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Commit 7e0e68e1 authored by Marco Clemencic's avatar Marco Clemencic
Browse files


parent 302e6a55
No related branches found
Tags v19r4p1
No related merge requests found
with 2247 additions and 1 deletion
......@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ find_package(GaudiProject)
# Declare project name and version
gaudi_project(Phys v19r4
gaudi_project(Phys v19r4p1
USE Rec v17r4)
# Package: DAQEvent
gaudi_subdir(DAQEvent v9r17)
OPTIONS --comments)
#include <string>
#include <vector>
/** @class LHCb::RawBank RawBank.h
* Raw data bank sent by the TELL1 boards of the LHCb DAQ.
* For a detailed description of the raw bank format,
* see <a href="">EDMS-565851/5</a>
* Note concerning the changes done 06/03/2006:
* - The bank size is in BYTES
* - The full size of a bank in memory is long word (32 bit) aligned
* ie. a bank of 17 Bytes length actually uses 20 Bytes in memory.
* - The bank length accessors size() and setSize() do not contain
* the bank header, ie. size() = (total size) - (header size).
* - The length passed to the RawEvent::createBank should NOT
* contain the size of the header !
* - If the full padded bank size is required use the utility
* function RawBank::totalSize = size + header size + padding size.
* @author Helder Lopes
* @author Markus Frank
* created Tue Oct 04 14:45:20 2005
namespace LHCb
class RawBankSubClass;
class RawBank {
/// Need to declare some friend to avoid compiler warnings
friend class RawBankSubClass;
/// Default Constructor
RawBank() {}
/// Default Destructor
~RawBank() {}
// typedef for std::vector of RawBank
typedef std::vector<RawBank*> Vector;
typedef std::vector<const RawBank*> ConstVector;
/// Define bank types for RawBank
enum BankType{ L0Calo=0, // 0
L0DU, // 1
PrsE, // 2
EcalE, // 3
HcalE, // 4
PrsTrig, // 5
EcalTrig, // 6
HcalTrig, // 7
Velo, // 8
Rich, // 9
TT, // 10
IT, // 11
OT, // 12
Muon, // 13
L0PU, // 14
DAQ, // 15
ODIN, // 16
HltDecReports, // 17
VeloFull, // 18
TTFull, // 19
ITFull, // 20
EcalPacked, // 21
HcalPacked, // 22
PrsPacked, // 23
L0Muon, // 24
ITError, // 25
TTError, // 26
ITPedestal, // 27
TTPedestal, // 28
VeloError, // 29
VeloPedestal, // 30
VeloProcFull, // 31
OTRaw, // 32
OTError, // 33
EcalPackedError, // 34
HcalPackedError, // 35
PrsPackedError, // 36
L0CaloFull, // 37
L0CaloError, // 38
L0MuonCtrlAll, // 39
L0MuonProcCand, // 40
L0MuonProcData, // 41
L0MuonRaw, // 42
L0MuonError, // 43
GaudiSerialize, // 44
GaudiHeader, // 45
TTProcFull, // 46
ITProcFull, // 47
TAEHeader, // 48
MuonFull, // 49
MuonError, // 50
TestDet, // 51
L0DUError, // 52
HltRoutingBits, // 53
HltSelReports, // 54
HltVertexReports,// 55
HltLumiSummary, // 56
L0PUFull, // 57
L0PUError, // 58
DstBank, // 59
DstData, // 60
DstAddress, // 61
FileID, // 62
VP, // 63
FTCluster, // 64
VL, // 65
UT, // 66
UTFull, // 67
UTError, // 68
UTPedestal, // 69
HC, // 70
HltTrackReports, // 71
// Add new types here. Don't forget to update also RawBank.cpp
LastType // LOOP Marker; add new bank types ONLY before!
/// Get any bank type as a string
static std::string typeName(LHCb::RawBank::BankType e);
/// Get this bank type as a string
inline std::string typeName(){return LHCb::RawBank::typeName( type() ); }
/// Magic pattern for Raw bank headers
enum RawPattern{ MagicPattern=0xCBCB };
/// Access to magic word for integrity check
int magic() const { return m_magic; }
/// Set magic word
void setMagic() { m_magic = MagicPattern; }
/// Header size
int hdrSize() const { return sizeof(RawBank)-sizeof(m_data);}
/// Return size of the data body part of the bank
int size() const { return m_length-hdrSize(); }
/// Set data size of the bank in bytes
void setSize(size_t val) { m_length = (val&0xFFFF)+hdrSize(); }
/// Access the full (padded) size of the bank
int totalSize() const {
typedef unsigned int T;
return m_length%sizeof(T)==0 ? m_length : (m_length/sizeof(T)+1)*sizeof(T);
/// Return bankType of this bank
BankType type() const { return BankType(int(m_type)); }
/// Set the bank type
void setType(BankType val) { m_type = (unsigned char)(char(val)&0xFF); }
/// Return version of this bank
int version() const { return m_version; }
/// Set the version information of this bank
void setVersion(int val) { m_version = (unsigned char)(val&0xFF); }
/// Return SourceID of this bank (TELL1 board ID)
int sourceID() const { return m_sourceID; }
/// Set the source ID of this bank (TELL1 board ID)
void setSourceID(int val) { m_sourceID = (unsigned short)(val&0xFFFF); }
/// Return pointer to begining of data body of the bank
unsigned int* data() { return &m_data[0]; }
/// Return pointer to begining of data body of the bank (const data access)
const unsigned int* data() const { return &m_data[0]; }
/// Begin iterator
template <typename T> T* begin(){ return (T*)m_data; }
/// End iterator
template <typename T> T* end() { return ((T*)m_data) + size()/sizeof(T); }
