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ensure that context is properly bound

Sylvain Fargier requested to merge wip-1.1 into master
  • bind window and document from current context (iframe support).
  • bind "this" to computed or relation state element.

@gdeblasi we may not need it for window/document, but if we had more complicated processing to do we could have:

    window.formatNumber = function formatNumber(value) {
      return (value < 1 && value > -1) ? value.toFixed(2) : value.toPrecision(4);
    <property ...>
      <direct onupdate='formatNumber' />

For the this binding it may be used to make our update blinker, ex:

    window.formatNumber = function formatNumber(value) {
      return (value < 1 && value > -1) ? value.toFixed(2) : value.toPrecision(4);
    <computed name='tick' onupdate='this.tick = !this.tick'>
      <relation query-selector='#tick' attribute-name='opacity' values='0;1;0' />

With a strict transition of about 250ms it should do the trick and blink on update (any update).

Edited by Gabriele De Blasi

Merge request reports