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Simpler mastersnippet parsing

Seth Cooper requested to merge SimplerXMLParsing into integration

Created by: kakwok

Supersade #211, will include also #285 (closed). Almost ready to go. List of testings done and ToDO here:

Checked items:

  1. Port snippet script works: (Need to add schema to mastersnippet node, update old tag names)
  2. Feature: Parse commonMS before main MS
  3. Feature: Main MS over-rides commonMS item
  4. Parsed new parameter
  5. Fail gracefully when unknown parameter is found

To-Do: 2. LV2 parses MS and commonMS 3. Save MS and commonMS as FM parameter 4. Protect FM parameters 5. Test VectorT/MapT parameter 6. Suppress TCDS printing statement 7. Update portScript to remove NumberOfEvent from Mastersnippet 8. Check the default overwrite feature. 9. Make sure FedEnableMask is ignored in global

Merge request reports