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Quality of life improvements for plots

Steffen Korn requested to merge Quality_Of_Life_Improvements into master

This MR adds several options to improve the creation of control plots.

  • PlotFormat allows to define the file extensions used when creating plots (e.g. "pdf", "png", etc.)
  • StackPlotScale allows to set the y-Scale of stack plots to either "Log" or "Linear" (Default)
  • SeparationPlotScale allows to set the y-Scale of (1D) separation plots to either "Log" or "Linear" (Default)
  • ConfusionPlotScale allows to set the z-Scale of (binary) confusion plots to either "Log" or "Linear" (Default)
  • KSPlotScale allows to set the y-Scale of Train-versus-Test (KS) plots to either "Log" or "Linear" (Default)

Merge request reports
