diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/CMakeLists.txt b/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/CMakeLists.txt
index 31755bea0f36cf6d1e01faada4a6a22853390fec..c21cd2bb1a96108a8937df79405a4a28a2ff3cae 100644
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -61,8 +61,7 @@ atlas_add_dictionary( TileConditionsDict
 # Test(s) in the package:
 atlas_add_test( TileCondToolTMDB_test
                 SOURCES test/TileCondToolTMDB_test.cxx
-                LINK_LIBRARIES TileConditionsLib TileCalibBlobObjs AthenaBaseComps TestTools GaudiKernel ${CORAL_LIBRARIES}
-                POST_EXEC_SCRIPT nopost.sh)
+                LINK_LIBRARIES TileConditionsLib TileCalibBlobObjs AthenaBaseComps TestTools GaudiKernel ${CORAL_LIBRARIES} )
 atlas_add_test( TileCablingService_test
                 SOURCES test/TileCablingService_test.cxx
@@ -74,23 +73,19 @@ atlas_add_test( TileCablingService_UpgradeABC_test
 atlas_add_test( TileConditionTools_test
                 SOURCES test/TileConditionTools_test.cxx
-                LINK_LIBRARIES TileConditionsLib TileCalibBlobObjs AthenaBaseComps StoreGateLib GaudiKernel TestTools ${CORAL_LIBRARIES}
-                POST_EXEC_SCRIPT nopost.sh)
+                LINK_LIBRARIES TileConditionsLib TileCalibBlobObjs AthenaBaseComps StoreGateLib GaudiKernel TestTools ${CORAL_LIBRARIES} )
 atlas_add_test( TileEMScaleComponents_test
                 SOURCES test/TileEMScaleComponents_test.cxx
-                LINK_LIBRARIES TileConditionsLib TileIdentifier TileCalibBlobObjs AthenaBaseComps StoreGateLib GaudiKernel IdDictParser TestTools ${CORAL_LIBRARIES}
-                POST_EXEC_SCRIPT nopost.sh)
+                LINK_LIBRARIES TileConditionsLib TileIdentifier TileCalibBlobObjs AthenaBaseComps StoreGateLib GaudiKernel IdDictParser TestTools ${CORAL_LIBRARIES} )
 atlas_add_test( TileNoiseTools_test
                 SOURCES test/TileNoiseTools_test.cxx
-                LINK_LIBRARIES TileConditionsLib TileCalibBlobObjs AthenaBaseComps StoreGateLib GaudiKernel TestTools ${CORAL_LIBRARIES}
-                POST_EXEC_SCRIPT nopost.sh)
+                LINK_LIBRARIES TileConditionsLib TileCalibBlobObjs AthenaBaseComps StoreGateLib GaudiKernel TestTools ${CORAL_LIBRARIES} )
 atlas_add_test( TileDCSComponents_test
                 SOURCES test/TileDCSComponents_test.cxx
-                LINK_LIBRARIES TileConditionsLib AthenaBaseComps StoreGateLib GaudiKernel IdDictParser TestTools ${CORAL_LIBRARIES}
-                POST_EXEC_SCRIPT nopost.sh)
+                LINK_LIBRARIES TileConditionsLib AthenaBaseComps StoreGateLib GaudiKernel IdDictParser TestTools ${CORAL_LIBRARIES} )
 # Install files from the package:
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/share/TileCondToolTMDB_test.ref b/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/share/TileCondToolTMDB_test.ref
index 8831c10c41732a167c0c7717d09f64bf5af86975..54699a752b1d06ed253cc397f2c511fa3820ff75 100644
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/share/TileCondToolTMDB_test.ref
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/share/TileCondToolTMDB_test.ref
@@ -1,12 +1,21 @@
+test1 TileCondToolTMDB
+Initializing Gaudi ApplicationMgr using job opts jobOptions_TileCondToolTMDBTest.py
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO # =======> /home/sss/atlas/dvtest/build/../tests/jobOptions_TileCondToolTMDBTest.py
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO # (1,1): ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += ["StoreGateSvc/ConditionStore"]
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO Job options successfully read in from jobOptions_TileCondToolTMDBTest.py
 ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS 
                                                    Welcome to ApplicationMgr (GaudiCoreSvc v27r1p99)
-                                          running on karma on Tue May 30 22:33:27 2017
+                                          running on karma on Mon Oct  1 12:00:22 2018
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 5391 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
 EventLoopMgr      WARNING Unable to locate service "EventSelector" 
 EventLoopMgr      WARNING No events will be processed from external input.
 HistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required.
