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Commit a7227431 authored by Martina Manoni's avatar Martina Manoni
Browse files

finalising plotting

parent 4b0aed17
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......@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ class DiamondF(Shape):
DiamondF(self.x-x_jump+base, self.y+height, base)]
return set
def getCoarseDiamonds(base=1, offset_x=0, offset_y=0):
b = base
def getCoarseDiamonds(base=1, offset_x=0, offset_y=0, n=1):
b = base*n
xj = b/2
h = np.sqrt(3) * b/2
......@@ -152,9 +152,15 @@ def getCoarseDiamonds(base=1, offset_x=0, offset_y=0):
cmap ="Spectral")
diamonds = [Diamond(0, 0, b), Diamond(b, 0, b), Diamond(xj, h, b), Diamond(b+xj, h, b),
DiamondR(2*b, 0, b), DiamondR(2.5*b, h, b), DiamondR(3*b, 0, b), DiamondR(2.5*b, -hr/2, b),
DiamondF(xj, -h, b), DiamondF(xj+b, -h, b), DiamondF(xj*2, -h*2, b), DiamondF(xj*2+b, -h*2, b)]
if n==1:
diamonds = [Diamond(0, 0, b), Diamond(b, 0, b), Diamond(xj, h, b), Diamond(b+xj, h, b),
DiamondR(2*b, 0, b), DiamondR(2.5*b, h, b), DiamondR(3*b, 0, b), DiamondR(2.5*b, -hr/2, b),
DiamondF(xj, -h, b), DiamondF(xj+b, -h, b), DiamondF(xj*2, -h*2, b), DiamondF(xj*2+b, -h*2, b)]
diamonds = [Diamond(0, 0, b/2),
DiamondR(b/2, 0, b/2),
DiamondF(xj/2, -h/2, b/2)]
for dia in diamonds:
dia.x += offset_x
dia.y += offset_y
......@@ -211,3 +217,4 @@ def plotOutlines(shapes, fmt="k-", linewidth=1):
xc = np.concatenate([x, x[:1]])
yc = np.concatenate([y, y[:1]])
plt.plot(xc, yc, fmt, linewidth=linewidth)
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def getMean(file_path, tree_name, leaf_name, BX):
return np.mean(leaf_data)
def getMeanLocation(file_path, tree_name, STC_number, TCs, BX, data_type):
def getMeanLocation(file_path, tree_name, STC_number, TCs, BX, data_type, expected_values):
# Check if the STC_number is within the valid range
# Open the ROOT file
if STC_number >= 6:
......@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def getMeanLocation(file_path, tree_name, STC_number, TCs, BX, data_type):
leaf_data = leaf_data.flatten()
unique_values, counts = np.unique(leaf_data, return_counts=True)
expected_values = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3])
#expected_values = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3])
counts_dict = dict.fromkeys(expected_values, 0)
counts_dict.update(dict(zip(unique_values, counts)))
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ def getMeanLocation(file_path, tree_name, STC_number, TCs, BX, data_type):
# Normalize counts
counts_sum = all_counts.sum()
normalized_counts = all_counts / counts_sum if counts_sum > 0 else all_counts
# Compute weighted averages using TCs
x = sum([normalized_counts[i] * TCs[i].getCenter()[0] for i in range(len(TCs))])
y = sum([normalized_counts[i] * TCs[i].getCenter()[1] for i in range(len(TCs))])
......@@ -81,9 +81,77 @@ def main():
pedastal_BX = 0
#print("len stcs", len(STCs))
#if data_type== "STC16":
if data_type== "STC16":
branch_energy = [f"energyc_{data_type}_{STC}" for STC in range(3)]
tree_name = "tree"
all_means = [[getMean(file_path,tree_name,branch_name,BX) for branch_name in branch_energy] for BX in range(1)] #for now only considering BX=0
#ped_means = np.array([getMean(f, hist_name, pedastal_BX) for hist_name in hist_names])
all_means = all_means #- ped_means #for now we are plotting only the mean energy (no pedestals)
all_means_maxes = [max(means) for means in all_means]
nominal_BX = np.argmax(all_means_maxes)
print(f"Chosen BX {nominal_BX} for Relay {relayNumber}")
means = all_means[nominal_BX]
print("means STC16", means)
base = 166.8/(2*np.sqrt(3))
STCs16 = hexplot.getCoarseDiamonds(base=base*2, offset_x=-2*base, n=2)
print("len STC16",len(STCs16))
nominal_BX = "0"
remapping = [0,1,2]
assert len(np.unique(remapping)) == 3
for i, STC in enumerate(STCs16):
STC.value = means[remapping[i]]
STC.label = f"STC{remapping[i]}"
hexplot.plotOutlines(STCs16, linewidth=0.5)
for i, STC16 in enumerate(STCs16):
STCs4 = STC16.generateSet()
STCs4 = np.array(STCs4).flatten()
for TCs in STCs4:
TCs= TCs.generateSet()
expected_values = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15])
x, y = getMeanLocation(file_path, tree_name, i, all_TCs, nominal_BX, data_type, expected_values)
print("x,y", x,y)
hexplot.plotOutlines(all_TCs, linewidth=2)
if i == 0:
plt.scatter([x], [y], color="k", marker="x", label="Average position of highest energy deposit")
plt.scatter([x], [y], color="k", marker="x")
for i, TC in enumerate(all_TCs):
plt.text(TC.x, TC.y, f"TC{i}", color="k", fontsize=8, horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="bottom")
for i, STC in enumerate(STCs16):
plt.text(STC.getCenter()[0], STC.getCenter()[1], STC.label, color="r", horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center")
#for TC_set in remapped_TCs:
# for i, TC in enumerate(TC_set):
# plt.text(TC.x, TC.y, f"TC{i}", color="k", fontsize=8, horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="bottom")
plt.title(f"Relay {relayNumber} Run {runNumber} \nChosen BX {nominal_BX} Econt {econtNumber} Data type {data_type}")
if data_type== "STC4":
# choose between converted/decoded and "raw" values
......@@ -133,7 +201,8 @@ def main():
print("TC set", TC_set)
print(file_path, tree_name, i, TC_set, nominal_BX, data_type)
x, y = getMeanLocation(file_path, tree_name, i, TC_set, nominal_BX, data_type)
expected_values = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3])
x, y = getMeanLocation(file_path, tree_name, i, TC_set, nominal_BX, data_type, expected_values)
print("x,y", x,y)
if i == 0:
plt.scatter([x], [y], color="k", marker="x", label="Average position of highest energy deposit")
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