/// Begin iterator over const iteration
template <typename T> const T* begin() const {return (T*)m_data;}
/// End iterator of const iteration
template <typename T> const T* end() const {return ((T*)m_data) + size()/sizeof(T); }
/// Magic word (by definition 0xCBCB)
unsigned short m_magic;
/// Bank length in bytes (must be >= 0)
unsigned short m_length;
/// Bank type (must be >= 0)
unsigned char m_type;
/// Version identifier (must be >= 0)
unsigned char m_version;
/// Source ID (valid source IDs are > 0; invalid ones 0)
short m_sourceID;
/// Opaque data block
unsigned int m_data[1];
}; // class RawBank
} // namespace LHCb
#endif ///DAQEvent_RawBank_H
// Include files
#include "GaudiKernel/DataObject.h"
#include "Event/RawBank.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
namespace LHCb
// Class ID definition
static const CLID CLID_RawEvent = 1002;
// Namespace for locations in TDS
#ifdef __INTEL_COMPILER // Disable ICC remark
#pragma warning(disable:177) // variable was declared but never referenced
namespace RawEventLocation {
static const std::string& Default = "DAQ/RawEvent"; ///< Original FULL Raw Event
static const std::string& Emulated = "Emu/RawEvent";
static const std::string& Copied = "pRec/RawEvent";
static const std::string& Calo = "Calo/RawEvent"; ///< Copy of Calo banks
static const std::string& Muon = "Muon/RawEvent"; ///< Copy of Muon banks, for MDST
static const std::string& Rich = "Rich/RawEvent"; ///< Copy of Rich banks
static const std::string& Trigger = "Trigger/RawEvent"; ///< Copy of Trigger banks for Stripping and MDST
static const std::string& Other = "Other/RawEvent"; ///< Copy of all banks except Calo, Muon, Rich and Trigger (now Obsolete)
static const std::string& Velo = "Velo/RawEvent"; ///< Copy of Velo banks
static const std::string& Tracker = "Tracker/RawEvent"; ///< Copy of IT, OT and TT banks
static const std::string& Unstripped = "Unstripped/RawEvent"; ///< Miscellaneous banks not required by stripping lines.
/** @class LHCb::RawEvent RawEvent.h
* Raw event
* @author Helder Lopes
* @author Markus Frank
* created Tue Oct 04 14:45:29 2005
class RawEvent : public DataObject {
/** @class LHCb::RawEvent::Bank RawEvent.h Event/RawEvent.h
* Shadow class used to deal with persistency.
* This class is entirely internal. Do not change.
* In particular the field comments are hints to ROOT
* to support the storage of variable size C-arrays in order
* to avoid a copy of the data.
* Banks can be removed using the removeBank(RawBank*) member
* function. The bank to be removed must be identified by its
* pointer to ensure unambiguous bank identification also in the
* event where multiple banks if the same bank type are present.
* If no other bank of the category of the bank (Banktype)to
* be removed is anymore present in the raw event, also the
* category is removed.
* Note:
* - The length passed to the RawEvent::createBank should NOT
* contain the size of the header !
* @author M.Frank
* @version 1.0
struct Bank {
int m_len; // Bank length
char m_owns; //! transient data member: ownership flag
unsigned int* m_buff; //[m_len]
/// Default constructor
Bank() : m_len(0), m_owns(1), m_buff(0) {}
/// Initializing constructor
Bank(int len, char owns, unsigned int* b) : m_len(len), m_owns(owns), m_buff(b) {}
/// Copy constructor
Bank(const Bank& c) : m_len(c.m_len), m_owns(c.m_owns), m_buff(c.m_buff) {
/// Assignment operator
Bank& operator=(const Bank& c) {
m_len = c.m_len;
m_owns = c.m_owns;
m_buff = c.m_buff;
return *this;
/// Access to memory buffer
unsigned int* buffer() { return m_buff; }
/// Access to ownership flag.
bool ownsMemory() const { return m_owns == 1; }
/// Default Constructor
/// Default Destructor
virtual ~RawEvent();
/// Retrieve class identifier (static)
static const CLID& classID() { return CLID_RawEvent; }
/// Retrieve class identifier (virtual overload)
virtual const CLID& clID() const { return RawEvent::classID(); }
/// accessor method to the vector of Raw banks for a given bank type
const std::vector<RawBank*> & banks(RawBank::BankType bankType) {
// The optimizer should be able to deal with this...
return m_mapped ? m_eventMap[bankType] : mapBanks(bankType);
/// For offline use only: copy data into a set of banks, adding bank header internally.
void addBank(int sourceID,
RawBank::BankType bankType,
int version,
const std::vector<unsigned int>& data);
/// For offline use only: copy data into a bank, adding bank header internally.
void addBank(RawBank* data); // Pointer to data block (payload) of bank
/// Take ownership of a bank, including the header
void adoptBank(RawBank* bank, // Pointer to beginning of bank (i.e. bank header)
bool adopt_memory); // Flag to adopt memory
/// Remove bank identified by its pointer
/** Remove raw data bank from bankset and update bank map.
* The bank removal can fail if the specified bank was not found.
* @param bank [IN] Pointer to raw bank structure to be removed.
