- Feb 06, 2019
Rafal Bielski authored
- Feb 05, 2019
Rafal Bielski authored
- Feb 01, 2019
Frank Winklmeier authored
- Move all headers to `src` folder - Use new-style properties in `HltEventLoopMgr` - Remove unsused `m_threadPoolSize` variable - Use `extends` formalism in TrigMessageSvc
Frank Winklmeier authored
Now that the new asetup is in production, restore using the `--input=None` option to make sure no user-defined configuration is used.
- Jan 31, 2019
Frank Winklmeier authored
Re-enable the `TrigCoolUpdateHelper` in `HltEventLoopMgr` to handle COOL folder updates during the run. - Don't rely on `BeginRun` incident, instead just call the relevant method from `HltEventLoopMgr` during `prepareForRun` - Retrieve the CTP fragment and decode the extra payload in the tool rather than in the HltEventLoopMgr. - The `CheckIOV` incident is no longer needed (see ATEAM-477) - Use Monitored infrastructure for monitoring
- Jan 30, 2019
Frank Winklmeier authored
Changes in `HltEventLoopMgr`: - `start()` should not be used in the EventLoopMgr as it is executed before `prepareForRun`. Moved the relevant code there. - Also added back calls to `sysBeginRun` (soon to be deprecated) and fire the `BeginRun` incident in order to stay in sync with offline. - Make SORPath configurable via property in `HltEventLoopMgr` - Store the current "run context" in a private member. This is useful for interacting with the IOV(Db)Svc during the start sequence. Major cleanup of `TrigSORFromPtreeHelper`: - Inherit from `AthMessaging` to get access to the regular messaging macros. - Use `ATH_CHECK` where it makes sense - Avoid passing around pointers to the `SOR` object by merging a few small methods into one. - Remove a several `typedef`s and `using` declarations - Add `eventID` method to create an `EventIDBase` from the RunParams ptree.
Frank Winklmeier authored
- Link component library against regular library - Remove unused dependencies
- Jan 29, 2019
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
As part of the migration away from the old-style event info, the reference to EventInfo has been removed from the EventIncident. The clients of EventIncident have been updated such that they now pass event information via EventContext, which is a data member of the Gaudi Incident class. Several standalone algorithms (either test or conditions loading jobs) have been switched to direct usage of event contexts (via getContext()) instead of taking them from the incidents. Also dropped the redundant CheckIOV incident
- Jan 23, 2019
Frank Winklmeier authored
After upgrade to flake8 3.6.0, fix the following additional python code style issues: - bare exception - use double-backslash for printing a backslash
- Jan 22, 2019
Frank Winklmeier authored
Only create the per-worker directories if there are any histogram output files defined in the THistSvc.
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
- Jan 18, 2019
- Jan 11, 2019
Stewart Martin-Haugh authored
- Jan 10, 2019
Frank Winklmeier authored
- By default use fixed worker log files names. This can be changed via the `--unique-log-files` option. - Move the `--ros2rob` option to the expert group
- Jan 09, 2019
Frank Winklmeier authored
- Only create worker directory if it does not exist yet - Delete worker directory if it did exist already. This is required as the THistSvc crashes on `io_reinitialize` in case a ROOT histogram file already exists.
Frank Winklmeier authored
- Jan 08, 2019
Rafal Bielski authored
- Dec 20, 2018
Rafal Bielski authored
It was broken by recent updates in TrigCompositeUtils. This commit updates the alg to the new TrigCompositeUtils interface.
Frank Winklmeier authored
- Add the missing call to `updateDFProps` after the fork to individualize the child properties (e.g. app name). - Use the `IoComponentMgr` to mange the I/O for child processes as done in athenaMP. This creates a sub-directory for each child into which histogram files are being written. - With the above we can run also in `athenaHLT.py` using the offline `THistSvc`. TODO: It's not nice that we are creating empty directories in case the online `THistSvc` is used. Can probably add a check on the number of registered files and if zero, don't bother with the I/O component manager.
- Dec 19, 2018
Frank Winklmeier authored
Frank Winklmeier authored
- Move all configuration of athenaHLT services to TriggerUnixStandardSetup.py. Remove the use of includes as much as possible (apart from user job options). - Replace the OfflineTHistSvc.py include with a simple flag - Add error in case the offline THistSvc is used with more than one child - Move the configuration of HLTResultMTMaker to its own module
- Dec 18, 2018
Tim Martin authored
Update clients of DecisionSummaryMakerAlg to read in data given that there might be more that one Decision object, and using global key HLTSummary
Edward Moyse authored
- Dec 17, 2018
Walter Lampl authored
Files with identical content (same SHA1) but different file permissions cause confusing differences shown in GitLab. The file permissions of 61 files were set to 644 (ATLINFR-2011).
- Dec 13, 2018
Former-commit-id: 645176ec
Frank Winklmeier authored
Add `--concurrent-events` command line arg to set the number of slots. Also make sure the relevant jobproperties are set on the athena side. Also switch to using the thread-safe `DFDcmEmuBackend`. Former-commit-id: 05df8bde
- Dec 06, 2018
Frank Winklmeier authored
`TrigISHelper` was mainly used to read the magnet currents from IS. These are since quite some time provided via the configuration ptree and hence this helper tool has no use anymore. In general, we shouldn't be reading from IS in the HLT anyway. Former-commit-id: 717ce229
Frank Winklmeier authored
- `HltOstream`: not used anywhere - `[I]TrigIS`: never used and we have a better way to publish to IS - `IHltTHistSvc`: we never used this HLT-specific interface Former-commit-id: a21319085669b2e6566b9480e9e4c437626848d5
Frank Winklmeier authored
For a simple HelloWorld example use `AthExHelloWorld/HelloWorldOptions.py` instead. Former-commit-id: f7d57492
Frank Winklmeier authored
This package is obsolete and hasn't been used since Run-1. For similar features, see the TrigExPartialEB package. Former-commit-id: e75de763
Former-commit-id: 03fa8b08
Rafal Bielski authored
Added try-catch blocks around hltinterface and eformat calls where missing and improved the existing handling. Removed include of EventId, HLTResult and DataCollector headers where not used anymore. Former-commit-id: 197f35fc
- Dec 05, 2018
Frank Winklmeier authored
The PSC modifies its state machine if we are running in interactive mode (to allow debugging of the python configuration before initialize is called). Previously interactive mode was flagged by a global 'interactive' variable. This is now done directly in athenaHLT.py. Former-commit-id: b7139344
Frank Winklmeier authored
- Remove unnecessary `release()` calls (the ServiceHandle does this) - Remove commented code - Remove code to handle user commands as this is non-functional now - Remove dllName, factoryName and EvtSel properties (see HLTPUDal!1) Former-commit-id: 355f8d67
- Nov 29, 2018
Frank Winklmeier authored
Former-commit-id: 8dfa8e1c
Frank Winklmeier authored
Adapt asetup_wrapper to latest version of asetup. Add test and fix handling of preloading and extra_sw_path. Former-commit-id: 98e2d150
Frank Winklmeier authored
Since the migration of the asetup_wrapper, we no longer need the scripts to create a static HLT-Environment.data.xml file. Former-commit-id: 8be669d8
Frank Winklmeier authored
Former-commit-id: f89609cf
- Nov 28, 2018
scott snyder authored
Test was timing out in some nightlies. Former-commit-id: a97b4bee50ac1c224945d8b96bf79d42b605aa55