 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
 ApplicationMgr Ready
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 372 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1814 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/share/TileConditionTools_test.ref b/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/share/TileConditionTools_test.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2bed46cd873bb2012e6465c6080709bb24a159eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/share/TileConditionTools_test.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Initializing Gaudi ApplicationMgr using job opts jobOptions_TileCondToolsTest.py
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO # =======> /home/sss/atlas/dvtest/build/../tests/jobOptions_TileCondToolsTest.py
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO # (1,1): ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += ["StoreGateSvc/ConditionStore"]
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO Job options successfully read in from jobOptions_TileCondToolsTest.py
+ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS 
+                                                   Welcome to ApplicationMgr (GaudiCoreSvc v27r1p99)
+                                          running on karma on Mon Oct  1 12:01:15 2018
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 5391 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+EventLoopMgr      WARNING Unable to locate service "EventSelector" 
+EventLoopMgr      WARNING No events will be processed from external input.
+HistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required.
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
+ApplicationMgr Ready
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 372 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1814 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+Test TileCondToolTiming
+Test TileCondToolAutoCr
+Test TileCondToolPulseShape
+Test TileCondToolDspThreshold
+Test TileCondToolIntegrator
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/share/TileDCSComponents_test.ref b/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/share/TileDCSComponents_test.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..53b4bf5c998c81fd6044ccb6f4fd7fb5d07e7eb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/share/TileDCSComponents_test.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+Initializing Gaudi ApplicationMgr using job opts jobOptions_TileDCSTest.txt
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO # =======> /home/sss/atlas/dvtest/build/../tests/jobOptions_TileDCSTest.txt
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO # (1,1): ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += ["StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore", "StoreGateSvc/ConditionStore"]
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO # (2,1): GeoModelSvc.SupportedGeometry = 21
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO # (3,1): GeoModelSvc.AtlasVersion = "ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01"
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO Job options successfully read in from jobOptions_TileDCSTest.txt
+ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS 
+                                                   Welcome to ApplicationMgr (GaudiCoreSvc v27r1p99)
+                                          running on karma on Mon Oct  1 13:23:29 2018
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 5402 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+EventLoopMgr      WARNING Unable to locate service "EventSelector" 
+EventLoopMgr      WARNING No events will be processed from external input.
+HistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required.
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
+ApplicationMgr Ready
+TileHWID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
+AtlasDetectorIDHelper::initialize_from_dictionary - Warning: unable to find mm region index: group, region size 0 0
+AtlasDetectorIDHelper::initialize_from_dictionary - Warning: unable to find stgc region index: group, region size 0 0
+AtlasDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - there are no sTGC entries in the dictionary! 
+AtlasDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - there are no MM entries in the dictionary! 
+AtlasDetectorID      DEBUG Could not get value for label 'no_side' of field 'DetZside' in dictionary Calorimeter
+ AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
+TileTBID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
+AtlasDetectorIDHelper::initialize_from_dictionary - Warning: unable to find mm region index: group, region size 0 0
+AtlasDetectorIDHelper::initialize_from_dictionary - Warning: unable to find stgc region index: group, region size 0 0
+AtlasDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - there are no sTGC entries in the dictionary! 
+AtlasDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - there are no MM entries in the dictionary! 
+AtlasDetectorID      DEBUG Could not get value for label 'no_side' of field 'DetZside' in dictionary Calorimeter
+ AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
+AtlasDetectorIDHelper::initialize_from_dictionary - Warning: unable to find mm region index: group, region size 0 0
+AtlasDetectorIDHelper::initialize_from_dictionary - Warning: unable to find stgc region index: group, region size 0 0
+AtlasDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - there are no sTGC entries in the dictionary! 
+AtlasDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - there are no MM entries in the dictionary! 
