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Commit 48d8572f authored by Oana Vickey Boeriu's avatar Oana Vickey Boeriu
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Merge branch 'fdibello_ttFix' into '21.2'

Fixing truthTag for DL1r

See merge request atlas/athena!44342
parents 7d70dde3 b67c180b
No related merge requests found
......@@ -686,7 +686,10 @@ StatusCode BTaggingTruthTaggingTool::getAllEffMCCDI(TRFinfo &trfinf){ = (; //to-do: make it fancy? random distribution inside the bin probably?
else{ = (; //only for 60% WP
float UpperScore = +1.0;
if(m_taggerName.find("MV2") != string::npos){ UpperScore = 1.0; }
if(m_taggerName.find("DL1") != string::npos){ UpperScore = 20.0; } = (; //only for 60% WP
CorrectionCode code = m_effTool->getMCEfficiency(,, eff_all) ;
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