* @return Boolean value indicating success (=true) or failure(=false)
bool removeBank(RawBank* bank);
/// Rawbank creator
/** Create raw bank and fill values
* @param srcID [IN] Source identifier
* @param typ [IN] Bank type (from RawBank::BankType enum)
* @param vsn [IN] Bank version
* @param len [IN] Length of data segment in bytes
* @param data [IN] Data buffer (if NULL, no data are copied)
* @return Initialized Pointer to RawBank structure
static RawBank* createBank( int srcID,
RawBank::BankType typ,
int vsn,
size_t len,
const void* data=0);
/// Access the full length 32 bit aligned length of a bank in bytes
/** Access full bank length
* @param len [IN] Raw unaligned bank length
* @return padded bank size in bytes
static size_t paddedBankLength(size_t len);
/// Map banks on first request
/** @param bankType [IN] type of banks to be returned (from RawBank::BankType enum)
* @return vector of mapped banks corresponding to bankType
const std::vector<RawBank*> & mapBanks(RawBank::BankType bankType);
std::map<RawBank::BankType,std::vector<RawBank*> > m_eventMap; //! transient Map with RawBanks (values) for each bank type
std::vector<Bank> m_banks; // Vector with persistent bank structure
bool m_mapped; //! transient
}; // class RawEvent
} // namespace LHCb
package DAQEvent
version v9r17
use GaudiKernel v*
branches cmt doc Event src xml
use GaudiObjDesc v* -no_auto_imports
# Produce Header-Files from XML description
# ====================================================================
apply_pattern god_headers files=../xml/*.xml
apply_pattern install_more_includes more=Event
# ==================== Produce LCG dictionary ===============================
macro DAQEventGen_dependencies DAQEventObj2Doth
apply_pattern reflex_dictionary \
dictionary=DAQEvent \
headerfiles=$(DAQEVENTROOT)/xml/lcgdict/lcg_headers.h \
selectionfile=$(DAQEVENTROOT)/xml/lcgdict/lcg_selection.xml \
# ==================== linker library =======================================
macro DAQEventLib_dependencies DAQEventObj2Doth
library DAQEventLib *.cpp
apply_pattern linker_library library=DAQEventLib
This diff is collapsed.
// $Id: RawBank.cpp,v 1.9 2010-01-15 13:20:13 marcin Exp $
// local
#include "Event/RawBank.h"
// Implementation file for class : RawBank
// 2008-02-13 : Marco Cattaneo
std::string LHCb::RawBank::typeName(LHCb::RawBank::BankType e){
switch ( e ) {
// Important note:
// Keep the order exactly as in the RawEvent header file!
case LHCb::RawBank::L0Calo : return "L0Calo";
case LHCb::RawBank::L0DU : return "L0DU";
case LHCb::RawBank::PrsE : return "PrsE";
case LHCb::RawBank::EcalE : return "EcalE";
case LHCb::RawBank::HcalE : return "HcalE";
case LHCb::RawBank::PrsTrig : return "PrsTrig";
case LHCb::RawBank::EcalTrig : return "EcalTrig";
case LHCb::RawBank::HcalTrig : return "HcalTrig";
case LHCb::RawBank::Velo : return "Velo";
case LHCb::RawBank::Rich : return "Rich";
case LHCb::RawBank::TT : return "TT";
case LHCb::RawBank::IT : return "IT";
case LHCb::RawBank::OT : return "OT";
case LHCb::RawBank::Muon : return "Muon";
case LHCb::RawBank::L0PU : return "L0PU";
case LHCb::RawBank::DAQ : return "DAQ";
case LHCb::RawBank::ODIN : return "ODIN";
case LHCb::RawBank::HltDecReports : return "HltDecReports";
case LHCb::RawBank::VeloFull : return "VeloFull";
case LHCb::RawBank::TTFull : return "TTFull";
case LHCb::RawBank::ITFull : return "ITFull";
case LHCb::RawBank::EcalPacked : return "EcalPacked";
case LHCb::RawBank::HcalPacked : return "HcalPacked";
case LHCb::RawBank::PrsPacked : return "PrsPacked";
case LHCb::RawBank::L0Muon : return "L0Muon";
case LHCb::RawBank::ITError : return "ITError";
case LHCb::RawBank::TTError : return "TTError";
case LHCb::RawBank::ITPedestal : return "ITPedestal";
case LHCb::RawBank::TTPedestal : return "TTPedestal";
case LHCb::RawBank::VeloError : return "VeloError";
case LHCb::RawBank::VeloPedestal : return "VeloPedestal";
case LHCb::RawBank::VeloProcFull : return "VeloProcFull";
case LHCb::RawBank::OTRaw : return "OTRaw";
case LHCb::RawBank::OTError : return "OTError";
case LHCb::RawBank::EcalPackedError : return "EcalPackedError";
case LHCb::RawBank::HcalPackedError : return "HcalPackedError";
case LHCb::RawBank::PrsPackedError : return "PrsPackedError";
case LHCb::RawBank::L0CaloFull : return "L0CaloFull";
case LHCb::RawBank::L0CaloError : return "L0CaloError";
case LHCb::RawBank::L0MuonCtrlAll : return "L0MuonCtrlAll";
case LHCb::RawBank::L0MuonProcCand : return "L0MuonProcCand";
case LHCb::RawBank::L0MuonProcData : return "L0MuonProcData";
case LHCb::RawBank::L0MuonRaw : return "L0MuonRaw";
case LHCb::RawBank::L0MuonError : return "L0MuonError";
case LHCb::RawBank::GaudiSerialize : return "GaudiSerialize";
case LHCb::RawBank::GaudiHeader : return "GaudiHeader";
case LHCb::RawBank::TTProcFull : return "TTProcFull";
case LHCb::RawBank::ITProcFull : return "ITProcFull";
