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Implementation of layered LCG software stacks

Merged Pere Mato Vila requested to merge SPI-1401 into master
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@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ def lcgcmake_configure(args) :
version = args.version or config.get('VERSION', get_default_version())
prefix = args.prefix or config.get('PREFIX', '/opt/lcg')
lcg_prefix = args.lcg_prefix or config.get('LCG_PREFIX', None)
toolchain = args.toolchain or config.get('TOOLCHAIN', None)
options = args.options or config.get('OPTIONS', [])
pyversion = args.pyversion or config.get('PYVERSION',str(sys.version_info[0]))
target_platform = args.target_platform or config.get('BINARY_TAG', None)
@@ -192,6 +193,9 @@ def lcgcmake_configure(args) :
c_options += ['-DBINARY_TAG=' + target_platform]
c_options += ['-DLCG_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=' + args.toolchain]
c_options += ['-DLCG_INSTALL_PREFIX=' + lcg_prefix]
@@ -227,6 +231,7 @@ def lcgcmake_configure(args) :
config['OPTIONS'] = options
config['PYVERSION'] = pyversion
config['LCG_PREFIX'] = lcg_prefix
config['TOOLCHAIN'] = toolchain
if not os.path.exists(rcPATH) : os.mkdir(rcPATH)
json.dump(config, open(os.path.join(rcPATH,'config.json'),'w'), sort_keys=True, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '))
@@ -618,6 +623,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
p_c.add_argument('-g', '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', help='Install the debug versions of packages')
p_c.add_argument('-t', '--target_platform', dest='target_platform', help='Force a plaform string (e.g. x86_64-centos7-gcc7-opt)', default=None)
p_c.add_argument('--lcg-prefix', dest='lcg_prefix', help='Location(s) of existing LCG releases. Used for incremental builds (: separated)')
p_c.add_argument('--toolchain', dest='toolchain', help='Set an LCG toolchain file. It takes priority to the composed file using the stack version', default=None)
p_c.add_argument('--no-binary', dest='binary', action='store_false', help='Force not using binary installations if they exists')
p_c.add_argument('--with-tarfiles', dest='withtarfiles', action='store_true', help='Produce the binary tarfiles while building the packages')
p_c.add_argument('--with-rpms', dest='withrpms', action='store_true', help='Produce the rpms while building the packages')