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fix: ccache debug and basedir setting

Christoph Hasse requested to merge chasse_fixes into master

This MR includes 2 fixes:

  1. debug flags where missing export statement and I added a setting to output all debug info to a specific folder

  2. fix basedir setting. see explanation in

with the 2nd fix, I can now successfully share the ccache folder between different lb-stack setups.
Test scenario was two independent lb-stack setups next to each other, with the 2nd one having a symlink pointing to the 1st stack's .ccache folder.
Now build first Gaudi -> Moore and then reset the ccache statistics.
Then build Gaudi-> Moore in the 2nd stack:

  Hits:            3519 / 3601 (97.72 %)
    Direct:        3519 / 3519 (100.0 %)
    Preprocessed:     0 /    0
  Misses:            82
    Direct:           0
    Preprocessed:     0
Primary storage:
  Hits:               0 /    0
  Misses:             0
  Cache size (GB): 0.46 / 5.00 (9.20 %)

over 97% cache hits 🎉 the few misses are from dictionaries etc, but I don't think it's worth digging too deep into that. Total time of the hot cache build was ~9 minutes on a quanta, while of course just the configuration took a large chunk of those 9 minutes.

Edited by Christoph Hasse

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