case LHCb::RawBank::TAEHeader : return "TAEHeader";
case LHCb::RawBank::MuonFull : return "MuonFull";
case LHCb::RawBank::MuonError : return "MuonError";
case LHCb::RawBank::TestDet : return "TestDet";
case LHCb::RawBank::L0DUError : return "L0DUError";
case LHCb::RawBank::HltRoutingBits : return "HltRoutingBits";
case LHCb::RawBank::HltSelReports : return "HltSelReports";
case LHCb::RawBank::HltVertexReports: return "HltVertexReports";
case LHCb::RawBank::HltLumiSummary : return "HltLumiSummary";
case LHCb::RawBank::L0PUFull : return "L0PUFull";
case LHCb::RawBank::L0PUError : return "L0PUError";
case LHCb::RawBank::DstBank : return "DstBank";
case LHCb::RawBank::DstData : return "DstData";
case LHCb::RawBank::DstAddress : return "DstAddress";
case LHCb::RawBank::FileID : return "FileID";
case LHCb::RawBank::VP : return "VP";
case LHCb::RawBank::FTCluster : return "FTCluster";
case LHCb::RawBank::VL : return "VL";
case LHCb::RawBank::UT : return "UT";
case LHCb::RawBank::UTFull : return "UTFull";
case LHCb::RawBank::UTError : return "UTError";
case LHCb::RawBank::UTPedestal : return "UTPedestal";
case LHCb::RawBank::HC : return "HC";
case LHCb::RawBank::HltTrackReports : return "HltTrackReports";
default : return "Undefined_name";
// $Id: RawEvent.cpp,v 1.15 2010-01-07 10:25:17 frankb Exp $
#include "Event/RawEvent.h"
#include <cstring> // for memcpy with gcc 4.3
namespace {
inline LHCb::RawBank* allocateBank(size_t len) {
size_t mem_len = LHCb::RawEvent::paddedBankLength(len);
size_t new_len = mem_len/sizeof(unsigned int);
unsigned int* mem = new unsigned int[new_len];
if ( mem_len != len ) {
mem[new_len-1] = 0;
return (LHCb::RawBank*)mem;
// Default Constructor
: m_mapped(false)
// Default Destructor
LHCb::RawEvent::~RawEvent() {
for(std::vector<Bank>::iterator i=m_banks.begin(); i != m_banks.end(); ++i) {
Bank& b = *i;
if ( b.ownsMemory() && b.buffer() ) {
delete [] b.buffer();
size_t LHCb::RawEvent::paddedBankLength(size_t len) {
size_t mem_len = len+sizeof(LHCb::RawBank)-sizeof(unsigned int);
if ( mem_len%sizeof(unsigned int) ) { // Need padding
mem_len = (mem_len/sizeof(unsigned int) + 1)*sizeof(unsigned int);
return mem_len;
const std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>& LHCb::RawEvent::mapBanks(RawBank::BankType bankType) {
for(std::vector<Bank>::iterator i=m_banks.begin(); i != m_banks.end(); ++i) {
LHCb::RawBank* bank = (LHCb::RawBank*)(*i).buffer();
m_mapped = true;
return m_eventMap[bankType];
// For offline use only: copy data into a set of banks, adding bank header internally.
void LHCb::RawEvent::addBank( int srcID,
LHCb::RawBank::BankType typ,
int vsn,
const std::vector<unsigned int>& data) {
adoptBank( createBank(srcID, typ, vsn, data.size()*sizeof(unsigned int), &(*data.begin())), true );
LHCb::RawBank* LHCb::RawEvent::createBank( int srcID,
LHCb::RawBank::BankType typ,
int vsn,
size_t len,
const void* data ) {
LHCb::RawBank* bank = allocateBank(len);
if ( data ) {
::memcpy(bank->data(), data, len);
return bank;
/// For offline use only: copy data into a bank, adding bank header internally.
void LHCb::RawEvent::addBank(RawBank* data) {
size_t len = data->totalSize();
LHCb::RawBank* bank = (LHCb::RawBank*)new unsigned int[len/sizeof(unsigned int)];
::memcpy(bank, data, len);
adoptBank(bank, true);
/// Take ownership of a bank, including the header
void LHCb::RawEvent::adoptBank(LHCb::RawBank* bank, bool adopt_memory) {
size_t len = bank->totalSize();
if ( !m_mapped ) mapBanks(bank->type());
m_banks.push_back(Bank(len/sizeof(unsigned int), adopt_memory, (unsigned int*)bank));
/// Remove bank identified by its pointer
bool LHCb::RawEvent::removeBank(RawBank* bank) {
typedef std::map<RawBank::BankType,std::vector<RawBank*> > BankMap;
RawBank::BankType type = bank->type();
BankMap::iterator i=m_eventMap.find(type);
if ( i != m_eventMap.end() ) {
std::vector<RawBank*>& banks = (*i).second;
for(std::vector<RawBank*>::iterator j=banks.begin(); j!=banks.end(); ++j) {
if ( (*j) == bank ) {
// Banks to be removed found!
// First remove bank from persistent array.
for(std::vector<Bank>::iterator k=m_banks.begin(); k!=m_banks.end(); ++k) {
Bank& b = *k;
if ( !(bank == (RawBank*)b.buffer()) ) continue;
// The bank is owned by RawEvent: delete the allocated buffer
// to prevent memory leak when reading data from a ROOT file...
if ( b.ownsMemory() && b.buffer() ) delete [] b.buffer();
// Now erase bank from vector with all banks of one type.
// Finally remove bank type from event map if no further bank is present.
if ( banks.size() == 0 ) {
return true;
return false;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!--- $Id: -->
<!--- Author : Marco Clemencic -->
<!--- Created : 2006-09-22 -->
<!DOCTYPE gdd SYSTEM "gdd.dtd" >
<package name='DAQEvent'>
<!-- ****************************************************************
* ODIN *
author="Marco Clemencic"
desc="Class for the decoding of the ODIN RawBank."
