1.1.0dd68430d · ·
Mitaka Milestone 1 Release Bugs closed: 1501892 magnum pod-show does not work 1368661 Unit tests sometimes fail because of stale pyc files 1409020 not all metavar's are consistent 1514347 "container-create" doesn't work without "image" 1442457 Bug: Double Authentication 1454853 Bump up to newer hacking 1465086 tox doesn't work under proxy 1487634 Remove developers name from tests 1495385 Update help message for coe service related command 1514737 shell args test for container create is skipped 1515109 v1 shell command should split up 1516830 DS_Store should be ignored 1295356 ERROR: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'func' 1456360 Missing Dependency 1487580 Rename service-* commands to coe-service-* 1496805 unit test failures with python 3.4 1498228 Implement magnum client functionality for 'magnum service-list' 1514732 python-magnumclient should have an unversioned client 1514733 python-magnumclient should suppport keystone session auth 1518143 Unit of '--docker-volume-size' of baymodel-create is not shown in help
0.2.129b0aa54 · ·
Bugs: 1409020 not all metavar's are consistent 1442457 Bug: Double Authentication 1454853 Bump up to newer hacking Commits: 29b0aa5 2015-05-21 20:46:13 +0000 Make metavar's consistent 4435e8d 2015-05-14 20:26:10 -0400 Setup for translation 2aee6be 2015-05-14 03:36:37 +0000 Updated from global requirements 2c01237 2015-05-13 20:16:22 -0400 Bump up to newer hacking 7cf0559 2015-05-13 16:25:23 -0400 Add support of container resource management with "name" fedff82 2015-05-11 11:00:25 +0800 Add support for container status a6b486d 2015-05-06 19:32:54 +0000 Drop use of 'oslo' namespace package
0.2.0a5693c0c · ·
We are proud to announce the Kilo release of python-magnumclient 14 Enhancements and Bug Fixes: 1408667 Client uses underscores for parameters - OpenStack uses dashes 1423032 magnum 'bay-create' command should fail when no argument passed 1409316 Rest operation containers logs uses PUT 1413438 magnum client object show do not have help info 1421082 No test for shell 1421476 magnumclient should support deleting multiple resources in one command 1422512 allow users to specify the size of docker volume 1423038 magnum 'baymodel-create' command should fail when no argument passed 1436774 Support keystone region 1443442 container-create show ERROR: 1444398 Add unittests for magnumclient.v1.client module 1444405 Remove side effect in get_keystoneclient 1444409 Delegate magnum url search to url_for method 1445197 TestCommandLineArgument uses incorrectly mock
0.0.1b63610d2 · ·
Second release of python-magnumclient, including the following enhancements: 1408667 Client uses underscores for parameters - OpenStack uses dashes 1409316 Rest operation containers logs uses PUT 1413438 magnum client object show do not have help info 1421082 No test for shell 1421476 magnumclient should support deleting multiple resources in one command 1422512 allow users to specify the size of docker volume 1423032 magnum 'bay-create' command should fail when no argument passed 1423038 magnum 'baymodel-create' command should fail when no argument passed