feat: Update to Release 24 (!6)
* Update Release 22 files to use Release 24 as Release 22 won't be used for analysis.
* Update to using gitlab-registry.cern.ch/atlas/athena/analysisbase:24.2.2 for testing
in CI.
* Use cvmfs-venv to create a Python3 virtual environment with use control given updated setuptools
releases that highlight problems with PYTHONPATH pollution between Release 22 and Release 24 that
don't allow for `--system-site-packages` to be sufficient alone.
- c.f. https://github.com/matthewfeickert/cvmfs-venv
- c.f. https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATLINFR-4874
- c.f. https://gitlab.cern.ch/recast-atlas/examples/analysis-base-container-python-venv/-/merge_requests/6
* Set Shell during Docker image build to be Bash for cvmfs-venv support.
Edited by Matthew Feickert