name = 'Data'
desc = 'Fields in the ODIN bank'
value = 'RunNumber = 0,
access = 'PUBLIC' />
name = 'EventTypeBitsEnum'
desc = ''
value = 'EventTypeBits = 0,
CalibrationStepBits = 16'
access = 'PUBLIC' />
name = 'EventTypeMasks'
desc = ''
value = 'EventTypeMask = 0x0000FFFF,
CalibrationStepMask = 0xFFFF0000,
FlaggingModeMask = 0x00008000'
access = 'PUBLIC' />
name = 'Word7Bits'
desc = ''
value = 'DetectorStatusBits = 0,
ErrorBits = 24,
SynchErrorBits = 24,
ErrorForcedBits = 25'
access = 'PUBLIC' />
name = 'Word7Bits'
desc = ''
value = 'DetectorStatusBits = 0,
ErrorBits = 24'
access = 'PUBLIC' />
name = 'ErrorCodeMasks'
desc = ''
value = 'SynchError = 0x1,
SynchErrorForced = 0x2'
access = 'PUBLIC' />
name = 'Word7Masks'
desc = ''
value = 'DetectorStatusMask = 0x00FFFFFF,
ErrorMask = 0xFF000000'
access = 'PUBLIC' />
name = 'Word8Bits'
desc = ''
value = 'BunchIDBits = 0,
TAEWindowBits = 12,
TriggerTypeBits = 16,
CalibrationTypeBits = 19,
ForceBits = 21,
BXTypeBits = 22,
BunchCurrentBits = 24'
access = 'PUBLIC' />
name = 'Word8Masks'
desc = ''
value = 'BunchIDMask = 0x00000FFF,
TAEWindowMask = 0x00007000,
TriggerTypeMask = 0x00070000,
CalibrationTypeMask = 0x00180000,
ForceMask = 0x00200000,
BXTypeMask = 0x00C00000,
BunchCurrentMask = 0xFF000000'
access = 'PUBLIC' />
name = 'Word8Bits_v4'
desc = 'Provided for backward compatibility'
value = 'ReadoutTypeBits = 19'
access = 'PUBLIC' />
name = 'Word8Masks_v4'
desc = 'Provided for backward compatibility'
value = 'ReadoutTypeMask = 0x00180000'
access = 'PUBLIC' />
name = 'ReadoutTypes'
desc = ''
value = 'ZeroSuppressed = 0,
NonZeroSuppressed = 1'
access = 'PUBLIC' />
name = 'CalibrationTypes'
desc = ''
value = 'A = 0,
B = 1,
C = 2,
D = 3'
access = 'PUBLIC' />
name = 'BXTypes'
desc = ''
value = 'NoBeam = 0,
Beam1 = 1,
Beam2 = 2,
BeamCrossing = 3'
access = 'PUBLIC' />
name = 'TriggerType'
desc = 'Type of trigger broadcasted by ODIN'
value = "PhysicsTrigger,
access = 'PUBLIC' />
<import name="GaudiKernel/Time"/>
<import name="Event/RawBank"/>
<base name="DataObject"/>
desc="Run number"
type="unsigned int"
init="0" />
desc="Event type"
type="unsigned int"
init="0" />
desc="Orbit ID"
type="unsigned int"
init="0" />
desc="L0 Event ID"
init="0" />
desc="GPS Time (microseconds)"
init="0" />
desc="Detector Status"
init="0" />
desc="Error Bits"
type="unsigned int"
init="0" />
desc="Bunch ID"
type="unsigned int"
init="0" />
desc="Trigger Type @see enum LHCb::ODIN::TriggerType"
init="PhysicsTrigger" />
desc="Readout Type (@see enum LHCb::ODIN::ReadoutTypes). Meaningful only if bank version &lt; 5."
init="ZeroSuppressed" />
desc="Force Bit"
init="false" />
desc="Bunch Crossing Type (BXType, @see enum LHCb::ODIN::BXTypes)"
init="NoBeam" />
desc="Bunch Current"
type="unsigned int"
init="0" />
desc="Version of the ODIN bank"
type="unsigned int"
init="0" />
desc="Calibration Step Number"
type="unsigned int"
init="0" />
desc="Requested Trigger Configuration Key. The key actually used is in LHCb::HltDecReports::configuredTCK"
type="unsigned int"
init="0" />
desc="TAE (Time Alignment Event) window size"
type="unsigned int"
init="0" />
desc="Calibration Type (@see enum LHCb::ODIN::CalibrationTypes). Meaningful only if bank version &gt;= 5."
init="A" />
desc = "Copy constructor. Creates a new ODIN object with the same information"
initList = "DataObject(), m_runNumber(odin.runNumber()), m_eventType(odin.eventType()), m_orbitNumber(odin.orbitNumber()), m_eventNumber(odin.eventNumber()), m_gpsTime(odin.gpsTime()), m_detectorStatus(odin.detectorStatus()), m_errorBits(odin.errorBits()), m_bunchId(odin.bunchId()), m_triggerType(odin.triggerType()), m_readoutType(odin.readoutType()), m_forceBit(odin.forceBit()), m_bunchCrossingType(odin.bunchCrossingType()), m_bunchCurrent(odin.bunchCurrent()), m_version(odin.version()), m_calibrationStep(odin.calibrationStep()), m_triggerConfigurationKey(odin.triggerConfigurationKey()), m_timeAlignmentEventWindow(odin.timeAlignmentEventWindow()), m_calibrationType(odin.calibrationType())">
<arg const="TRUE" name="odin" type="LHCb::ODIN"/>
<method name="eventTime" desc="Return the event time (converted from the GPS time)" type="Gaudi::Time" const="TRUE">
if ( gpsTime() == 0xD0DD0D0000000000ULL )
return 0;
return gpsTime() * 1000;
<method name="setEventTime"
desc="Set the event time (converted to GPS time)" type="void"
argList="const Gaudi::Time time" const="FALSE">
<method type="bool" name="isFlagging" const="TRUE"
return eventType() &amp; FlaggingModeMask;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!--- Author : Marco Clemencic -->
<!--- Created : 2006-09-22 -->
<!DOCTYPE gdd SYSTEM "gdd.dtd" >
<package name='DAQEvent'>
<!-- ****************************************************************
* ODIN *
author="Olivier Deschamps"
desc="Class for the status of RawBank decoding"
<location name = "Default" place = "Transient/DAQ/Status" />
name = 'Status'
desc = 'Status value'
value = '
OK = 0,
Corrupted = 1,
Incomplete = 2,
Missing = 4,
Empty = 8 ,
NonUnique = 16,
Tell1Sync = 32,
Tell1Link = 64,
Tell1Error = 128,
ErrorBank = 256,
MissingStatus = 512,
BadMagicPattern = 1024,
DuplicateEntry = 2048,
Unknown = 4096 '
access = 'PUBLIC' />
<!-- 'Unknown' MUST BE THE LAST ITEM -->
<base name = "KeyedObject&lt;LHCb::RawBank::BankType&gt;" />
<import name="sstream" std="TRUE"/>
<import name="map" std="TRUE"/>
<import name="Event/RawBank"/>
