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Central updates:
- AthAnalysis release 25.2.28
- Added GN2XTaggingDecorator
- Remove deprecated VR jets
- Add selection for large-R jet
- Avoid crash when btag_wp is empty
- Setup configuration to write one output file per channel
- Adjust small_R_jets output config
- Update with sparse checkout instructions
- Add flag for configurable JER/JER reduction scheme
- Add flag for configurable egamma scale uncertainties

- Fix bbtt getDiBJetTriggers
- record lepton truth information
- Fill values for b-jets, jets, and tau_had

- Change tau id wp from loose to medium
- Add bbtt event trigger SF
- Add isLeptonX
- bbtt leading/sub-leading Tau flags for systematics checking
- Merge separate 1B/2B bbtt channels
- fixed tau_EleRNN_WP
- Fix TauSelectorAlg to use full tight tau selection

- Remove DLT/ASLT from VBSHiggs Trigger Code
- Enable IFF outputs + VBS truth info for k2V signals + remove ttbar all had

- Enable local lumicalc used temporarily in 4b
- Add preselection for 4b
- Update 4b Baseline Vars Boosted Alg
- Update resolved hh4b dataset lists for 2022/23
- Add BDT for jet pairing in resolved HH4b

- SHbbyy: adding datasets for the full mass grid
- remove double photon origin correction
- Update yy hf sample name

- add MC20 ssWW polarization samples