Collecting the LCG_91 updates/fixes from MR208 into a tag.
Collecting the following updates: - An update from Frank for making Ninja builds a bit more silent; - Upgraded the AthAnalysisExternals to use LCG_91, and the externals built by AnalysisBaseExternals to match the versions found in LCG_91.
Tag updating the APE build to take the source code from github.com/samikama/APE.git, where the latest updates of the code are collected.
Collecting the following updates: - Improved the PoolCnv/SerCnv library creation to handle the case correctly when a converter gets removed as part of a CI job; - Added some new IDE improvements for Xcode/VisualStudio users; - Added a path to the FastJetContrib build to make it work more robustly on macOS. (See: https://fastjet.hepforge.org/trac/changeset/1092) - Added HDF5 as an external to AnalysisBaseExternals and AthAnalysisExternals; - Silenced a previous git error/fatal message showing up when the source directory would not be a git repository; - The installation of python modules with atlas_install_python_modules(...) now byte-compiles the modules during the build, testing them for syntax errors; - RelWithDebInfo builds now have the ability to produce two RPMs, one holding the non-debug payload (as before), and an additional one that only holds the debug symbol files; - Added pip to both AnalysisBaseExternals and AthAnalysisExternals, to allow analysers to download additional python modules for their analysis.
Tag for fixing the RPM dependency issue introduced by 1.0.24, using a wrong name for the LCG LibXml2 dependency.
Collecting the following updates: - Added lwtnn to the AthDerivationExternals build; - Improved the Geant4 relocatability; - Updated to fjcontrib 1.030; - Added GPerfTools to the AthAnalysisExternals build; - Fixed the handling of libxml2 from Athena, so that it would be used properly from inside the LCG release.
Update for making Python (python-config) relocatable, allowing python modules to be built conveniently against a release/nightly from CVMFS.
Updates containing: - updates to make AnalysisBaseExternals build out of the box on top of macOS High Sierra with Xcode 9.0; - the ability to override (from the command line) which LCG version the LCG using external projects should build against; - a fix for building lwtnn on platforms providing an acceptable version of Boost, like Ubuntu 16.04; - a small fix for BAT to build correctly against LCG_91.
Update containing: - Explicit builds of XRootD and DCAP for the standalone build of ROOT; - Addition of the lwtnn external for the analysis and offline releases; - Small fix to reduce the lines printed by AthAnalysisExternals; - Some updates to the GCC checkers code.
Tagging the following changes in the 1.0 branch: - Made the ROOT build work out of the box on MacOS. - Included the updates made in the package selection code. Printing loud warnings when the user made a mistake. - Added a whole bunch of copyright statements to all the files, now that the repository is globally visible. - Added the build of LHAPDF to AthDerivationExternals.
Tagging the latest updates for making the AnalysisBaseExternals build more robust, and getting rid of a warning during the build of dSFMT.
Tagging the update made to the ROOT build, meant for AnalysisBase/AnalysisTop. For a more robust setup in grid running.
Tagging the following updates for 21.X: - Made the BAT build not rely on RooStats. To make it a bit easier to use against custom-built ROOT versions. - Updated the way status messages are printed while the `atlas_project` function reads in the configuration of all packages. To make the printouts in a partial build less overwhelming. - Updated the ROOT build to use its built-in GSL version. - Updated AthAnalysisExternals and AthSimulationExternals not to build code in a multi-threaded way.
Tagging the 1.0 branch with the following updates since 1.0.15: - Synchronised Eigen to build the same version (3.2.9) that's in LCG_88; - Included various CMake updates in AtlasLCG; - Added the PyAnalysis package, to provide NumPy for AnalysisBase; - Added DMTCP to the AthDerivation externals (to keep AthenaMP functional once the 21.0 updates get merged in); - Added BAT to the available externals, to be used by AnalysisBaseExternals. (AnalysisTop most of all.)
Tag adding dmtcp to AthSimulationExternals, making AtlasLCG a bit more robust, and bringing with it some documentation updates.
Tag fixing the python setup issues that crept into 1.0.13. Making it impossible to build Gaudi on top of certain projects of the repository.
Tag introducing AthAnalysisExternals, and updating the analysis releases to LCG_88. It also introduces FastJet-3.2.2, and makes AnalysisBaseExternals build Python on MacOS X by default.
Upgrading to LCG_88, and some other updates. This tag brings with itself LCG_88 for all LCG using projects, a new external (dmtcp), and some dictionary generation fixes.
Tagging the updates to the dictionary handling code. Fixing the CI build issues encountered recently.
Adding the setting of the TDAQ_PYTHON_HOME and TDAQ_VERSION variables to the runtime environment for projects using tdaq-common and tdaq respectively.