def = "Base"
type = "KeyedObject&lt;LHCb::RawBank::BankType&gt;"
desc = "RawBankReadoutStatus key (BankType)"
access = "PROTECTED"
desc = "non-default constructor"
argList = "LHCb::RawBank::BankType type"
initList = "Base ( type ), m_status()"
> <code/> </constructor>
desc = "Copy Constructor"
argList = "LHCb::RawBankReadoutStatus rh"
initList = "Base(rh.key() ), m_status(rh.m_status)"
> <code/> </constructor>
<attribute name="status" desc=" mapping of source status" type="std::map&lt; int, long &gt;" getMeth='FALSE' setMeth='FALSE' />
name = "status"
desc = "get Readout status for a given source"
argList= "int source"
type = "long">
if( 0 == m_status.size() )return Unknown;
std::map&lt;int, long&gt;::iterator it = m_status.find(source);
if( it == m_status.end() )return Unknown;
return m_status[source];
name = "addStatus"
desc = "set Readout status for a given source"
argList= "int source, long stat"
type = "void">
long newStat = stat;
std::map&lt;int, long&gt;::iterator it = m_status.find(source);
if( it != m_status.end() )newStat |= status(source);
m_status[source] = newStat;
name = "status"
desc = "get Readout status for the whole bank"
type = "long">
if( 0 == m_status.size() )return Unknown;
long stat = 0;
for(std::map&lt;int,long&gt;::iterator it = m_status.begin() ; it != m_status.end() ; ++it){
stat |= (*it).second;
return stat;
name = "statusMap"
desc = "return the status map attribute"
type = "std::map&lt; int, long &gt;">
return m_status;
// begin include files
#include <vector>
#include "GaudiKernel/SmartRefVector.h"
#include "GaudiKernel/SmartRef.h"
#include "Event/ODIN.h"
#include "Event/RawEvent.h"
// end include files
namespace {
struct _Instantiations {
// begin instantiations
SmartRef<LHCb::ODIN> m_SmartRef_LHCb__ODIN;
SmartRefVector<LHCb::ODIN> m_SmartRefVector_LHCb__ODIN;
std::vector<SmartRef<LHCb::ODIN> > m_std_vector_SmartRef_LHCb__ODIN;
// end instantiations
<class name="LHCb::RawEvent" id="000003EA-0000-0000-0000-000000000000">
<field name="m_eventMap" transient="true"/>
<field name="m_mapped" transient="true"/>
<class name="LHCb::RawBank"/>
<class name="LHCb::RawEvent::Bank">
<field name="m_owns" transient="true"/>
<class name="std::vector<LHCb::RawEvent::Bank>"/>
<class name="std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*>"/>
<class name="std::map<LHCb::RawBank::BankType, std::vector<LHCb::RawBank*> >"/>
<!-- From generated file -->
<class name="LHCb::ODIN" id="000003ed-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"/>
<class name="SmartRef<LHCb::ODIN>"> <field name="m_target" transient="true"/> </class>
<class name="SmartRefVector<LHCb::ODIN>"> <field name="m_contd" transient="true"/> <field name="m_data" transient="true"/> </class>
<class name="std::vector<SmartRef<LHCb::ODIN> >"/>
# Package: DigiEvent
gaudi_subdir(DigiEvent v4r3)
EXTEND dict/lcgDict.h
package DigiEvent
version v4r3
branches Event xml cmt doc
use LHCbKernel v* Kernel
use LHCbMath v* Kernel
use Boost v* LCG_Interfaces
use GaudiObjDesc v* -no_auto_imports
# Produce Header-Files from XML description
apply_pattern god_headers files=../xml/*.xml
apply_pattern install_more_includes more=Event
# Make custom dictionary. Must be before GOD generation
document customdict DigiEventCustomDict ../dict/lcgDict.h
macro_append DigiEventObj2Dict_dependencies DigiEventCustomDict
# Generate dictionaries with lcgdict via GOD
apply_pattern god_dictionary files=../xml/*.xml
# Disable some compiler warnings in the automatically generated dict code
macro_append DigiEventDict_cppflags "" \
target-icc " -wd191 -wd1572"
// Additional classes to be added to automatically generated lcgdict
// begin include files
#include "Kernel/FastClusterContainer.h"
#include "Event/VeloLiteCluster.h"
#include "Event/STLiteCluster.h"
// end include files
namespace {
struct _Instantiations {
// begin instantiations
FastClusterContainer<LHCb::VeloLiteCluster, int> _i1;
FastClusterContainer<LHCb::STLiteCluster, int> _i2;
// end instantiations
! Package : Event/DigiEvent
! Responsible : Marco Cattaneo
! Purpose : Event model classes related to Digitization
!========================= DigiEvent v4r3 2014-12-11 =========================
! 2014-12-04 - Heinrich Schindler
- Add location for L0 HCDigits.
! 2014-11-27 - Victor Coco
- Added HCDigit to store the Herschel PMT adcs
!========================= DigiEvent v4r2 2014-05-12 =========================
! 2014-04-01 - Heinrich Schindler
- Remove VPLiteCluster.
! 2014-03-30 - Heinrich Schindler
- Remove VPLiteCluster from VPCluster, add inter-pixel fraction to VPCluster
! 2014-03-24 - Heinrich Schindler
- Remove ToT value and timestamp from VPDigit, change location name
!========================= DigiEvent v4r1 2014-03-17 =========================
! 2014-03-13 - Heinrich Schindler
- Remove ToT value from and added global x, y, z coordinates to VPCluster
- Remove unused constructor from VPCluster
- Change VPCluster location from "VPClusterLocation" to "Default"
!========================= DigiEvent v4r0 2014-02-17 =========================
! 2014-01-13 - Marco Cattaneo
- Remove VL classes
!========================= DigiEvent v3r1 2012-11-26 =========================
! 2012-11-15 - Marco Clemencic
- Added CMake configuration file.
! 2012-10-02 - Jianchun Wang
- Modify SiLiteCluster.xml so that channelID length is 25 when requested,
otherwise it is 24, compatible with existing data.
