- Feb 05, 2019
Will Leight authored
This function tells the user whether the Id in question corresponds to an sMDT chamber.
- Feb 04, 2019
John Chapman authored
- Feb 01, 2019
scott snyder authored
Change CSC_RawDataProviderTool to use a ReadHandle for xAOD::EventInfo rather than a plain SG retrieve of EventInfo. Also some const and other cleanups.
- Jan 30, 2019
Mark Andrew Owen authored
scott snyder authored
Test input files have moved. Update test scripts. Update reference files. Prevent concurrently-running tests trying to write the same pkl file.
- Jan 29, 2019
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
As part of the migration away from the old-style event info, the reference to EventInfo has been removed from the EventIncident. The clients of EventIncident have been updated such that they now pass event information via EventContext, which is a data member of the Gaudi Incident class. Several standalone algorithms (either test or conditions loading jobs) have been switched to direct usage of event contexts (via getContext()) instead of taking them from the incidents. Also dropped the redundant CheckIOV incident
Mark Andrew Owen authored
- Jan 28, 2019
Mark Andrew Owen authored
Mark Andrew Owen authored
The various bytestream decoding Cfg functions in MuonConfig were assuming the prescence of the new muon cache containers for MDTs and CSCs. This caused errors in the trigger tests (e.g. http://atlas-computing.web.cern.ch/atlas-computing/links/distDirectory/gitwww/GITWebArea/nightlies/master/2019-01-27T2257/Athena/x86_64-slc6-gcc62-opt/Athena/UT/TrigUpgradeTest.log.html) because the tools assumed the cache containers exist, but the algorithm to create them was never scheduled. This is now fixed by scheduling that algorithm insiide the Cfg functions for the MDT and CSC decoding. This also means it is no longer needed to schedule the cache creation algorithm by hand in the testing functions (and the corresponding reference files are updated).
- Jan 26, 2019
Integrate NSW matching algorithm in NSWPRDTest finalize See merge request atlas/athena!20412 (cherry picked from commit c5b06e39) 74bcdf2d Integrating NSW matching algorithm in finalise of NSWPRDTest e58d78b2 Fixing some minor bugs in the NSW Matching algorithm dc624d26 Renaming NSWHitstree to NSWValtree, to avoid confusion 7ac558ac Removing unused function 3e853128 documenting histogram macros of Matching algorithm 907036d9 NSWValAlg: updating copyright 7824abeb NSWValAlg: small fix in header 415ca0a8 Small fixes, adding stds to NSWValAlg
- Jan 25, 2019
Vakhtang Tsulaia authored
All units migrated except GeoModelKernelUnits::gram/g, which is different from Gaudi::Units::gram/g
- Jan 24, 2019
Delete obsolete sTgcDigitInfo class from the sTGC_Digitization package See merge request atlas/athena!20417
Fixing the strip identifier in the MM RDO See merge request atlas/athena!20527 (cherry picked from commit 2ab00e52) 4cdff5d3 Fixing the strip identifier in the MM RDO
- Jan 23, 2019
Adding local and global position to RDOs in NSW Val Alg See merge request atlas/athena!20480 (cherry picked from commit 0f8aaf02) 14641d10 Adding local and global position to RDOs in NSW Val Alg
- Jan 22, 2019
Ian Allan Connelly authored
- Jan 21, 2019
Ian Allan Connelly authored
adding a new ctest and moving issues relating to the cache creator into the new test which we can use to verify that things don't change with old or new setups
- Jan 18, 2019
Ian Allan Connelly authored
Ian Allan Connelly authored
Adam Edward Barton authored
- Jan 15, 2019
Ian Allan Connelly authored
- Jan 13, 2019
scott snyder authored
Fix reference file comparison mismatch in master.
- Jan 11, 2019
Ian Allan Connelly authored
- Jan 10, 2019
Tomoe Kishimoto authored
- Jan 09, 2019
John Chapman authored
By creating a dummy `HepMcParticleLink` ahead of creating the `Athena::LeakCheck` we can avoid leak warnings from the static variable created by the class. The same approach is used to mask a similar feature in the DVL Info. This all means that we can add back the leak checking to these unit tests. In the longer term we will try to remove the static variables from the `HepMcParticleLink` implementation - see ATLASSIM-3605.
John Chapman authored
By creating a dummy `HepMcParticleLink` ahead of creating the `Athena::LeakCheck` we can avoid leak warnings from the static variable created by the class. The same approach is used to mask a similar feature in the DVL Info. This all means that we can add back the leak checking to these unit tests. In the longer term we will try to remove the static variables from the `HepMcParticleLink` implementation - see ATLASSIM-3605.
Will Leight authored
MdtCalibrationT0ShiftSvc and MdtCalibrationTMaxShiftSvc use the updated version of MuonMDT_Cabling->getCabling() that returns a pointer rather than a DataHandle.
- Jan 08, 2019
Adam Edward Barton authored
Adam Edward Barton authored
John Chapman authored
This commit adds code to write rather than just read the persistent formats which use `HepMcParticleLink_p2` to the relevant TP converters. It also adds unit tests for these TP converters. These are the remaining changes from `MuonEventTPCnv-01-10-02-01`. It pulls in changes from `MuonEventAthenaPool-00-32-02-01` to write the new persistent formats by default. These changes are part of the `HepMcParticleLink` migration. See ATLASSIM-2430. It also updates all Muon SDO TP Converter unit tests to use valid `HepMcParticleLinks`.
John Chapman authored
This commit adds code to write rather than just read the persistent formats which use `HepMcParticleLink_p2` to the relevant TP converters. It also adds unit tests for these TP converters. These are the remaining changes from `MuonSimEvent-00-02-02-01`. It pulls in changes from `MuonSimEventAthenaPool-00-02-01-01` to write the new persistent formats by default. See ATLASSIM-2430. The backward-compatibility updates for the older `HepMcParticleLink_p1`-based TP converters to allow them to work properly with the new transient formats. (Change from @arnaez cherry picked from commit d3b8b24edb17ddb96f26a8feed92278d76fca9b9) Update all MuonSimEventTPCnv unit tests to use valid HepMcParticleLinks
Add Muon ART Tests for Standalone Setup and NSW See merge request atlas/athena!20075 (cherry picked from commit c993561d) 41f20750 Add Muon ART Tests for Standalone Setup and NSW
Adding MM and STGC clusterization packages for the NSW, with interfaces and example tools See merge request atlas/athena!20024 (cherry picked from commit 56e7fa91) da396681 Adding MM and STGC clusterization packages for the NSW, with interfaces and example tools
- Jan 07, 2019
Tomoe Kishimoto authored
Tomoe Kishimoto authored
Ian Allan Connelly authored
Some bug fixes to the CSC ROD decoder which was not included correctly when building. Small local update to the test config and adding cache creator for all tools. This can be removed before merge
scott snyder authored
Will Leight authored
Please see https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athenaprivate1/merge_requests/12101 for details.
- Jan 06, 2019
Tomoe Kishimoto authored
TrigT1TGC retrive the trigger coincidence map from the condition db. Condition algorithm (TGCTriggerDbAlg) and condition object (TGCTriggerData) have been added to manage the condition data in AthenaMT. TrigT1TGC has beed modified to use the new TGCTriggerDbAlg and TGCTriggerData. RunTier0Tests.py passed.
scott snyder authored
Deprecating use of non-bound DataHandle, especially non-const.
- Jan 04, 2019
scott snyder authored
clang warnings: missing override keywords.