+AtlasDetectorID      DEBUG Could not get value for label 'no_side' of field 'DetZside' in dictionary Calorimeter
+ AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
+Test TileDCSState
+Test TileDCSCondAlg
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 372 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+TileDCSCondAlgTest   INFO Will read the following folders: /TILE/TEST/DCS/HV  /TILE/TEST/DCS/STATES
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  initializing 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO Found DetectorStore service
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling proxies for detector managers 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloTTMgr with CLID 117659265 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloMgr with CLID 4548337 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloSuperCellMgr with CLID 241807251 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloIdManager with CLID 125856940 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArIdManager with CLID 79554919 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for IdDict with CLID 2411 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for AtlasID with CLID 164875623 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for PixelID with CLID 2516 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SCT_ID with CLID 2517 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TRT_ID with CLID 2518 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SiliconID with CLID 129452393 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArEM_ID with CLID 163583365 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArEM_SuperCell_ID with CLID 99488227 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHEC_ID with CLID 3870484 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHEC_SuperCell_ID with CLID 254277678 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArFCAL_ID with CLID 45738051 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArFCAL_SuperCell_ID with CLID 12829437 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArMiniFCAL_ID with CLID 79264204 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArOnlineID with CLID 158698068 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TTOnlineID with CLID 38321944 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArOnline_SuperCellID with CLID 115600394 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHVLineID with CLID 27863673 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArElectrodeID with CLID 80757351 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileID with CLID 2901 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for Tile_SuperCell_ID with CLID 49557789 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileHWID with CLID 2902 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileTBID with CLID 2903 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MDTIDHELPER with CLID 4170 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CSCIDHELPER with CLID 4171 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for RPCIDHELPER with CLID 4172 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TGCIDHELPER with CLID 4173 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for STGCIDHELPER with CLID 4174 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MMIDHELPER with CLID 4175 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloLVL1_ID with CLID 108133391 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloCell_ID with CLID 123500438 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloCell_SuperCell_ID with CLID 128365736 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloDM_ID with CLID 167756483 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for ZdcID with CLID 190591643 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+GeoModelSvc::RD...WARNING  Getting PixTBMatComponents with default tag
+GeoModelSvc::RD...WARNING  Getting PixTBMaterials with default tag
+GeoModelSvc::RD...WARNING  Getting InDetMatComponents with default tag
+GeoModelSvc::RD...WARNING  Getting InDetMaterials with default tag
+GeoModelSvc       WARNING Cannot register compareTags function for key ProcessingTags
+TileCablingSvc       INFO RUN2 ATLAS geometry flag detected for geometry: ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01
