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Commit 6602bf9a authored by kreps's avatar kreps
Browse files

Tagging package Gen/DecFiles as v27r17

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 4525493e-7705-40b1-a816-d608a930855b
parents 2ed8729c 3a76807f
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# EventType: 11164300
# Descriptor: {[[B0]nos -> (D*(2007)~0 -> (D~0 -> K+ pi-) gamma ) (KS0 ->pi+ pi-) ]cc, [[B0]os -> (D*(2007)0 -> (D0 -> K- pi+) gamma ) (KS0 ->pi- pi+) ]cc}
# NickName: Bd_Dst0KS,D0gamma,Kpi=DecProdCut
# Cuts: DaughtersInLHCb
# Documentation: KS forced to pi+ pi-, D0 forced to K+ pi-, Dst0 forced to D0 gamma
# EndDocumentation
# PhysicsWG: B2OC
# Tested: Yes
# Responsible: Maurizio Martinelli
# Email:
# Date: 20131209
Alias MyK0s K_S0
ChargeConj MyK0s MyK0s
Alias Myanti-D0 anti-D0
Alias MyD0 D0
ChargeConj MyD0 Myanti-D0
Alias MyD*0 D*0
Alias Myanti-D*0 anti-D*0
ChargeConj MyD*0 Myanti-D*0
Decay B0sig
1.000 Myanti-D*0 MyK0s SVS;
CDecay anti-B0sig
Decay MyD*0
1.000 MyD0 gamma VSP_PWAVE;
CDecay Myanti-D*0
Decay MyD0
1.000 K- pi+ PHSP;
CDecay Myanti-D0
Decay MyK0s
1.000 pi+ pi- PHSP;
# EventType: 13164300
# Descriptor: {[[B_s0]nos -> (D*(2007)~0 -> (D~0 -> K+ pi-) gamma ) (KS0 ->pi+ pi-) ]cc, [[B_s0]os -> (D*(2007)0 -> (D0 -> K- pi+) gamma ) (KS0 ->pi- pi+) ]cc}
# NickName: Bs_Dst0KS,D0gamma,Kpi=DecProdCut
# Cuts: DaughtersInLHCb
# Documentation: KS forced to pi+ pi-, D0 forced to K+ pi-, Dst0 forced to D0 gamma
# EndDocumentation
# PhysicsWG: B2OC
# Tested: Yes
# Responsible: Maurizio Martinelli
# Email:
# Date: 20131209
Alias MyK0s K_S0
ChargeConj MyK0s MyK0s
Alias Myanti-D0 anti-D0
Alias MyD0 D0
ChargeConj MyD0 Myanti-D0
Alias MyD*0 D*0
Alias Myanti-D*0 anti-D*0
ChargeConj MyD*0 Myanti-D*0
Decay B0sig
1.000 Myanti-D*0 MyK0s SVS;
CDecay anti-B0sig
Decay MyD*0
1.000 MyD0 gamma VSP_PWAVE;
CDecay Myanti-D*0
Decay MyD0
1.000 K- pi+ PHSP;
CDecay Myanti-D0
Decay MyK0s
1.000 pi+ pi- PHSP;
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
# Generation().Special.CutTool = ""
# Generation().Special.ProductionTool = "PowhegProductionbb"
# Generation().Special.addTool( PowhegProductionbb () )
# Generation().Special.PowhegProductionbb.qmass = 4.75
# Generation().Special.PileUpProductionTool = "Pythia8Production"
# Generation().PileUpTool = "FixedLuminosityForRareProcess"
# Generation().Special.addTool( Pythia8Production () )
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
# Generation().Special.CutTool = ""
# Generation().Special.ProductionTool = "PowhegProductiontt"
# Generation().Special.addTool( PowhegProductiontt () )
# Generation().Special.PowhegProductiontt.qmass = 172
# Generation().Special.PileUpProductionTool = "Pythia8Production"
# Generation().PileUpTool = "FixedLuminosityForRareProcess"
# Generation().Special.addTool( Pythia8Production () )
......@@ -27,7 +27,18 @@
!========================= DecFiles v27r17 2014-01-14 ======================
!========================= DecFiles v27r17 2014-01-15 ======================
! 2014-01-15 - Michal Kreps
- Adding two more decay files for Maurizio Martinelli
. 11164300, Bd_Dst0KS,D0gamma,Kpi=DecProdCut.dec
. 13164300, Bs_Dst0KS,D0gamma,Kpi=DecProdCut.dec
! 2014-01-15 - Marcin Kucharczyk
- Fix heavy quark mass for bb and tt production in dec files:
. incl_b=Biased2BinAcc,powheg.dec
. tt_bb=1l,10GeV,2b,powheg.dec
! 2014-01-14 - Michal Kreps
- Declared as obsolete
. 25103017, Lc_pKK=TightCutLifeTimePT"
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