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Commit e56f0462 authored by Ahmed Tarek's avatar Ahmed Tarek
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Merge branch 'athpy' into '24.0'

AthenaPython: delete copy_file and read_file utilities

See merge request atlas/athena!70014
parents 809c7e7b e647887d
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## @file: AthenaPython/
## @purpose: simple jobo to copy any file, leveraging the auto-config fwk
## @date January 2010
## @author Sebastien Binet <>
__version__ = "$Revision: 293864 $"
__author__ = "Sebastien Binet <>"
__doc__ = "simple jobo to copy any file, leveraging the auto-config fwk"
## percolate through the auto-configuration
## input files configuration
from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties as jp
acf = jp.AthenaCommonFlags
assert len(acf.FilesInput()) != 0, \
"this jobo fragment needs the autoconfig-fwk." \
"FilesInput needs to be filled"
import AthenaPython.ConfigLib as apcl
cfg = apcl.copy_file(src=acf.FilesInput(),
if cfg.is_rdo() or cfg.is_esd() or cfg.is_aod():
# main jobos
include ('RecExCond/')
include ('RecExCommon/')
## @file: AthenaPython/
## @purpose: simple jobo to copy any file, leveraging the auto-config fwk
## @date January 2010
## @author Sebastien Binet <>
__version__ = "$Revision: 293864 $"
__author__ = "Sebastien Binet <>"
__doc__ = "simple jobo to copy any file, leveraging the auto-config fwk"
## percolate through the auto-configuration
## input files configuration
from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties as jp
acf = jp.AthenaCommonFlags
_input_files = globals()['FNAME']
if isinstance(_input_files, str):
_input_files = [_input_files]
acf.FilesInput = _input_files
del _input_files
# events to process
acf.EvtMax = EvtMax = theApp.EvtMax = globals().get('EVTMAX', -1)
import AthenaPython.ConfigLib as apcl
cfg = apcl.AutoCfg(name='copy-file',
output_file=globals().get('OFNAME', 'copy_file.pool'))
if cfg.is_rdo() or cfg.is_esd() or cfg.is_aod():
# main jobos
include ('RecExCond/')
include ('RecExCommon/')
## @file: AthenaPython/
## @purpose: simple jobo to read any file, leveraging the auto-config fwk
## @date January 2010
## @author Sebastien Binet <>
__version__ = "$Revision: 273745 $"
__author__ = "Sebastien Binet <>"
__doc__ = "simple jobo to read any file, leveraging the auto-config fwk"
## percolate through the auto-configuration
## input files configuration
from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties as jp
acf = jp.AthenaCommonFlags
_input_files = globals().get('FNAME', [])
if isinstance(_input_files, str):
_input_files = [_input_files]
acf.FilesInput = _input_files
del _input_files
# events to process
acf.EvtMax = EvtMax = globals().get('EVTMAX', -1)
# main jobos
## @file: AthenaPython/
## @purpose: simple jobo to read any file, leveraging the auto-config fwk
## @date November 2009
## @author Sebastien Binet <>
__version__ = "$Revision: 279865 $"
__author__ = "Sebastien Binet <>"
__doc__ = "simple jobo to read any file, leveraging the auto-config fwk"
## percolate through the auto-configuration
## input files configuration
from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import jobproperties as jp
acf = jp.AthenaCommonFlags
assert len(acf.FilesInput()) != 0, \
"this jobo fragment needs the autoconfig-fwk." \
"FilesInput needs to be filled"
from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import ConfigFlags
ConfigFlags.Input.Files = acf.FilesInput()
import AthenaPython.ConfigLib as apcl
cfg = apcl.AutoCfg(name='read-file',
if not cfg.is_evgen():
# main jobos
include ('RecExCond/')
include ('RecExCommon/')
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