since 2.0.10: - Upgraded KLFitter to version 1.2.0; - Upgraded HDF5 to version 1.10.2, and switched to building it with CMake; - Upgraded lwtnn to version 2.7.1; - Upgraded all projects to use LCG_94, with the exception of AnalysisBaseExternals (for now).
1.0.38a730dedc · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Updates in this tag: - Added extra find-modules to make ART's dependencies work from >=LCG_91 versions; - Updated HDF5 to 1.10.2, and switched to building it with CMake; - Updated KLFitter to v1.2.0; - Updated lwtnn to v2.7.1.
2.0.1022f26cd0 · ·
Tag to be used ONLY WITH NIGHTLY BUILDS of the master branch of atlas/athena. Updates since 2.0.9: - Updates to AtlasLCG to handle the externals needed by ART correctly in LCG_93+; - Taught CheckerGccPlugins about the naming convention introduced in Gaudi's PluginSvc v2.
2.0.9671e8f2b · ·
Tag to be used ONLY WITH NIGHTLY BUILDS of the master branch of atlas/athena. Updates since the last tag: - Updates to the thread-safety static checker.
2.0.803cb3b90 · ·
Tag to be used ONLY WITH NIGHTLY BUILDS of the master branch of atlas/athena. Updates since the last tag: - Switch to LCG93c
2.0.7c04518cc · ·
Tag to be used ONLY WITH NIGHTLY BUILDS of the master branch of atlas/athena. Updates since the last tag: - Read Coin_sources.zip from http://cern.ch/atlas-software-dist-eos/externals/ - Cherry-picks from 1.X related to PlatformHandling
1.0.37b5945765 · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Updates in this tag: - Added AthGenerationExternals as a new project; - Made the standalone ROOT build use the standalone NumPy build; - Fixed the handling of the ATLAS_PLATFORM variable.
2.0.68e72b599 · ·
Tag to be used ONLY WITH NIGHTLY BUILDS of the master branch of atlas/athena. Updates since the last tag: - Change Acts lib install dir, enable MaterialPlugin, move ACTS to Acts - CheckerGccPlugins: Various updates.
2.0.50f5dcfe6 · ·
Tag to be used ONLY WITH NIGHTLY BUILDS of the master branch of atlas/athena. Updates since the last tag: - Now picking up GDB 8.1 from the ATLAS EOS webpage; - Patching the source of BAT to produce correct ROOT dictionaries in an out-of-source build; - Added KLFitter to AnalysisBaseExternals and AthAnalysisExternals; - Disabled building (most of) the static libraries of Boost for AnalysisBaseExternals; - Switched to building ACTS from the head of the master branch of the ACTS git repository. This setting must never be used in a tagged release of atlas/athena! - Updated Findxz.cmake to only set up an RPM dependency on SLC6, as LCG doesn't provide this package on CentOS7.
1.0.360c7dc0f7 · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Updates in this tag: - Turned off the build of (most of) the static Boost libraries, keeping only the dynamic ones; - Fixed the dictionary error in the BAT build that showed up when that build was switched to be performed out-of-source; - Added KLFitter to the build of AnalysisBaseExternals and AthAnalysisExternals.
2.0.495e222da · ·
Tag to be used with the master branch of atlas/athena. Updates since the last tag: - Fixed the dependency setup for generating .pyc files, which could produce a broken build setup in some cases previously; - Tweaked the logic of lcg_generate_env(...) not to print false warnings in some cases; - Updates to the GCC checker code from Scott; - Added a standalone version of Davix and updated the version of XRootD, updating the build of ROOT to use these new externals. Updated AthAnalysisExternals to build Davix and XRootD. - Updated GDB to version 8.1; - Removed DMTCP from the repository; - Updated all LCG based projects to LCG_93a.
1.0.35d8cf3c54 · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Updates in this tag: - Sped up the build of LibXml2 and Python a little, by allowing the CMake build to use multiple processes for building these externals. - Added Davix 0.6.7 as a new external to AnalysisBaseExternals and AthAnalysisExternals, to be able to use the latest HTTP based file access protocols with ROOT in the analysis releases. - Updated the XRootD package to build version 4.8.2. This is to fix the issue with reading files from older versions of dCache that showed up on certain grid sites. Added the build of XRootD to AthAnalysisExternals as well. - Removed the dmtcp package from the repository. - Fixed an issue introduced in 1.0.34 with the build of the .pyc modules, which would show up for some non-standard package layouts.
1.0.342eed0fee · ·
Tag to be used with the 21.X branches of atlas/athena. Main updates in this tag: - Fixed the build of HepMCAnalysis after the changes that were made in FastJet in the previous tag; - Minor changes to the Simage build; - Added the Findxz.cmake module, interesting mainly for the VP1 developers; - Updated to fjcontrib-1.033; - Updated FastJet and FastJetContrib to build correctly with the latest version of clang, now used on MacOS; - Added ACTS as a package. Not building it as part of any project though.
2.0.3e7e78031 · ·
Collecting the following (more significant) updates: - Picking up some of the externals' sources from the ATLAS webpage now; - Introduced "purgeBuild" steps for some of the externals; - Updated the way HDF5 is built; - Some environment setup fixes for Qt5; - Updated the converter generator code to be compatible with Gaudi v30r2; - Improvements to the Python byte-compilation code; - Updated AthenaExternals to LCG_93; - Added ACTS as an external to AthenaExternals.