release/22.0.809a17b9de · ·
This is the latest build of Athena 22.0, requested by Trigger as a candidate for the next release to be deployed at P1 (https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATR-26031).
Tagging AnalysisBase 22.2.84
Tagging AnalysisBase 21.2.223
This is the latest build of Athena 22.0, requested by Trigger as a candidate for the next release to be deployed at P1 (https://its.cern.ch/jira/browse/ATR-26031).
AthDerivation release for the SUSY group, all formats working.
added missing event and channel number in the xAOD::EventInfo
Tagging AnalysisBase 22.2.83
This is a candidate for the next release to be deployed at P1.
Tagging AnalysisBase 22.2.82
Tagging AnalysisBase 21.2.222
AthDerivation release for the RPVLL group, all formats working.
Release for initial MC21a derivations production.
for first 2022 period D runs at Tier0