+TileCablingSvc       INFO Setting RUN2 (2014-2017) cabling
+TileCablingSvc       INFO Setting Cabling type to 4
+DetectorStore     WARNING retrieve(default): No valid proxy for default object 
+ of type TileDetDescrManager(CLID 2941)
+TileCablingSvc    WARNING Unable to retrieve TileDetDescrManager from DetectorStore
+TileCablingSvc    WARNING Will not set Tile online hash ID in CaloDetDescrElements
+TileDCSCondAlgTest   INFO Will read the following folders: /TILE/TEST/DCS/HV  /TILE/TEST/DCS/STATES
+Tile cabling type: 5
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2528 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+FOLDER [{[536870911,l:536870911] - [2147483647,l:2147483647]}]: 
+min range: {[0,0] - [2147483647,4294967295]}
+chan, attr: 15
+[HVOUT01 (float) : 205], [HVOUT02 (float) : 205.01], [HVOUT03 (float) : 205.02], [HVOUT04 (float) : 205.03], [HVOUT05 (float) : 205.04], [HVOUT06 (float) : 205.05], [HVOUT07 (float) : 205.06], [HVOUT08 (float) : 205.07], [HVOUT09 (float) : 205.08], [HVOUT10 (float) : 205.09], [HVOUT11 (float) : 205.1], [HVOUT12 (float) : 205.11], [HVOUT13 (float) : 205.12], [HVOUT14 (float) : 205.13], [HVOUT15 (float) : 205.14], [HVOUT16 (float) : 205.15], [HVOUT17 (float) : 205.16], [HVOUT18 (float) : 205.17], [HVOUT19 (float) : 205.18], [HVOUT20 (float) : 205.19], [HVOUT21 (float) : 205.2], [HVOUT22 (float) : 205.21], [HVOUT23 (float) : 205.22], [HVOUT24 (float) : 205.23], [HVOUT25 (float) : 205.26], [HVOUT26 (float) : 205.25], [HVOUT27 (float) : 205.24], [HVOUT28 (float) : 205.29], [HVOUT29 (float) : 205.28], [HVOUT30 (float) : 205.27], [HVOUT31 (float) : 205.32], [HVOUT32 (float) : 205.31], [HVOUT33 (float) : 205.3], [HVOUT34 (float) : 205.35], [HVOUT35 (float) : 205.34], [HVOUT36 (float) : 205.33], [HVOUT37 (float) : 205.38], [HVOUT38 (float) : 205.37], [HVOUT39 (float) : 205.36], [HVOUT40 (float) : 205.41], [HVOUT41 (float) : 205.4], [HVOUT42 (float) : 205.39], [HVOUT43 (float) : 205.44], [HVOUT44 (float) : 205.43], [HVOUT45 (float) : 205.42], [HVOUT46 (float) : 205.47], [HVOUT47 (float) : 205.46], [HVOUT48 (float) : 205.45], [TEMP1 (float) : 48], [TEMP2 (float) : 49], [TEMP3 (float) : 50], [TEMP4 (float) : 51], [TEMP5 (float) : 52], [TEMP6 (float) : 53], [TEMP7 (float) : 54]
+chan, attr: 16
+[HVOUT01 (float) : 206], [HVOUT02 (float) : 206.01], [HVOUT03 (float) : 206.02], [HVOUT04 (float) : 206.03], [HVOUT05 (float) : 206.04], [HVOUT06 (float) : 206.05], [HVOUT07 (float) : 206.06], [HVOUT08 (float) : 206.07], [HVOUT09 (float) : 206.08], [HVOUT10 (float) : 206.09], [HVOUT11 (float) : 206.1], [HVOUT12 (float) : 206.11], [HVOUT13 (float) : 206.12], [HVOUT14 (float) : 206.13], [HVOUT15 (float) : 206.14], [HVOUT16 (float) : 206.15], [HVOUT17 (float) : 206.16], [HVOUT18 (float) : 206.17], [HVOUT19 (float) : 206.18], [HVOUT20 (float) : 206.19], [HVOUT21 (float) : 206.2], [HVOUT22 (float) : 206.21], [HVOUT23 (float) : 206.22], [HVOUT24 (float) : 206.23], [HVOUT25 (float) : 206.26], [HVOUT26 (float) : 206.25], [HVOUT27 (float) : 206.24], [HVOUT28 (float) : 206.29], [HVOUT29 (float) : 206.28], [HVOUT30 (float) : 206.27], [HVOUT31 (float) : 206.32], [HVOUT32 (float) : 206.31], [HVOUT33 (float) : 206.3], [HVOUT34 (float) : 206.35], [HVOUT35 (float) : 206.34], [HVOUT36 (float) : 206.33], [HVOUT37 (float) : 206.38], [HVOUT38 (float) : 206.37], [HVOUT39 (float) : 206.36], [HVOUT40 (float) : 206.41], [HVOUT41 (float) : 206.4], [HVOUT42 (float) : 206.39], [HVOUT43 (float) : 206.44], [HVOUT44 (float) : 206.43], [HVOUT45 (float) : 206.42], [HVOUT46 (float) : 206.47], [HVOUT47 (float) : 206.46], [HVOUT48 (float) : 206.45], [TEMP1 (float) : 48], [TEMP2 (float) : 49], [TEMP3 (float) : 50], [TEMP4 (float) : 51], [TEMP5 (float) : 52], [TEMP6 (float) : 53], [TEMP7 (float) : 54]
+chan, attr: 17