! 2012-10-01 - Jianchun Wang
- Fix multiple returns in inline functions.
!========================= DigiEvent v3r0 2012-09-28 =========================
! 2012-09-21 - Jianchun Wang
- Add UT as one of ST & Si detector, add its digits & clusters
- Number of bits to address Si cluster is increased from 24 to 25.
!!!!! LiteClusters UNREADABLE! !!!!!!
! 2012-09-13 Paul Szczypka
- Rename EVERYTHING from VeloPix to VP or corresponding string.
- Moved some *VeloPix* files to *VP*
! 2012-08-31 Pawel Jalocha
- Change VeloPix to VP in containers
!========================= DigiEvent v2r21 2012-06-25 =========================
! 2012-06-13 Heinrich Schindler
- Add VLCluster.xml and VLLiteCluster.xml
!========================= DigiEvent v2r20 2011-11-07 =========================
! 2011-10-10 M Needham
- Remove unused variable in STCluster class overlap method
!========================= DigiEvent v2r19 2011-07-25 =========================
! 2011-06-28 - Eduardo Rodrigues
- Added copy constructor and clone method to VeloCluster class
!========================= DigiEvent v2r18 2011-06-14 =========================
! 2011-05-31 - Magnus Lieng
- Added BcmDigit.xml, CLID 3001
!========================= DigiEvent v2r17 2011-01-31 =========================
! 2011-01-10 Marco Cattaneo
- Fix ICC warnings and remarks
!========================== DigiEvent v2r16 2010-03-17 =======================
| 2010-02-25 Marcin Kucharczyk
- Update container location for VeloPixCluster
!========================== DigiEvent v2r15 2010-01-20 =======================
! 2010-01-06 - Victor Coco
- VeloPixLiteCluster :hard code masks since putting them as member increase
the class sizeof (48 instead of 8 as ulonglong). Enum would solve the
problem but have win32 inconvienient (see previously)--> hardcoded
! 2009-12-15 - Victor Coco
- VeloPixLiteCluster : modify masks (from enum to single member) in
VeloPixLiteCluster since 64bits enum are not supported by win32_vc7
!========================== DigiEvent v2r14 2009-12-11 =======================
! 2009-12-04 - Victor Coco
- fix some windows warning in VeloPixLiteCluster
! 2009-12-02 - Jeroen van Tilburg
- Fix small bug in STCluster::contain method.
! 2009-12-02 - Victor Coco
- add method to VeloPixLiteCluster to get the cluster time over threshold
! 2009-11-30 - Victor Coco
- set the VeloPixLiteCluster bitfield by hand since the bitfield64 in order the
Mask that are compatible with ulonglong --> the value of the enum attributes
should be: 0x1234LL instead of 0x1234L otherwise underlying enum type is long
(which is 32 bits on 32bits machine...)
! 2009-11-28 - Victor Coco
- add some paranthesis in VeloPixLiteCluster because of warning with gcc43
! 2009-11-27 - Marcin Kucharczyk
- Add VeloPixDigit.xml, VeloPixCluster.xml and VeloPixLiteCluster.xml objects
used by pixel Velo algorithms
!========================== DigiEvent v2r13 2009-11-13 =======================
! 2009-10-25 - Vanya Belyaev
- CaloDigit:
add typedefs:
std::vector<const LHCb::CaloDigit*> ==> LHCb::CaloDigit::Vector
std::set<const LHCb::CaloDigit*> ==> LHCb::CaloDigit::Set
- cmt/requirements
version increment to v2r13
!========================== DigiEvent v2r12 2009-07-28 =======================
! 2009-07-28 - Marco Cattaneo
- In requirements, remove hack for Gaudi v21r1 to link dictionary on windows
! 2009-07-24 - Olivier Deschamps
- CaloDigit.xml : add default location for HLT1 partial digit decoding
!========================== DigiEvent v2r11p1 2009-05-28 =====================
! 2009-05-28 - Marco Cattaneo
- In requirements, add hack for Gaudi v21r1 to link dictionary on Windows
!========================== DigiEvent v2r11 2009-03-09 =======================
! 2009-03-01 M Needham
- Remove unused constructor and set functions from STCluster
- Add setDepositedCharge method to STDigit
- Add clone and copy constructor to VeloDigit
!========================== DigiEvent v2r10 2008-11-17 =======================
! 2008-03-11 M Needham
- Clean up fillStream methods in ST classes
! 2008-10-11 M Needham
- Add STChannelID ent to STDigit
- Add XXXname() functions to STChannelID.ent
- Add functionality to STCluster class [overlap, contains, ...]
