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Commit 66f34793 authored by robbep's avatar robbep
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Tagging package Gen/DecFiles as v27r1

git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 4525493e-7705-40b1-a816-d608a930855b
parents f95ae2b8 bf4584af
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# EventType: 12165156
# Descriptor: [B+ -> (D~0 -> (KS0 -> pi+ pi-) K+ K-) pi+]cc
# NickName: Bu_D0pi,KSKK=TightCut,gamma
# Cuts: LoKi::GenCutTool/TightCut
# InsertPythonCode:
# #
# from Configurables import LoKi__GenCutTool
# from Gauss.Configuration import *
# Generation().SignalRepeatedHadronization.addTool ( LoKi__GenCutTool , 'TightCut' )
# tightCut = Generation().SignalRepeatedHadronization.TightCut
# tightCut.Decay = '^[B+ -> ^(D~0 => ^(KS0 => ^pi+ ^pi-) ^K+ ^K-) ^pi+]CC'
# tightCut.Preambulo += [
# 'GVZ = LoKi.GenVertices.PositionZ() ' ,
# 'from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import millimeter',
# 'inAcc = (in_range (0.005, GTHETA, 0.400))',
# 'goodB = (GP > 55000 * MeV) & (GPT > 5000 * MeV) & (GTIME > 0.135 * millimeter)',
# 'goodD = (GP > 25000 * MeV) & (GPT > 2500 * MeV)',
# 'goodKS = (GFAEVX(abs(GVZ), 0) < 2500.0 * millimeter)',
# 'goodDDaugK = (GNINTREE (("K+" == GABSID) & (GP > 2000 * MeV) & inAcc, 4) > 1.5)',
# 'goodKsDaugPi = (GNINTREE (("pi+" == GABSID) & (GP > 2000 * MeV) & inAcc, 4) > 1.5)',
# 'goodBachPi = (GNINTREE (("pi+" == GABSID) & (GP > 5000 * MeV) & (GPT > 500 * MeV) & inAcc, 1) > 0.5)',
# ]
# tightCut.Cuts = {
# '[B+]cc' : 'goodB & goodBachPi',
# '[D0]cc' : 'goodD & goodDDaugK',
# '[KS0]cc' : 'goodKS & goodKsDaugPi',
# '[pi+]cc' : 'inAcc'
# }
# EndInsertPythonCode
# Documentation: B decays to D0 pi, D0 decays to KS K+ K- with interference modelled by gamma, rB and deltaB, KS decays to pi+ pi-, decay products in acceptance and tight cuts
# EndDocumentation
# PhysicsWG: B2OC
# Tested: No
# Responsible: Chris Thomas
# Email:
# Date: 20121023
Alias MyD0 D0
Alias Myanti-D0 anti-D0
Alias MyK_S0 K_S0
ChargeConj MyD0 Myanti-D0
ChargeConj MyK_S0 MyK_S0
# CPV parameters
Define gamma 1.49 # 85deg
Define delta 5.61 # deltaB(DPi) = 321deg
Define rB 0.0239 # rB(DPi)
Decay B+sig
1.000 Myanti-D0 pi+ BTODDALITZCPK gamma delta rB;
CDecay B-sig
Decay MyD0
CDecay Myanti-D0
Decay MyK_S0
1.000 pi+ pi- PHSP;
# EventType: 12165152
# Descriptor: [B+ -> (D~0 -> (KS0 -> pi+ pi-) pi+ pi-) pi+]cc
# NickName: Bu_D0pi,KSpipi=TightCut,gamma
# Cuts: LoKi::GenCutTool/TightCut
# InsertPythonCode:
# #
# from Configurables import LoKi__GenCutTool
# from Gauss.Configuration import *
# Generation().SignalRepeatedHadronization.addTool ( LoKi__GenCutTool , 'TightCut' )
# tightCut = Generation().SignalRepeatedHadronization.TightCut
# tightCut.Decay = '^[B+ -> ^(D~0 => ^(KS0 => ^pi+ ^pi-) ^pi+ ^pi-) ^pi+]CC'
# tightCut.Preambulo += [
# 'GVZ = LoKi.GenVertices.PositionZ() ' ,
# 'from GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits import millimeter',
# 'inAcc = (in_range (0.005, GTHETA, 0.400))',
# 'goodB = (GP > 55000 * MeV) & (GPT > 5000 * MeV) & (GTIME > 0.135 * millimeter)',
# 'goodD = (GP > 25000 * MeV) & (GPT > 2500 * MeV)',
# 'goodKS = (GFAEVX(abs(GVZ), 0) < 2500.0 * millimeter)',
# 'goodDDaugPi = (GNINTREE (("pi+" == GABSID) & (GP > 2000 * MeV) & inAcc, 4) > 3.5)',
# 'goodKsDaugPi = (GNINTREE (("pi+" == GABSID) & (GP > 2000 * MeV) & inAcc, 4) > 1.5)',
# 'goodBachPi = (GNINTREE (("pi+" == GABSID) & (GP > 5000 * MeV) & (GPT > 500 * MeV) & inAcc, 1) > 0.5)',
# ]
# tightCut.Cuts = {
# '[B+]cc' : 'goodB & goodBachPi',
# '[D0]cc' : 'goodD & goodDDaugPi',
# '[KS0]cc' : 'goodKS & goodKsDaugPi',
# '[pi+]cc' : 'inAcc'
# }
# EndInsertPythonCode
# Documentation: B decays to D0 pi, D0 decays to KS pi+ pi- with interference modelled by gamma, rB and deltaB, KS decays to pi+ pi-, decay products in acceptance and tight cuts
# EndDocumentation
# PhysicsWG: B2OC
# Tested: No
# Responsible: Chris Thomas
# Email:
# Date: 20121023
Alias MyD0 D0
Alias Myanti-D0 anti-D0
Alias MyK_S0 K_S0
ChargeConj MyD0 Myanti-D0
ChargeConj MyK_S0 MyK_S0
# CPV parameters
Define gamma 1.49 # 85deg
Define delta 5.61 # deltaB(DPi) = 321deg
Define rB 0.0239 # rB(DPi)
Decay B+sig
1.000 Myanti-D0 pi+ BTODDALITZCPK gamma delta rB;
CDecay B-sig
Decay MyD0
1.000 MyK_S0 pi+ pi- D0GAMMADALITZ;
CDecay Myanti-D0
Decay MyK_S0
1.000 pi+ pi- PHSP;
This diff is collapsed.
# EventType: 60001001
# Descriptor: p H1[0,0] => ?
# NickName: beamGasVelo,1=Hydrogen
# Cuts: None
# ExtraOptions: Beam1GasVeLo
# Documentation: Beam gas in the VELO
# EndDocumentation
# PhysicsWG: Sim
# Tested: No
# Responsible: Gloria Corti
# Email:
# Date: 20111114
# EventType: 60001008
# Descriptor: p O16[0.0] => ?
# NickName: beamGasVelo,1=Oxygen
# Cuts: None
# Production: Hijing
# ExtraOptions: Beam1GasVeLo
# Documentation: Beam gas in the VELO
# EndDocumentation
# PhysicsWG: Sim
# Tested: No
# Responsible: Gloria Corti
# Email:
# Date: 20111114
# EventType: 60002001
# Descriptor: p H1[0,0] => ?
# NickName: beamGasVelo,2=Hydrogen
# Cuts: None
# ExtraOptions: Beam2GasVeLo
# Documentation: Beam gas in the VELO
# EndDocumentation
# PhysicsWG: Sim
# Tested: No
# Responsible: Gloria Corti
# Email:
# Date: 20111114
# EventType: 60002008
# Descriptor: p O16[0.0] => ?
# NickName: beamGasVelo,2=Oxygen
# Cuts: None
# Production: Hijing
# ExtraOptions: Beam2GasVeLo
# Documentation: Beam gas in the VELO
# EndDocumentation
# PhysicsWG: Sim
# Tested: No
# Responsible: Gloria Corti
# Email:
# Date: 20111114
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