From 39078aa82d0e3685de0b009acdfd89dfdbbf6619 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: John Chapman <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2019 15:43:02 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Initial implementation of ForwardDetector Geometry building

 .../python/            | 55 +++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 55 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 DetectorDescription/GeoModel/AtlasGeoModel/python/

diff --git a/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/AtlasGeoModel/python/ b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/AtlasGeoModel/python/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d9cd05e268d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DetectorDescription/GeoModel/AtlasGeoModel/python/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2019 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
+from AthenaConfiguration.AthConfigFlags import AthConfigFlags
+from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConfig import addFoldersSplitOnline
+# TODO This isn't used yet anywhere and the new style ConfigFlag
+# equivalents of the DetFlags used here have yet to be created.
+def ForDetGeometryCfg( flags ):
+    from AtlasGeoModel.GeoModelConfig import GeoModelCfg
+    acc,geoModelSvc = GeoModelCfg( flags )
+    from GeometryDBSvc.GeometryDBSvcConf import GeometryDBSvc
+    acc.addService(GeometryDBSvc("InDetGeometryDBSvc"))
+    # LUCID
+    if True:#( DetFlags.detdescr.Lucid_on() ):
+        from LUCID_GeoModel.LUCID_GeoModelConf import LUCID_DetectorTool
+        geoModelSvc.DetectorTools += [ LUCID_DetectorTool() ]
+    # ALFA
+    if True:#( DetFlags.detdescr.ALFA_on() ):
+        from ALFA_GeoModel.ALFA_GeoModel_joboption import getALFA_DetectorTool
+        #from ALFA_GeoModel.ALFA_GeoModelConf import ALFA_DetectorTool
+        theALFA_DetectorTool=ALFA_DetectorTool(name)
+        theALFA_DetectorTool.MetrologyType=3
+        theALFA_DetectorTool.B7L1U_MDGeometryType = 2
+        theALFA_DetectorTool.B7L1U_ODGeometryType = 2
+        theALFA_DetectorTool.B7L1L_MDGeometryType = 2
+        theALFA_DetectorTool.B7L1L_ODGeometryType = 2
+        theALFA_DetectorTool.A7L1U_MDGeometryType = 2
+        theALFA_DetectorTool.A7L1U_ODGeometryType = 2
+        theALFA_DetectorTool.A7L1L_MDGeometryType = 2
+        theALFA_DetectorTool.A7L1L_ODGeometryType = 2
+        theALFA_DetectorTool.A7R1U_MDGeometryType = 2
+        theALFA_DetectorTool.A7R1U_ODGeometryType = 2
+        theALFA_DetectorTool.A7R1L_MDGeometryType = 2
+        theALFA_DetectorTool.A7R1L_ODGeometryType = 2
+        theALFA_DetectorTool.B7R1U_MDGeometryType = 2
+        theALFA_DetectorTool.B7R1U_ODGeometryType = 2
+        theALFA_DetectorTool.B7R1L_MDGeometryType = 2
+        theALFA_DetectorTool.B7R1L_ODGeometryType = 2
+        geoModelSvc.DetectorTools += [ thALFA_DetectorTool ]
+        acc.merge(addFoldersSplitOnline(flags,'FWD','/FWD/Onl/ALFA/position_calibration','/FWD/ALFA/position_calibration'))
+    # ForwardRegion
+    if True:#( DetFlags.detdescr.FwdRegion_on() ):
+        from ForwardRegionGeoModel.ForwardRegionGeoModelConf import ForwardRegionGeoModelTool
+        geoModelSvc.DetectorTools += [ ForwardRegionGeoModelTool() ]
+    # ZDC
+    if True:#( DetFlags.detdescr.ZDC_on() ):
+        from ZDC_GeoM.ZDC_GeoMConf import ZDC_DetTool
+        geoModelSvc.DetectorTools += [ ZDC_DetTool() ]
+    # AFP
+    if True:#( DetFlags.detdescr.AFP_on() ):
+        from AFP_GeoModel.AFP_GeoModelConf import AFP_GeoModelTool
+        geoModelSvc.DetectorTools += [ AFP_GeoModelTool() ]
+    acc.addService(geoModelSvc)
+    return acc