v0.51a6514f3 · ·
Release Notes: Please refer to this link for the full information about previous releases: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/C4Hep/C4HepReleases o Merge of changes in Gaudiv23r8 o More documentation o Coding rules respected o Improved output in case of misbehaviours (e.g. stalls) o Correct handling of failed events o Gcc47 compilation possible o AlgContextSvc treated with the help of thread local storage o Fix for configurables bug: https://sft.its.cern.ch/jira/browse/CFHEP-78 o Deprecate declaration of dependencies as list of lists for the scheduler o Number of events in flight taken directly from the whiteboard o Remove hardcoded "/Event/" prefix from the dataflow manager. Get it from IDataManagerSvc interface
v0.5-ref1305-patch189b3a26e · ·
v0.5-ref1305-patch1 o Added link to librt to GaudiCoreSvc to print out timings in the EventLoopManager o Make the size of the thread pool a signed int in order to be able to let the runtime decide the maximum number of threads
v0.5-ref13055c40b2cd · ·
Tag Notes o Fixes: - Remove double call of BeginRun for some algorithms in the AlgresourcePool - Remove some deprecated headers - Automatically adjust tbb thread pool size in order to create exactly as many threads as requested and not one less o Features: - Display RSS and seconds in loop in the HiveSlimEventLoopManager - Define GOD_NOALLOC variable in CMake configuration to avoid the overriding of new and delete operators for the event data model. Indeed, this behaviour brought to the usage to the boost pool allocators. They are extremely fast and appropriate for a serial execution but suboptimal for the mt one when spanning over a Numa architecture. The pool can be localised on a DRAM and the algorithm accessing it on a socket "nearer" to a different bank. A performance penalty in terms of scaling could be measured. - Add to the cpu crunchers a parameter to repeat the read and write onto the whiteboard. This allows to emulate high lock contention increasing the probability of collision. - Minimal improvement of the ToolSvc that allows to have "clones" of the same tool provided that the parent is not the ToolSvc o Optimisations: - Add a boolean flag not to schedule multiple updates of the alg state machine, therefore reducing the calls to the function by a factor 2/3
Gaudi/v23r86fdfeb02 · ·