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Central EasyjetHub updates:
- moving to 25.2.6
- use double for SumOfWeight computations
- updated grid submission tag
- sample metadata stored in TH1
- updated JetDecoratorAlg to store b-jet pT truth information
- upstream EventInfo global decorations

bbyy updates: 
- categorisation BDT with MVAUtils
- improved support for non-zero nominal MC weight index
- SH grid submission scripts + dataset updates

lltautau updates:
- improved Haa reconstruction

bbll updates:
- updated trigger matching
- resonant bbll config

ttHH updates:
- extra lepton WP
- trigger updates
- clean up jet pair variables
- dataset updates

bbtautau updates:
- updated datasets
- fix cutflow for MC
- reduced Run 3 DTT thresholds
- fix year in antiTau decoration
- reduced STT subleading tau thresholds