+[HVOUT01 (float) : 207], [HVOUT02 (float) : 207.01], [HVOUT03 (float) : 207.02], [HVOUT04 (float) : 207.03], [HVOUT05 (float) : 207.04], [HVOUT06 (float) : 207.05], [HVOUT07 (float) : 207.06], [HVOUT08 (float) : 207.07], [HVOUT09 (float) : 207.08], [HVOUT10 (float) : 207.09], [HVOUT11 (float) : 207.1], [HVOUT12 (float) : 207.11], [HVOUT13 (float) : 207.12], [HVOUT14 (float) : 207.13], [HVOUT15 (float) : 207.14], [HVOUT16 (float) : 207.15], [HVOUT17 (float) : 207.16], [HVOUT18 (float) : 207.17], [HVOUT19 (float) : 207.18], [HVOUT20 (float) : 207.19], [HVOUT21 (float) : 207.2], [HVOUT22 (float) : 207.21], [HVOUT23 (float) : 207.22], [HVOUT24 (float) : 207.23], [HVOUT25 (float) : 207.26], [HVOUT26 (float) : 207.25], [HVOUT27 (float) : 207.24], [HVOUT28 (float) : 207.29], [HVOUT29 (float) : 207.28], [HVOUT30 (float) : 207.27], [HVOUT31 (float) : 207.32], [HVOUT32 (float) : 207.31], [HVOUT33 (float) : 207.3], [HVOUT34 (float) : 207.35], [HVOUT35 (float) : 207.34], [HVOUT36 (float) : 207.33], [HVOUT37 (float) : 207.38], [HVOUT38 (float) : 207.37], [HVOUT39 (float) : 207.36], [HVOUT40 (float) : 207.41], [HVOUT41 (float) : 207.4], [HVOUT42 (float) : 207.39], [HVOUT43 (float) : 207.44], [HVOUT44 (float) : 207.43], [HVOUT45 (float) : 207.42], [HVOUT46 (float) : 207.47], [HVOUT47 (float) : 207.46], [HVOUT48 (float) : 207.45], [TEMP1 (float) : 48], [TEMP2 (float) : 49], [TEMP3 (float) : 50], [TEMP4 (float) : 51], [TEMP5 (float) : 52], [TEMP6 (float) : 53], [TEMP7 (float) : 54]
+FOLDER [{[536870911,l:536870911] - [2147483647,l:2147483647]}]: 
+min range: {[0,0] - [2147483647,4294967295]}
+chan, attr: 15
+[hvOut1 (float) : 205.005], [hvOut2 (float) : 205.015], [hvOut3 (float) : 205.025], [hvOut4 (float) : 205.035], [hvOut5 (float) : 205.045], [hvOut6 (float) : 205.055], [hvOut7 (float) : 205.065], [hvOut8 (float) : 205.075], [hvOut9 (float) : 205.085], [hvOut10 (float) : 205.095], [hvOut11 (float) : 205.105], [hvOut12 (float) : 205.115], [hvOut13 (float) : 205.125], [hvOut14 (float) : 205.135], [hvOut15 (float) : 205.145], [hvOut16 (float) : 205.155], [hvOut17 (float) : 205.165], [hvOut18 (float) : 205.175], [hvOut19 (float) : 205.185], [hvOut20 (float) : 205.195], [hvOut21 (float) : 205.205], [hvOut22 (float) : 205.215], [hvOut23 (float) : 205.225], [hvOut24 (float) : 205.235], [hvOut25 (float) : 205.265], [hvOut26 (float) : 205.255], [hvOut27 (float) : 205.245], [hvOut28 (float) : 205.295], [hvOut29 (float) : 205.285], [hvOut30 (float) : 205.275], [hvOut31 (float) : 205.325], [hvOut32 (float) : 205.315], [hvOut33 (float) : 205.305], [hvOut34 (float) : 205.355], [hvOut35 (float) : 205.345], [hvOut36 (float) : 205.335], [hvOut37 (float) : 205.385], [hvOut38 (float) : 205.375], [hvOut39 (float) : 205.365], [hvOut40 (float) : 205.415], [hvOut41 (float) : 205.405], [hvOut42 (float) : 205.395], [hvOut43 (float) : 205.445], [hvOut44 (float) : 205.435], [hvOut45 (float) : 205.425], [hvOut46 (float) : 205.475], [hvOut47 (float) : 205.465], [hvOut48 (float) : 205.455], [hvIn1 (float) : 0], [hvIn2 (float) : 0], [hvIn3 (float) : 0], [hvIn4 (float) : 0], [temp1 (float) : 5], [temp2 (float) : 10], [temp3 (float) : 15], [temp4 (float) : 20], [temp5 (float) : 25], [temp6 (float) : 30], [temp7 (float) : 35], [volt1 (float) : 2], [volt2 (float) : 4], [volt3 (float) : 6], [volt4 (float) : 8], [volt5 (float) : 10], [volt6 (float) : 12], [volt7 (float) : 14], [vFix1 (float) : 1230], [vFix2 (float) : 1230]
+chan, attr: 16
+[hvOut1 (float) : 206.005], [hvOut2 (float) : 206.015], [hvOut3 (float) : 206.025], [hvOut4 (float) : 206.035], [hvOut5 (float) : 206.045], [hvOut6 (float) : 206.055], [hvOut7 (float) : 206.065], [hvOut8 (float) : 206.075], [hvOut9 (float) : 206.085], [hvOut10 (float) : 206.095], [hvOut11 (float) : 206.105], [hvOut12 (float) : 206.115], [hvOut13 (float) : 206.125], [hvOut14 (float) : 206.135], [hvOut15 (float) : 206.145], [hvOut16 (float) : 206.155], [hvOut17 (float) : 206.165], [hvOut18 (float) : 206.175], [hvOut19 (float) : 206.185], [hvOut20 (float) : 206.195], [hvOut21 (float) : 206.205], [hvOut22 (float) : 206.215], [hvOut23 (float) : 206.225], [hvOut24 (float) : 206.235], [hvOut25 (float) : 206.265], [hvOut26 (float) : 206.255], [hvOut27 (float) : 206.245], [hvOut28 (float) : 206.295], [hvOut29 (float) : 206.285], [hvOut30 (float) : 206.275], [hvOut31 (float) : 206.325], [hvOut32 (float) : 206.315], [hvOut33 (float) : 206.305], [hvOut34 (float) : 206.355], [hvOut35 (float) : 206.345], [hvOut36 (float) : 206.335], [hvOut37 (float) : 206.385], [hvOut38 (float) : 206.375], [hvOut39 (float) : 206.365], [hvOut40 (float) : 206.415], [hvOut41 (float) : 206.405], [hvOut42 (float) : 206.395], [hvOut43 (float) : 206.445], [hvOut44 (float) : 206.435], [hvOut45 (float) : 206.425], [hvOut46 (float) : 206.475], [hvOut47 (float) : 206.465], [hvOut48 (float) : 206.455], [hvIn1 (float) : 0], [hvIn2 (float) : 0], [hvIn3 (float) : 0], [hvIn4 (float) : 0], [temp1 (float) : 5], [temp2 (float) : 10], [temp3 (float) : 15], [temp4 (float) : 20], [temp5 (float) : 25], [temp6 (float) : 30], [temp7 (float) : 35], [volt1 (float) : 2], [volt2 (float) : 4], [volt3 (float) : 6], [volt4 (float) : 8], [volt5 (float) : 10], [volt6 (float) : 12], [volt7 (float) : 14], [vFix1 (float) : 1230], [vFix2 (float) : 1230]