- Add spill to STCluster class
- Make streamers for ST classes more friendly
!========================== DigiEvent v2r9 2008-09-30 ========================
! 2008-09-20 M Needham
- Changes to STCluster class: add clone/copy constructor+ contains method
- 2008-09-09: Add method to return max adc value of a cluster
!========================== DigiEvent v2r8 2008-09-03 ========================
! 2008-09-03 - Marco Cattaneo
- Add custom dictionary, and populate it with FastClusterContainers
! 2008-09-01 M Needham
- Add shortcuts to station, layer etc to STCluster classes
! 2008-08-23 M Needham
- Add accessor to liteCluster from Cluster class
!========================== DigiEvent v2r7 2008-07-16 ========================
! 2008-07-14 M Needham
- Add Tell1 strip number to STCluster class
!========================== DigiEvent v2r6 2008-05-05 ========================
! 2008-05-05 M Needham
- Add source id to STCluster class
!========================== DigiEvent v2r5 2008-04-03 ========================
! 2008-04-02 - Marco Cattaneo
- Adapt to new LHCb::Math namespace
!========================== DigiEvent v2r4 2008-03-03 ========================
! 2008-02-27 - Chris Jones
- Add missing STL includes in various GOD classes
!========================== DigiEvent v2r3 2007-12-05 ========================
! 2007-12-05 - Marco Cattaneo
- Remove Kernel directory:
ISTSignalToNoiseTool.h moved to STKernel package
IVeloCluster2VeloDigitTool.h is obsolete and removed
!========================== DigiEvent v2r2 2007-06-07 ========================
! 2007-06-07 - Marco Cattaneo
- Adapt requirements to new GaudiObjDesc v10r0 patterns
!========================== DigiEvent v2r1 2007-03-01 ========================
! 2007-02-22 - Olivier Deschamps
- xml/CaloADC.xml : default location for Ecal/Hcal PIN CaloAdcs
! 2007-02-14 - Marco Cattaneo
- Remove LHCbDefinitions include, add LHCbMath dependency
!========================== DigiEvent v2r0p1 2007-02-02 ======================
! 2007-02-02 - Marco Cattaneo
- Remove unneccessary rootmap for dictionary
!========================== DigiEvent v2r0 2006-12-14 =======================
! 2006-12-06 - Florence RANJARD
- replace include_dirs with apply_pattern install_more_includes
!========================= DigiEvent v1r3 2006-11-23 =========================
! 2206-11-21 - Tomasz Szumlak
- New location for emulated VeloClusters has been added
!========================= DigiEvent v1r2 2006-05-10 =========================
! 2006-05-10 - Marco Cattaneo
- Add Boost dependency, needed for Boost allocators in event model
!========================= DigiEvent v1r1 2006-03-22 =========================
! 2006-03-20 - M.Needham
- Bug fix in STCluster.xml
! 2006-03-19 - Tomasz Szumlak
- Bug fix in VeloCluster.xml
! 2006-03-15 M Needham
- Functionality for fast container find added SiLiteClusters (typedefs)
! 2006-03-14 - Kurt Rinnert
- fixed bug in VeloLiteCluster.xml, the insterstrip position was encoded
using only two bits, instead of three
! 2006-03-13 - Jeroen van Tilburg
- SiLiteCluster.ent: Added STLiteClusters typedef for FastContainer.
!========================= DigiEvent v1r0 2006-03-06 =========================
! 2006-03-06 - Marco Cattaneo
- Add Kernel/IVeloCluster2VeloDigitTool.h interface
! 2006-02-23 - Olivier Deschamps
- add CaloDigitLocation::Default in CaloDigit.xml
! 2006-02-21 - Tomasz Szumlak
- noise data member has been removed from VeloDigit.xml as well as setters,
getters and signalToNoise() methods
! 2006-02-21 - Marco Cattaneo
- Change name of default location for Velo classes to ::Default
! 2006-02-17 - Chris Parkes
- new VeloCluster, VeloLiteCluster added
! 2006-02-17 - Marco Cattaneo
- Fix various default locations to all follow the same convention
! 2006-02-16 M Needham
- More bug fixes in the light cluster class
- also allow the velo to have 3 bits precision
- Bug fix in STCluster.xml (< instead of >)
! 2006-02-15 - Marco Cattaneo
- First version, from migration of classes from VeloEvent, STEvent, OTEvent,
RichEvent, CaloEvent, MuonEvent
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!--- $Id: -->
<!--- Author : M. Lieng -->
<!--- Created : 2010-06-22 -->
<!DOCTYPE gdd SYSTEM "gdd.dtd" [
<!ENTITY CLID_BcmDigit "3001">
<!ENTITY className "BcmDigit">
<!ENTITY location "Raw/Bcm/Digits">
<package name = "DigiEvent">
<class name = "&className;"
location = "&location;"
id = "&CLID_BcmDigit;"
author = "M Lieng"
desc = "BCM digit class">
<base name="KeyedObject&lt;int&gt;"/>
<attribute type = "unsigned int"
name = "station"
desc = "Station number" />
<attribute type = "unsigned int"
name = "sensor"
desc = "Sensor number" />
<attribute type = "double"
name = "signal"
desc = "Signal value" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE gdd SYSTEM "gdd.dtd"[
<!ENTITY CLID_CaloAdc "2007" >
<package name="DigiEvent">
<!-- **************************************************************************
* $Id: CaloAdc.xml,v 1.4 2007-02-22 23:49:53 odescham Exp $
* XML-description of CaloAdc class *
* author: Olivier Callot *
* date: 01.12.05 *
************************************************************************* -->
name = "CaloAdc"
desc = "@brief The ADC content for given cell"
id = "&CLID_CaloAdc;"
author = "Olivier Callot"
<desc> *
* The class represents the digitisez value
* in a calorimeter cell
<import name = "Kernel/CaloCellIDKeyTraits" />
<template name="KeyedObjectDict" t1="LHCb::CaloCellID"/>
<base name = "KeyedObject&lt;LHCb::CaloCellID&gt;" />
<location name = "Spd" place = "Raw/Spd/Adcs" />
<location name = "Prs" place = "Raw/Prs/Adcs" />
<location name = "Ecal" place = "Raw/Ecal/Adcs" />
<location name = "Hcal" place = "Raw/Hcal/Adcs" />
<location name = "EcalPin" place = "Raw/Ecal/PinAdcs" />
<location name = "HcalPin" place = "Raw/Hcal/PinAdcs" />
<location name = "FullEcal" place = "Raw/Ecal/FullAdcs" />
<location name = "FullHcal" place = "Raw/Hcal/FullAdcs" />
desc = "Non-default constructor"
argList = "LHCb::CaloCellID id, int adc "
initList = "KeyedObject&lt;LHCb::CaloCellID&gt; ( id ) , m_adc ( adc ) "
> <code/> </constructor>
desc = "Copy Constructor"
argList = "CaloAdc src"
initList = "KeyedObject&lt;LHCb::CaloCellID&gt;( src.cellID() ) , m_adc ( src.adc() ) "
> <code/> </constructor>
name = "adc"
desc = "ADC value for the given cell"
type = "int"
desc = "Retrieve cell identifier/key @attention alias to Base::key() method!"
name = "cellID"
type = "const LHCb::CaloCellID&amp;"
const = "TRUE"
access = "PUBLIC">
<code> return key (); </code>
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