+chan, attr: 17
+[hvOut1 (float) : 207.005], [hvOut2 (float) : 207.015], [hvOut3 (float) : 207.025], [hvOut4 (float) : 207.035], [hvOut5 (float) : 207.045], [hvOut6 (float) : 207.055], [hvOut7 (float) : 207.065], [hvOut8 (float) : 207.075], [hvOut9 (float) : 207.085], [hvOut10 (float) : 207.095], [hvOut11 (float) : 207.105], [hvOut12 (float) : 207.115], [hvOut13 (float) : 207.125], [hvOut14 (float) : 207.135], [hvOut15 (float) : 207.145], [hvOut16 (float) : 207.155], [hvOut17 (float) : 207.165], [hvOut18 (float) : 207.175], [hvOut19 (float) : 207.185], [hvOut20 (float) : 207.195], [hvOut21 (float) : 207.205], [hvOut22 (float) : 207.215], [hvOut23 (float) : 207.225], [hvOut24 (float) : 207.235], [hvOut25 (float) : 207.265], [hvOut26 (float) : 207.255], [hvOut27 (float) : 207.245], [hvOut28 (float) : 207.295], [hvOut29 (float) : 207.285], [hvOut30 (float) : 207.275], [hvOut31 (float) : 207.325], [hvOut32 (float) : 207.315], [hvOut33 (float) : 207.305], [hvOut34 (float) : 207.355], [hvOut35 (float) : 207.345], [hvOut36 (float) : 207.335], [hvOut37 (float) : 207.385], [hvOut38 (float) : 207.375], [hvOut39 (float) : 207.365], [hvOut40 (float) : 207.415], [hvOut41 (float) : 207.405], [hvOut42 (float) : 207.395], [hvOut43 (float) : 207.445], [hvOut44 (float) : 207.435], [hvOut45 (float) : 207.425], [hvOut46 (float) : 207.475], [hvOut47 (float) : 207.465], [hvOut48 (float) : 207.455], [hvIn1 (float) : 0], [hvIn2 (float) : 0], [hvIn3 (float) : 0], [hvIn4 (float) : 0], [temp1 (float) : 5], [temp2 (float) : 10], [temp3 (float) : 15], [temp4 (float) : 20], [temp5 (float) : 25], [temp6 (float) : 30], [temp7 (float) : 35], [volt1 (float) : 2], [volt2 (float) : 4], [volt3 (float) : 6], [volt4 (float) : 8], [volt5 (float) : 10], [volt6 (float) : 12], [volt7 (float) : 14], [vFix1 (float) : 1230], [vFix2 (float) : 1230]
+FOLDER [{[536870911,l:536870911] - [2147483647,l:2147483647]}]: 
+min range: {[0,0] - [2147483647,4294967295]}
+chan, attr: 15
+[FORDAQ_MBHV (int) : 111]
+chan, attr: 16
+[FORDAQ_MBHV (int) : 150]
+chan, attr: 17
+[FORDAQ_MBHV (int) : 50]
+Test TileDCSTool
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/share/TileEMScaleComponents_test.ref b/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/share/TileEMScaleComponents_test.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e14b9ea32cf526f0c8e9f6040b13a47b6fae817b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/share/TileEMScaleComponents_test.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+Initializing Gaudi ApplicationMgr using job opts jobOptions_TileCalibEmsTest.txt
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO # =======> /home/sss/atlas/dvtest/build/../tests/jobOptions_TileCalibEmsTest.txt
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO # (1,1): ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += ["StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore", "StoreGateSvc/ConditionStore"]
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO # (2,1): GeoModelSvc.SupportedGeometry = 21
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO # (3,1): GeoModelSvc.AtlasVersion = "ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01"
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO Job options successfully read in from jobOptions_TileCalibEmsTest.txt
+ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS 
+                                                   Welcome to ApplicationMgr (GaudiCoreSvc v27r1p99)
+                                          running on karma on Mon Oct  1 13:20:26 2018
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 5400 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+EventLoopMgr      WARNING Unable to locate service "EventSelector" 
+EventLoopMgr      WARNING No events will be processed from external input.
+HistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required.
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
+ApplicationMgr Ready
+TileHWID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
+AtlasDetectorIDHelper::initialize_from_dictionary - Warning: unable to find mm region index: group, region size 0 0
+AtlasDetectorIDHelper::initialize_from_dictionary - Warning: unable to find stgc region index: group, region size 0 0
+AtlasDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - there are no sTGC entries in the dictionary! 
+AtlasDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - there are no MM entries in the dictionary! 
+AtlasDetectorID      DEBUG Could not get value for label 'no_side' of field 'DetZside' in dictionary Calorimeter
+ AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
+TileTBID             INFO initialize_from_dictionary 
+AtlasDetectorIDHelper::initialize_from_dictionary - Warning: unable to find mm region index: group, region size 0 0
+AtlasDetectorIDHelper::initialize_from_dictionary - Warning: unable to find stgc region index: group, region size 0 0
+AtlasDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - there are no sTGC entries in the dictionary! 
+AtlasDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - there are no MM entries in the dictionary! 
+AtlasDetectorID      DEBUG Could not get value for label 'no_side' of field 'DetZside' in dictionary Calorimeter
+ AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
+AtlasDetectorIDHelper::initialize_from_dictionary - Warning: unable to find mm region index: group, region size 0 0
+AtlasDetectorIDHelper::initialize_from_dictionary - Warning: unable to find stgc region index: group, region size 0 0
+AtlasDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - there are no sTGC entries in the dictionary! 
+AtlasDetectorID::initLevelsFromDict - there are no MM entries in the dictionary! 
+AtlasDetectorID      DEBUG Could not get value for label 'no_side' of field 'DetZside' in dictionary Calorimeter
+ AtlasDetectorID::initialize_from_dictionary - OK 
+Test TileCalibEms
+ONL CIS: 1.05
+ONL LAS: 1.005
+ONL CES: 1.0005
+ONL EMS: 1.00005
+OFL CIS: 1.1
+OFL CIS NLN [5]: 5.5
+OFL LAS: 1.01
+OFL LAS NLN [5]: 6
+OFL CES: 1.001
+OFL EMS: 1.0001
+Test TileCalibEmsCondAlg
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 372 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+TileCalibEmsCon...   INFO ProxyOflLasFib is not set up and cannot be used
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  initializing 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO Found DetectorStore service
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling proxies for detector managers 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloTTMgr with CLID 117659265 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloMgr with CLID 4548337 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloSuperCellMgr with CLID 241807251 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloIdManager with CLID 125856940 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArIdManager with CLID 79554919 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for IdDict with CLID 2411 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for AtlasID with CLID 164875623 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for PixelID with CLID 2516 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SCT_ID with CLID 2517 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TRT_ID with CLID 2518 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for SiliconID with CLID 129452393 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArEM_ID with CLID 163583365 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArEM_SuperCell_ID with CLID 99488227 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHEC_ID with CLID 3870484 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHEC_SuperCell_ID with CLID 254277678 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArFCAL_ID with CLID 45738051 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArFCAL_SuperCell_ID with CLID 12829437 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArMiniFCAL_ID with CLID 79264204 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArOnlineID with CLID 158698068 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TTOnlineID with CLID 38321944 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArOnline_SuperCellID with CLID 115600394 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArHVLineID with CLID 27863673 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for LArElectrodeID with CLID 80757351 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileID with CLID 2901 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for Tile_SuperCell_ID with CLID 49557789 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileHWID with CLID 2902 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TileTBID with CLID 2903 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MDTIDHELPER with CLID 4170 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CSCIDHELPER with CLID 4171 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for RPCIDHELPER with CLID 4172 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for TGCIDHELPER with CLID 4173 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for STGCIDHELPER with CLID 4174 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for MMIDHELPER with CLID 4175 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloLVL1_ID with CLID 108133391 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloCell_ID with CLID 123500438 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloCell_SuperCell_ID with CLID 128365736 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for CaloDM_ID with CLID 167756483 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+DetDescrCnvSvc       INFO  filling address for ZdcID with CLID 190591643 and storage type 68 to detector store 
+GeoModelSvc::RD...WARNING  Getting PixTBMatComponents with default tag
+GeoModelSvc::RD...WARNING  Getting PixTBMaterials with default tag
+GeoModelSvc::RD...WARNING  Getting InDetMatComponents with default tag
+GeoModelSvc::RD...WARNING  Getting InDetMaterials with default tag
+GeoModelSvc       WARNING Cannot register compareTags function for key ProcessingTags
+TileCablingSvc       INFO RUN2 ATLAS geometry flag detected for geometry: ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01
+TileCablingSvc       INFO Setting RUN2 (2014-2017) cabling
+TileCablingSvc       INFO Setting Cabling type to 4
+DetectorStore     WARNING retrieve(default): No valid proxy for default object 
+ of type TileDetDescrManager(CLID 2941)
+TileCablingSvc    WARNING Unable to retrieve TileDetDescrManager from DetectorStore
+TileCablingSvc    WARNING Will not set Tile online hash ID in CaloDetDescrElements
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2528 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+Test TileCondToolEmscale
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/share/TileNoiseTools_test.ref b/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/share/TileNoiseTools_test.ref
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c5fbbe35fcfd2b6b5575a54f4d49af9cb7ab5e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/share/TileNoiseTools_test.ref
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+Initializing Gaudi ApplicationMgr using job opts jobOptions_TileNoiseToolsTest.py
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO # =======> /home/sss/atlas/dvtest/build/../tests/jobOptions_TileNoiseToolsTest.py
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO # (1,1): ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += ["StoreGateSvc/ConditionStore"]
+JobOptionsSvc        INFO Job options successfully read in from jobOptions_TileNoiseToolsTest.py
+ApplicationMgr    SUCCESS 
+                                                   Welcome to ApplicationMgr (GaudiCoreSvc v27r1p99)
+                                          running on karma on Mon Oct  1 11:58:08 2018
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 5393 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+EventLoopMgr      WARNING Unable to locate service "EventSelector" 
+EventLoopMgr      WARNING No events will be processed from external input.
+HistogramPersis...WARNING Histograms saving not required.
+ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Initialized successfully
+ApplicationMgr Ready
+Test TileCondToolNoiseSample
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 372 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1814 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
+Test TileCondToolNoiseRawChn
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/test/TileDCSComponents_test.cxx b/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/test/TileDCSComponents_test.cxx
index fdf72c25d43deef40547c40b56a801e3cef22ccd..f233777b253d7d0b99c87facef39950dba03811e 100644
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/test/TileDCSComponents_test.cxx
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/test/TileDCSComponents_test.cxx
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 #include <vector>
-static const std::string TILE_JO_NAME("jobOptions_TileDCSTest.py");
+static const std::string TILE_JO_NAME("jobOptions_TileDCSTest.txt");
 static const std::string TILE_DCS_CH_HV_IN_COOL("TileDCSChHvInCool.dat");
 static const std::string TILE_DCS_CH_STATES_IN_COOL("TileDCSChStatesInCool.dat");
@@ -862,6 +862,8 @@ int main() {
   std::ofstream jo(TILE_JO_NAME);
   jo << "ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += { \"StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore\", \"StoreGateSvc/ConditionStore\" };" << std::endl;
+  jo << "GeoModelSvc.SupportedGeometry = 21;" << std::endl;
+  jo << "GeoModelSvc.AtlasVersion = \"ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01\";" << std::endl;
diff --git a/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/test/TileEMScaleComponents_test.cxx b/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/test/TileEMScaleComponents_test.cxx
index bb318d94a5d869398a5257a17f19fb6c16fb229f..6fb1e56758e61d411e0750f83f13285038ddbaa3 100644
--- a/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/test/TileEMScaleComponents_test.cxx
+++ b/TileCalorimeter/TileConditions/test/TileEMScaleComponents_test.cxx
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 #include <vector>
 #include <memory>
-static const std::string TILE_JO_NAME("jobOptions_TileCalibEmsTest.py");
+static const std::string TILE_JO_NAME("jobOptions_TileCalibEmsTest.txt");
 static const std::string TILE_TEST_EMS("TileEMS_Test");
 static const std::string TILE_TEST_ALG_EMS("TileEMS_AlgTest");
 static const unsigned int DEF_DRAWER_IDX(0);
@@ -529,6 +529,8 @@ int main() {
   std::ofstream jo(TILE_JO_NAME);
   jo << "ApplicationMgr.ExtSvc += {\"StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore\",  \"StoreGateSvc/ConditionStore\" };" << std::endl;
+  jo << "GeoModelSvc.SupportedGeometry = 21;" << std::endl;
+  jo << "GeoModelSvc.AtlasVersion = \"ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01\";" << std::endl;
   ISvcLocator* svcLoc;